LEXA1 ; ISA/CJE-Lexicon Look-up (Loud) ; 02/02/2006 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**3,4,6,11,15,38**;Sep 23, 1996 ; CJE; Force quit when user enters '^' at search prompt. ; JPK; Display code attached to a selected term ; EN ; Initialize D:$D(XRTL) T0^%ZOSV K LEX S LEXQ=0 I $D(LEXVDT) I $L($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"VDT",0))) S LEXVDT=^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"VDT",0) I '$D(LEXVDT) I $L($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"VDT",0))) N LEXVDT S LEXVDT=^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"VDT",0) ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; LEXSUB Special variable from version 1.0 specifying the ; vocabulary subset to use during the search. It is ; a three character mnemonic taken from the Subset ; Definition file #757.2. The default is "WRD" ; S:'$L($G(LEXSUB)) LEXSUB="WRD" ; ; LEXAP Special variable from version 1.0 specifying the ; application using the Lexicon. It is a pointer ; value to the Subset Definition file #757.2. ; The default is 1 (Lexicon) ; S:'$L($G(LEXAP))&($L($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"APP",0)))) LEXAP=^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"APP",0) S:'$L($G(LEXAP)) LEXAP=1 ; ; LEXLL Special variable (new) specifying the length of the ; displayable list the user is to select from. Default ; is 5 (display 5 at a time until the entire list has ; been reviewed) ; S:'$L($G(LEXLL)) LEXLL=5 ; ; Check the DIC variables new LEXUR "user response" N LEXDICA,LEXDICB D CHK N LEXUR ; ; Save the value of X if "Ask" is not specified in DIC(0) ; I DIC(0)'["A",$L($G(X)) S LEXSAVE=X K X ; ; Save the prompt ; I $L($G(DIC("A"))) S LEXDICA=DIC("A") ; ; Continue to lookup until the dialog with the application ; ends. If there is nothing to lookup (X="") or an uparrow ; is detected, the Lexicon shuts down killing LEX. ; F D LK Q:'$D(LEX)!($D(LEX("SEL"))) ; G EXIT ;------------------------------------------------------------- LK ; Start Look-up ; X not provided D:'$D(LEXSAVE) ASK ; X provided S:$D(LEXSAVE) X=LEXSAVE K LEXSAVE ; X was null with a default provided S:$D(DIC("B"))&($G(X)="") X=DIC("B") ; Lookup X ;W:$L(X)&(X'["^")&($E(X,1)'=" ") !,"Searching for ",X ; PCH 4 - Do not display X D LOOK^LEXA(X,LEXAP,LEXLL) K DIC("B") ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTFND ; PCH 3 ; ; If X was not found ; ; Write "??" ; ; If the calling application uses Unresolved Narratives ; Prompt to "accept or reject" the narrative ; If no selection is made continue the search ; ; If the calling application does not use Unresolved Narratives ; Display help ; Re-prompt ; Continue search ; I '$D(LEX("LIST")),+($G(LEX))=0,$L(X),X'["^",$E(X,1)'=" " D I '$D(LEX("SEL")) K LEX S LEX=0 Q . K DIC("B"),LEX("SEL") . I +($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"UNR",0)))=0 W " ??" D:$D(LEX("HLP")) DH^LEXA3 W ! Q . I +($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"UNR",0)))=1 W " ??" D EN^LEXA4 W ! ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND ; PCH 3 ; ; If X was found ; ; Begin user selection ; ; Continue to display the list until the dialog with the ; user is terminated. The dialog with the user is ; considered to be terminated if: ; ; the selection list does not exist '$D(LEX("LIST")) ; ; or the user has made a selection $D(LEX("SEL") ; I $D(LEX("LIST")) F Q:+($G(LEX))=0 D SELECT^LEXA2 Q:$D(LEX("SEL")) I '$L($G(LEX)) K LEX Q ;PCH 6 quit if LEX="" I $L($G(LEX)),'$D(LEX("SEL")),$D(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J)) D . D EN^LEXA4 S:'$D(LEX("SEL")) LEX=0 ; PCH 6 rebuild list if no SEL ; Q EXIT ; Kill variables S:$D(XRT0) XRTN=$T(+0) D:$D(XRT0) T1^%ZOSV S:$L($G(LEXDICA)) DIC("A")=LEXDICA S:$L($G(LEXDICB)) DIC("B")=LEXDICB ; Set Y, Y(0,0) Y(1) from LEX("SEL") S:'$D(LEX("SEL","EXP",1)) Y=-1 K Y(1) I $D(LEX("SEL","EXP",1)) S Y=LEX("SEL","EXP",1) D Y1,SSBR S:DIC(0)["Z" Y(0)=^LEX(757.01,+(LEX("SEL","EXP",1)),0),Y(0,0)=$P(^LEX(757.01,+(LEX("SEL","EXP",1)),0),"^",1) K LEX,LEXSUB,LEXAP,LEXLL K ^TMP("LEXSCH",$J),^TMP("LEXFND",$J),^TMP("LEXHIT",$J) Q Y1 ; ICD in Y(1) and CPT in Y(81) N LEXVAS S LEXVAS=0,Y(1)="" F S LEXVAS=$O(LEX("SEL","VAS","B",80,LEXVAS)) Q:+LEXVAS=0!(Y(1)'="") D . S Y(1)=$P($G(LEX("SEL","VAS",LEXVAS)),"^",3) S LEXVAS=0,Y(81)="" F S LEXVAS=$O(LEX("SEL","VAS","B",81,LEXVAS)) Q:+LEXVAS=0!(Y(81)'="") D . S Y(81)=$P($G(LEX("SEL","VAS",LEXVAS)),"^",3) K:Y(1)="" Y(1) K:Y(81)="" Y(81) I $D(Y(1)) D .W !!,">>> Code : " .I $D(IOINHI)&($D(IOINORM)) W IOINHI,Y(1),IOINORM,! Q .W Y(1),! Q ASK ; Get user input N DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT S:$L($G(LEXDICA)) DIC("A")=LEXDICA S DIR("A")=DIC("A") W:'$L($G(X))&('$L($G(LEXDICB))) ! I '$L($G(X)),$L($G(LEXDICB)) S DIR("B")=LEXDICB S DIR("?")=" "_$$SQ^LEXHLP ; PCH 11 S DIR("??")="^D INPHLP^LEXA1" N Y S DIR(0)="FAO^0:245" K X D ^DIR K DIC("B") D:$E(X,1)=" " RSBR W:$E(X,1)'=" " ! ; PCH 4 F Q:$E(X,1)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,$L(X)) W:$D(DTOUT) !,"Try later.",! ; If '^' typed or read timed out, set X="" to force quit. I $D(DTOUT)!(X="^") S X="" S:X[U DUOUT=1 K DIRUT,DIROUT Q INPHLP ; Look-up help PCH 11 N X S X="" S:$L($G(DIR("?"))) X=$G(DIR("?")) S:'$L(X) X=" "_$$SQ^LEXHLP W:$L(X) !!,X,! W !," Best results occur using one to three full or partial words without" W !," a suffix (i.e., ""DIABETES"",""DIAB MELL"",""DIAB MELL INSUL"") or" W !," a classification code (ICD, CPT, HCPCS, etc)" Q CLR K ^TMP("LEXSCH",$J),^TMP("LEXHIT",$J),^TMP("LEXFND",$J) Q CHK ; Check Fileman look-up variables K DIC("DR"),DIC("P"),DIC("V"),DLAYGO,DINUM S:$L($G(X)) LEXSAVE=X S:$L($G(DIC("B"))) LEXDICB=DIC("B") K DIC("B") I $L($G(DIC(0))) D . F Q:DIC(0)'["L" S DIC(0)=$P(DIC(0),"L",1)_$P(DIC(0),"L",2) . F Q:DIC(0)'["I" S DIC(0)=$P(DIC(0),"I",1)_$P(DIC(0),"I",2) S:'$L($G(DIC(0))) DIC(0)="QEAMF" S:'$L($G(DIC)) DIC="^LEX(757.01," S:DIC(0)'["F" DIC(0)=DIC(0)_"F" S:'$L($G(DIC("A"))) DIC("A")="Enter Term/Concept: " S LEXDICA=DIC("A") Q SSBR ; Store data for Space Bar Return ; PCH 3 discontinue saving unresolved narrative Q:'$L($G(DUZ)) Q:+($G(DUZ))=0 Q:'$L($G(DIC)) Q:$G(DIC)'["757.01," Q:$G(DIC(0))'["F" Q:+($G(Y))'>2 Q:$E($G(X),1)=" " S ^DISV(DUZ,DIC)=+($G(Y)) Q RSBR ; Retrieve onSpace Bar Return ; PCH 3 discontinue retrieving unresolved narrative Q:'$L($G(DUZ)) Q:$G(DIC)'="^LEX(757.01," Q:$G(DIC(0))'["F" Q:$E($G(X),1)'=" " S:+($G(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)))>2 X=@(DIC_+($G(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)))_",0)") Q