LRRMM ;CIOFO-DALLAS/JMC/SED -Lab Reports via Network Mail ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**164**;Apr 09, 1993 LAB ;Requires Lab 5.0 and Mailman 7.0 (Spooling to XMBS GlobaL) ;Enter with LRRLROC=Interim Report Location (File 44 Abbreviation) ; LRRVDT=Date to produce reports for (i.e. "T-1" would ; produce reports for work verified yesterday) ; LRRDEV=Name of the spool Device. ; Default is "SPOOL80" if not defined. ; LRRSITE=Name Of Referring Lab (Should be domain file ; entry i.e "MILWAUKEE.VA.GOV") ; LRRNORP=1 If "NEGATIVE" Mail Messages are -NOT- Required. ; S U="^" S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=600 S:'$D(LRRNORP) LRRNORP=0 S X=$S($D(LRRVDT):LRRVDT,1:"T-1"),%DT="" D ^%DT Q:Y<1 S LRRVDT=Y D DD^LRX S LRRDATE=Y D ^LRPARAM I '$D(^LRO(69,LRRVDT,1,"AN",LRRLROC))&(LRRNORP) Q S:$G(LRRDEV)="" LRRDEV="SPOOL80" D NOW^%DTC S LRRNAME="LAB REPORTS "_$P(LRRSITE,".",1)_" "_%,IO("DOC")=LRRNAME,IOP=LRRDEV_";"_IO("DOC") D ^%ZIS S (LRLAB,LREND,LRSTOP,LRFOOT)=0,(LRH,LRONESPC,LRONETST)="",LRCW=8,LRHF=1 U IO I '$D(^LRO(69,LRRVDT,1,"AN",LRRLROC)) W !,"No reports to transmit today." G MAIL S LRDFN=0 F S LRDFN=$O(^LRO(69,LRRVDT,1,"AN",LRRLROC,LRDFN)) Q:LRDFN<1 D .S LROC=LRRLROC D:LRFOOT FOOT^LRRP1 S LRFOOT=0,LRHF=1,LRDPF=$P(^LR(LRDFN,0),U,2),DFN=$P(^(0),U,3) D PT^LRX D ..S LRIDT=0 F S LRIDT=$O(^LRO(69,LRRVDT,1,"AN",LRRLROC,LRDFN,LRIDT)) Q:LRIDT<1 D:$D(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",LRIDT)) CH^LRRP2 D:$D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",LRIDT)) MI^LRRP2 MAIL D:LRFOOT FOOT^LRRP1 W ! D ^%ZISC,KILL^XM S XMDF=1,XMDUZ=DUZ,X="G.LAB REPORT" D WHO^XMA21 S X="G.LAB REPORT@"_LRRSITE D INST^XMA21 S XMSUB=^DD("SITE")_" LAB REPORTS FOR "_$P(LRRSITE,".",1)_" ON "_LRRDATE D TSK^LRRMM Q ; ONELOC ;Entry point to create lab reports for one location. D LAB,KILL Q ; MANYLOC ;Entry point to create lab reports for several sites. ;Enter with LRRLST=List of File #44 Locations (abbreviations) ;Separated by ";" (i.e. LRRLST="XXX;YYY") ;LRRDLST=List of corresponding domain names to send reports ; to (i.e. LRRDLST="AAA.VA.GOV;BBB.VA.GOV") F LRRZZ=1:1 S LRRLROC=$P(LRRLST,";",LRRZZ) Q:LRRLROC="" S LRRSITE=$P(LRRDLST,";",LRRZZ) D LAB D KILL Q ; ALLOC ;Entry point to send lab reports to all locations defined in ;file #64.6 (interim reports) that have a domain name entered. ;This requires a field "domain name" being added to #64.6 at ;subscript ^LAB(64.6,D0,0), this is a pointer to the domain file. S LRRZZ=0 F S LRRZZ=$O(^LAB(64.6,LRRZZ)) Q:'LRRZZ D .S LRRZZ(0)=+$P($G(^LAB(64.6,LRRZZ,0)),U,7) .I LRRZZ(0) S LRRLROC=$P($G(^SC(+$P(^LAB(64.6,LRRZZ,0),"^"),0)),"^",2),LRRSITE=$P($G(^DIC(4.2,LRRZZ(0),0)),"^") I LRRLROC]"",LRRSITE]"" D LAB D KILL Q ; KILL ;Cleanup before leaving. S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" K %,%DT,DFN,LRCW,LRDFN,LRDPF,LREND,LRFOOT,LRH,LRHF,LRIDT,LRLAB,LROC K LRONESPC,LRONETST,LRSTOP,IOP,X,XMDF,Y,ZZ,LRRDATE,LRRDLST K LRRLROC,LRRLST,LRRNAME,LRRNORP,LRRSITE,LRRVDT,LRRZZ,LRRDEV D V^LRU,^LRKILL,KILL^XM Q TSK ;Entry point from taskman to load a spool file into message. ;Enter with XMSUB=header,XMY(SENDEE NAMES)="" ;LRRNAME=name of spool document file to load into message. K DIC S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 S U="^",X=LRRNAME,DIC=3.51,DIC(0)="MZ" D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S DA=+Y,ZISPL0=Y(0),ZISDA=DA K DIC DQMAIL W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Moving it..." S XS=$P(ZISPL0,"^",10),XMY(DUZ)="",XMTEXT="^XMBS(3.519,"_XS_",2," D:XS>0 ^XMD D DSDOC^ZISPL(ZISDA),DSD^ZISPL(XS) W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !," Now a normal mail message.." I $G(XMZ) S XMDUZ=DUZ D NNEW^XMA ;Make message new for recipient. D KILL1 Q ; PRINT ;Entry point from menu option to extract text of message and print it. D HOME^%ZIS K DIC ASK ;Select the mailman basket. S DIC="^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,",DIC(0)="AEMNQ",DIC("A")="Select Mail Basket: " S DIC("B")="IN" W ! D ^DIC G:Y<1 KILL1 S LRRMK=+Y,LRRMKN=$P(Y,"^",2) K ^TMP($J) S (LRRMC,LRRMZ1)=0 F S LRRMZ1=$O(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,LRRMK,1,LRRMZ1)) Q:LRRMZ1<1 D .S J=+^(LRRMZ1,0) .Q:$P($G(^XMB(3.9,J,0)),U,1)'["LAB REPORT" .S LRRMC=LRRMC+1,^TMP($J,"B",LRRMC)=J W " ",$S(LRRMC=0:"No Lab",1:LRRMC)," Message",$S(LRRMC'=1:"s",1:"")," in basket." G:LRRMC=0 ASK LIST ;Select the message. W @IOF,!,"Select from the following:" S (LRRMZ,LRROUT,I)=0 F S I=$O(^TMP($J,"B",I)) Q:'I S LRRMZ=^TMP($J,"B",I) D Q:LRROUT .I $Y>(IOSL-5) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S LRROUT=Y-1 W @IOF Q:LRROUT .S LRRMR=$G(^XMB(3.9,LRRMZ,0)) Q:LRRMR="" S LRRMSUB=$P(LRRMR,U,1) .I LRRMSUB["~U~" F S LRRMSUB=$P(LRRMSUB,"~U~",1)_"^"_$P(LRRMSUB,"~U~",2,99) Q:LRRMSUB'["~U~" .W !,I," Subj: ",LRRMSUB," " .S Y=$P(LRRMR,U,3),X1=+$P($G(^XMB(3.9,LRRMZ,2,0)),"^",4) .I Y'?7N.E W Y .E W $E(Y,4,5),"/",$E(Y,6,7),"/",$E(Y,2,3)," " S Y=$P(Y,".",2)_"0000" W "@ ",$E(Y,1,2),":",$E(Y,3,4) .W " ",X1," Line",$S(X1>1:"s",1:"") Q:LRROUT K DIR S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_LRRMC_":0" S DIR("A")="Select Message to Extract",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?")="Enter the number of the message you want printed" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) ASK S LRRMZ=$G(^TMP($J,"B",Y)) S %IS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP D HOME^%ZIS,KILL1 Q I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTDESC="Extract Text of Mail Message",ZTSAVE("LRRMZ")="",ZTRTN="WRITE^LRRMM" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,"REQUEST ",$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:"NOT "),"QUEUED" K IO("Q"),ZTSK D ^%ZISC G ASK D WRITE,KILL1 G ASK ; WRITE ;Print the text of the message. U IO S LRRCN=.9999 F S LRRCN=$O(^XMB(3.9,LRRMZ,2,LRRCN)) Q:'LRRCN S X=^(LRRCN,0) W:X="|TOP|" @IOF W:X'="|TOP|" X,! W @IOF D ^%ZISC,KILL1 S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q ; KILL1 K ^TMP($J),LRRCN,LRRMC,LRRMK,LRRMKN,LRRMR,LRRMZ,LRRMZ1 K LRRMSUB,LRROUT,%,%IS,DA,DIC,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,I,J K POP,X,X1,XMZ,XS,Y,ZISDA,ZISPL0 Q