LRRPU ;DALOI/JMC - Interim Report Results Utility ; May 10, 2004 0900 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**286**;Sep 27, 1994 ; ; TSTRES(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LRDN,LR60,LRCODE) ; Test results and parameters ; Call with LRDFN = ien of entry in file #63 ; LRSS = subscript in file #63, currently only "CH" supported ; LRIDT = inverse date/time of result ; LRDN = ien of data name in "CH" subscript ; LR60 = pointer to file 60 test related to this dataname (optional) ; LRCODE = 1 - return NLT/LOINC codes (optional) ; ; Returns ; LRY = result^normalcy flag^reference low^reference high^units^performing lab (file #4 ien)^therapeutic normal used (0=no/1=yes)^NLT order code;NLT name!NLT result code;NLT name!LOINC result code;LOINC name^performing user (DUZ)^EII ; N LRFLAG,LRNR,LRX,LRY,X,Y S LRX=$G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LRDN)) S LRY=$P(LRX,"^",1,2),$P(LRY,"^",7)=0 I LRSS="CH",$$GET1^DID(63.04,LRDN,"","TYPE")="SET" D . S X=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(63.04,LRDN,"",$P(LRY,"^")) . I X'="" S $P(LRY,"^")=X ; ; Check for units/ranges stored in file #63 ; If flag (NPC>1) indicates units/ranges are stored but pieces 5-12 ; are null then use values from file #60 - some class III software ; still does not store this info in file #63 when NPC>1. S LRFLAG=0,LRNR=$TR($P(LRX,"^",5),"!","^") I $G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,"NPC"))>1,$P(LRX,"^",5,12)'="" S LRFLAG=1 ; I LRFLAG D . I $P(LRNR,"^",11)="",$P(LRNR,"^",12)="" S $P(LRY,"^",3,4)=$P(LRNR,"^",2,3) . E S $P(LRY,"^",3,4)=$P(LRNR,"^",11,12),$P(LRY,"^",7)=1 . S $P(LRY,"^",5)=$P(LRNR,"^",7) ; ; If no units/ranges (LRFLAG=0) then use file 60 ; values to determine reference ranges ; If no therapeutic normals then return reference normals ; Need to handle age and sex in normals from file #60 I 'LRFLAG D . N AGE,DOB,LR61,LRCDT,LRDPF,LRLO,LRHI,LRTLO,LRTHI,SEX,X . S LRDPF=$P(^LR(LRDFN,0),U,2),DFN=$P(^(0),U,3) . S X=$G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0)),LRCDT=$P(X,"^"),LR61=+$P(X,"^",5) . S X=$$ROOT^DILFD(+LRDPF) . S SEX=$P($G(@(X_+DFN_",0)")),"^",2),DOB=$P($G(@(X_+DFN_",0)")),"^",3) . S AGE=$$CALCAGE(DOB,LRCDT) . I '$G(LR60) S LR60=+$O(^LAB(60,"C","CH;"_LRDN_";1",0)) . S X=$G(^LAB(60,LR60,1,LR61,0)) Q:X="" . S $P(LRY,"^",5)=$P(X,"^",7) . S LRLO=$P(X,U,2),LRHI=$P(X,U,3),LRTLO=$P(X,U,11),LRTHI=$P(X,U,12) . I LRTLO="",LRTHI="" D Q . . I LRLO'="" S @("LRLO="_LRLO) . . I LRHI'="" S @("LRHI="_LRHI) . . S $P(LRY,"^",3)=LRLO,$P(LRY,"^",4)=LRHI . I LRTLO'="" S @("LRTLO="_LRTLO) . I LRTHI'="" S @("LRTHI="_LRTHI) . S $P(LRY,"^",3)=LRTLO,$P(LRY,"^",4)=LRTHI,$P(LRY,"^",7)=1 ; ; Remove leading/trailing quotes from normals. I $P(LRY,"^",3)[$C(34) S $P(LRY,"^",3)=$$TRIM^XLFSTR($P(LRY,"^",3),"LR",$C(34)) I $P(LRY,"^",4)[$C(34) S $P(LRY,"^",4)=$$TRIM^XLFSTR($P(LRY,"^",4),"LR",$C(34)) ; Performing laboratory S $P(LRY,"^",6)=$P(LRX,"^",9) ; ; Return NLT/LOINC codes I $G(LRCODE)=1 D . N LR64 . S X=$P($P(LRX,"^",3),"!",1,3) . F I=1,2 I $P(X,"!",I)'="" D . . S LR64=$O(^LAM("E",$P(X,"!",I),0)),Y="" . . I LR64 S Y=$$GET1^DIQ(64,LR64_",",.01,"I") . . I Y'="",Y["!" S Y=$TR(Y,"!","*") . . S $P(X,"!",I)=$P(X,"!",I)_";"_Y . I $P(X,"!",3)'="" D . . S Y=$$GET1^DIQ(95.3,$P(X,"!",3)_",",.01) . . S Y(0)=$$GET1^DIQ(95.3,$P(X,"!",3)_",",80) . . I Y(0)["!" S Y(0)=$TR(Y(0),"!","*") . . S $P(X,"!",3)=Y_";"_Y(0) . S $P(LRY,"^",8)=X ; ; Performing user S $P(LRY,"^",9)=$P(LRX,"^",4) ; EII - Equipment instance Identifier S $P(LRY,"^",10)=$P(LRX,"^",11) ; Q LRY ; ; CALCAGE(DOB,LRCDT) ; Calculate age based on difference between DOB and collection date. ; ; Call with DOB = patient date of birth ; LRCDT = specimen collection date ; ; Returns AGE = patient's age in years at time of specimen collection ; I $T(DATE^LRDAGE)'="" Q $$DATE^LRDAGE(DOB,LRCDT) ; S AGE=99 I DOB>2000000,LRCDT>2000000,DOB'>LRCDT S X=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(LRCDT,DOB,1),AGE=X\365.25 Q AGE