LRVER5 ;DALOI/CJS/DALOI/FHS - LAB ROUTINE DATA VERIFICATION ;2/7/91 12:04 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**42,153,283,286**;Sep 27, 1994 ; I $G(LRNDISP) D . S LRNX=0 . N LRX F S LRNX=$O(LRORD(LRNX)) Q:LRNX<1 S LRX(LRORD(LRNX))="" . S LRX=0 F S LRX=$O(LRSB(LRX)) Q:LRX<1 K:'$D(LRX(LRX)) LRSB(LRX),LRSA(LRX) ; ; Check for amended results that have arrived via an HL7 interface. ; Only allow amended results to be verified during this session. I $D(^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID)) D . S LRNX=0 . F S LRNX=$O(LRORD(LRNX)) Q:'LRNX I '$D(^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID,LRORD(LRNX))) K LRORD(LRNX) . S LRNX=0 . F S LRNX=$O(LRSB(LRNX)) Q:'LRNX I '$D(^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID,LRNX)) K LRSB(LRNX),LRSA(LRNX) ; S LRNX=0,LRVRM=12 ; V40 S LRNX=$O(LRORD(LRNX)) G V44:LRNX<1 D LRSUBS ; ; Check if changing performing lab. I $P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^",9),'$$PLOK^LRVERA($P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",9),$G(LRDUZ(2)),DUZ(2),LRTS) G V40 ; D V25 ; V42 ; ; S (LRDL,SX,X)=$P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),U),LRDVF=0,LREDIT=0 S:X=""&(LRDV'="") X=LRDV,LRDVF=1 ; default value S LRTEST=$P(^LAB(60,LRTS,0),U) K LRNOVER(LRSB) ; Q42 ; ; ; Check for amended results that have arrived via an HL7 interface. I $D(^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID,LRSB)) D G:SX'=X!($G(LRAMEND(LRSB))) V45 . W !,LRTEST," " W:X'="" @LRFP . D AMEND Q:$G(LRAMEND(LRSB)) . I SX=X W !,LRTEST," " W:X'="" @LRFP ; ; If entering results from a reference lab and not using normal/units ; from file #60 then ask user for these values otherwise display ; current file #60 values. I $G(LRDUZ(2)),LRDUZ(2)'=DUZ(2) D . I $G(^LAB(60,+LRTS,1,+$G(LRSPEC),.1)) D Q . . D V25 . . W !!,"Current Ref Range: ",LRNG2,"-",LRNG3," Units: ",$P(LRNG,"^",7) . . I LRNG4="",LRNG5="" Q . . W !," Critical Low: ",LRNG4," Critical High: ",LRNG5 . N LRX,LRY . D ASKPLNR,NORM . S LRX=$P(LRNGS,"^",2,5),LRX=$TR(LRX,"^","!") . S LRY=$P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^",5),$P(LRY,"!",2,5)=LRX . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",5)=LRY ; W !,LRTEST," " W:X'="" @LRFP R "//",X:DTIME I X'?.ANP W $C(7)," No Control Characters allowed." G V42 S:$L($G(SX))&(X="") X=SX,LRDVF=1 S LRDL=X I X=""&LRDVF S (LRD,X)=LRDV G V45 Q43 G V40:X="",V45:X'["^",V44:X="^",LROUT:X="^^" ; V43 S X=$P(X,U,2),DIC="^LAB(60,",DIC(0)="EOQZ" D ^DIC G:Y<1 Q42 S LRPLOC=$P(Y(0),U,5),LRSSQ=$P(LRPLOC,";",1),LRSB=$P(LRPLOC,";",2),LRTS=+Y I LRSSQ="" W !,"Not in this group" G LROUT I LRSS'=LRSSQ!'$D(^TMP("LR",$J,"TMP",LRSB)) W !,"Not in this group" G LROUT S LRNX=0 F S LRNX=$O(LRORD(LRNX)) Q:LRNX<1 Q:LRSB=LRORD(LRNX) I LRNX,LRSB=LRORD(LRNX) D LRSUBS,V25 G V42 ; V44 K SX D COM^LRVER4 S LRNUF=1 S:LRVF LRSA=1 Q ; V45 ; K LRSKIP I X="@" D G V46 . K:'$G(LRVF) ^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LRSB) . S X=$S($G(LRVF)&($D(LRSB(LRSB)))&('$D(LRM(LRSB))):"comment",$D(LRM(LRSB)):"pending",$D(LRSA(LRSB)):"canc",1:"") . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),"^")=X,$P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",2)="" ; S LRXD=U_$P(^LAB(60,LRTS,0),U,12),LRXDP=LRXD_"0)",LRXDP=@LRXDP X:'(X="*"!($E(X)="?")!(X="C")!(X="#")!(X="canc")!(X="pending")) $P(LRXDP,U,5,99) I '$D(X)#2 D HELP G V42 I $D(X)#2,X["?" D HELP G:'($P(LRXDP,U,2)["S") V42 I $D(X)#2,$P(LRXDP,U,2)["S",X'="*",X'="#",X'="canc",X'="pending" D LRSET G:'$D(X)#2 V42 I $D(X)#2,X="C",$P(LRXDP,U,2)'["S" D COMP G V42 ; V46 ; G V42:'$D(X)#2 I LRVF,$D(LRSB(LRSB)),$D(LRSA(LRSB)) S LRSA(LRSB,1)=LRTEST S X1=$S($D(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,+LRLDT,LRSB)):$P(^(LRSB),U),1:"") S:X="*" X="canc" S:X="#" X="comment" ; I '$G(LRAMEND(LRSB)) S LRFLG="" S Y=0 X:LRDEL'="" LRDEL I '$G(LRAMEND(LRSB)) D RANGE^LRVER4 ; S:$P(X,U)="" $P(LRSB(LRSB),U)="" I $P(X,U)'="" D . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U)=X,$P(LRSB(LRSB),U,2)=LRFLG . S LRX=$$TMPSB^LRVER1(LRSB),LRY=$P(LRSB(LRSB),U,3) . F I=1:1:$L(LRX,"!") I $P(LRY,"!",I)="" S $P(LRY,"!",I)=$P(LRX,"!",I) . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,3)=LRY . I $P($P(LRSB(LRSB),U,3),"!")="" D RONLT^LRVER3 . D . . I '$D(LRSA(LRSB))#2 D Q . . . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,4)=$S($G(LRDUZ):LRDUZ,1:$G(DUZ)) . . . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,9)=$S($G(LRDUZ(2)):LRDUZ(2),1:$G(DUZ(2))) . . S:'$P(LRSB(LRSB),U,4) $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,4)=$S($G(LRDUZ):LRDUZ,1:$G(DUZ)) . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,5)=$TR(LRNGS,U,"!") . S $P(LRSB(LRSB),U,9)=$S($G(LRDUZ(2)):LRDUZ(2),1:$G(DUZ(2))) G:$D(LRNUF) V44 K LRNUF G V40:'$D(LRSKIP) S X=LRSKIP G Q43:X["^",V40 ; ; RANGE ; S $P(LRSB(LRSB),"^")=X ; If previous results from another laboratory then use normals and units ; associated with those results. D . I $G(LRDUZ(2)),DUZ(2)'=LRDUZ(2) D PLNR^LRVR4 Q . I $P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",9),DUZ(2)'=$P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",9) D PLNR^LRVR4 D RANGE^LRVER4 Q ; ; LRSUBS ; From LRVR5 S LRSB=LRORD(LRNX),LRTS=$S($D(^TMP("LR",$J,"TMP",LRSB))#2:^(LRSB),1:0) Q ; ; LRSET ; from above and LRVR5 ; N I,LRERR,RESULT D CHK^DIE(63.04,LRSB,"EH",X,.RESULT,"LRERR") ; I RESULT'="^" S X=RESULT W " ",RESULT(0) ; I RESULT="^" D . F I=1:1:LRERR("DIHELP") W !,LRERR("DIHELP",I) . K X ; Q ; ; COMP ; from LRVR5 S X="^%ET",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") R !,"Enter your computation: ",C:DTIME Q:"^"[C G CH:C="?"!(C["""") S C=$P(C," ",1) S X="TRAP^LRVER5",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") D ^DIM S X="W "_C I '$D(X)#2 W !,"Something's wrong with the syntax." G CH F I=1:1:$L(C) I $E(C,I)?1A S I=.9 Q G CH:I=.9,CH:C["/0",CH:C["\0" W !," equals ",@C G COMP TRAP ; W !!,"Error in your mathematical formular ",! CH W !,"Enter for example: 5*2/4+1 and 3.5 will be returned [i.e. ((5*2)/4)+1=3.5]" G COMP ; ; V25 ; From LRVER4 N LRTX,LRX S (LRDV,LRNG,LRDEL,LRNGS)="" I '$D(^LAB(60,+LRTS,0))#2 Q S LRX=+$P($P(^LAB(60,+LRTS,0),U,5),";",2) S LRTX=$S($L($P(^LAB(60,+LRTS,0),U,5)):$O(^LAB(60,"C",$P(^LAB(60,+LRTS,0),U,5),0)),1:+LRTS) S LRFP=$P(^LAB(60,LRTX,.1),U,3) I LRFP="" S LRFP="$J(X,8)" ; ; Normal ranges, units, delta checks and default value I $D(^LAB(60,LRTX,1,+$G(LRSPEC),0)) D . S LRNG=^LAB(60,LRTX,1,+$G(LRSPEC),0) . S LRDEL=$G(^LAB(62.1,+$P(LRNG,U,8),1)) . S LRDEL(1)=$G(^LAB(62.1,+$P(LRNG,U,8),2),"Q") . S X2=$P(LRNG,U,9) . S LRDV=$S('$D(LRSB(LRX)):$P(LRNG,U,10),1:"") ; ; When entering results from a reference lab check if flag to use normals/units from file 60. I $G(LRDUZ(2)),LRDUZ(2)'=DUZ(2),'$G(^LAB(60,LRTX,1,+$G(LRSPEC),.1)) D PLNR^LRVR4 ; NORM ; I $G(SEX)="" S SEX="M" I $G(AGE)="" S AGE=99 S LRNGS=LRNG F LRX=2:1:5 D . N LRY . S LRY=$P(LRNG,"^",LRX) . ; enclose in quotes if text or structured numeric . I LRY'="",$E(LRY)?.(1A,1"<",1">") S LRY=$C(34)_LRY_$C(34) . I LRY'="",$E(LRY)'=$C(34),LRY'?.N.1".".N S @("LRY"_"="_LRY) . S $P(LRNG,"^",LRX)=LRY,$P(LRNGS,"^",LRX)=LRY,@("LRNG"_LRX)=LRY Q ; ; LROUT ; K SX S LROUT=1 Q ; ; HELP W !," ??",$C(7) S LRXDH=LRXD_"3)" W:$D(@LRXDH) " ",@LRXDH W !,"Enter * to report ""canc"" for canceled." W !,"Enter # to report ""comment""." W:'($P(LRXDP,U,2)["S") !,"Enter C to enter calculate mode." Q ; ; AMEND ; Process amended results and prompt user N LRANS,LRLL,LRSQ,LRROOT,LRX ; flag to indicate if amended results have been extracted from LAH S LRAMEND=0 ; save current value of X S LRX=X S LRROOT=$Q(^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID,LRSB)) I LRROOT="" Q I $QS(LRROOT,1)'="LA7 AMENDED RESULTS"!($QS(LRROOT,2)'=LRUID)!($QS(LRROOT,3)'=LRSB) Q S LRLL=$QS(LRROOT,4),LRSQ=$QS(LRROOT,5) I $D(^LAH(LRLL,1,LRSQ,LRSB)) D . N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,LRJ,LRY,X,Y . S LRY=^LAH(LRLL,1,LRSQ,LRSB) . S DIR(0)="SOA^0:No;1:Yes;2:Keep but do not process",DIR("B")="Yes" . S DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A",2)="Amended result: "_$P(LRY,"^") . S DIR("A",2)=DIR("A",2)_" flag: "_$S($P(LRY,"^",2)'="":$P(LRY,"^",2),1:"None") . S DIR("A",2)=DIR("A",2)_" units: "_$P($P(LRY,"^",5),"!",7) . S DIR("A")="Accept amended results: " . S DIR("?",1)="Answer with 0-No to not accept amended result and delete.",DIR("?",2)="1-Yes to process amended result.",DIR("?")="or 2-Keep which skips processing but leaves result for future processing." . D ^DIR . I $D(DIRUT) Q . S LRANS=Y . I LRANS=2 Q . I LRANS=1 D . . S LRX=$P(LRY,"^"),LRFLG=$P(LRY,"^",2),LRSB(LRSB)=LRY,LRJ=$P(LRY,"^",5) . . F LRI=1,2,3,4,5,7,11,12 S $P(LRNG,"^",LRI)=$P(LRJ,"!",LRI) . . S LRNGS=LRNG,(LRAMEND,LRAMEND(LRSB))=1 . . D LRSBCOM^LRVR4 ; also process any comments . K ^LAH(LRLL,1,LRSQ,LRSB) . K ^LAH("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",LRUID,LRSB,LRLL,LRSQ) . I +$O(^LAH(LRLL,1,LRSQ,1))<1 D ZAPALL^LRVR3(LRLL,LRSQ) S X=LRX Q ; ; ASKPLNR ; Ask user for performing lab normal ranges and units when entering ; manually and not using values from file #60. N DA,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,LRI,LRJ,LRX,LRY,Y,X,Y ; S LRX=$P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^",5) ; W !!,"For test ",LRTEST S DIR(0)="60.01,6" I $P(LRX,"!",7)'="" S DIR("B")=$P(LRX,"!",7) D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q ; Set units into component 7 of piece 5 S $P(LRX,"!",7)=Y,$P(LRSB(LRSB),"^",5)=LRX ; ; Ask normals - high/low and critical K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y F LRJ=1,2,3,4 D Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) . K DIR . S DIR(0)="60.01,"_LRJ,LRI=LRJ+1 . I $P(LRX,"!",LRI)'="" D . . S DIR("B")=$P(LRX,"!",LRI) . . I $E(DIR("B"))=$C(34) Q . . I DIR("B")'?.N.1".".N S DIR("B")=$C(34)_DIR("B")_$C(34) ; enclose in quotes if text . D ^DIR . I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q . S $P(LRX,"!",LRI)=Y ; ; Ask user for normality in case user does not know high/low/critical. S LRRFLAG(LRSB)=$$RFLAG^LRVERA($P($G(LRSB(LRSB)),"^",2)) ; ; Update normal variable LRNG I $P(LRX,"!")="" S $P(LRX,"!")=LRSPEC F LRI=1,2,3,4,5,7 S $P(LRNG,"^",LRI)=$P(LRX,"!",LRI) ; Q