LEXA4 ;ISA/CJE-Look-up (Loud) Unresolved Narrative ;01-13-00 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**3,6,15**;Sep 23, 1996 ; JPK;Added more explanatory help text for display ; EN ; User input was not found ; PCH 6 first two lines deleted (Narrative/Exact Match) S LEX("UNR")=+($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"UNR",0))) ; PCH 3 - Save number of matches found S LEX=+($G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"NUM",0))) ; PCH 3 - "not found" flag N LEXNF S LEXNF=$S(LEX=0:1,1:0) ; Comment out next 2 lines to allow for unresolved narratives ; after the user enters an up-arrow ("^") ; S LEX("RES")=$G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"RES",0)) ; I LEX("RES")["^" K LEX("RES"),LEX("NAR"),LEX("UNR") Q S LEX("RES")=$G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"RES",0)) I LEX("RES")["^" K LEX("RES"),LEX("NAR"),LEX("UNR") Q ; Quit if: ; User Narrative is NULL LEX("NAR")="" or ; Unresolved not allowed ^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"UNR",0)=0 I $G(LEX("NAR"))=""!($G(LEX("UNR"))=0) D EN^LEXAR("QUIT") Q N LEXN S:'LEXNF LEXN=$$NNS(LEX("NAR")) ; PCH 3 - Prompt for user when matches were found S:LEXNF LEXN=$$NNF(LEX("NAR")) ; PCH 3 - Prompt for user when no matches were found I LEXN["^" D EN^LEXAR(LEXN) Q I +LEXN=1,LEX("UNR")=1 D Q . ; Unresolved pointer when "not found" ; PCH 3 - added . I LEXNF,$L($G(LEX("NAR"))),$L($G(DIC)),$L($G(DUZ)) D Q . . S:+LEXN>0&($G(DIC(0))["F") ^DISV(DUZ,DIC)=LEXN_"^"_LEX("NAR") . . S:DIC(0)["Z" Y(0)=$G(^LEX(757.01,1,0)),Y(0,0)=$P($G(^LEX(757.01,1,0)),"^",1) . . K:'$L($G(Y(0,0))) Y(0,0) . . D SET^LEXAR4(1) . ; Unresolved pointer when not an exact match . I $L($G(LEX("NAR"))),'$L($G(LEX("EXM"))),$L($G(DIC)),$L($G(DUZ)) D . . S:+LEXN>0&($G(DIC(0))["F") ^DISV(DUZ,DIC)=LEXN_"^"_LEX("NAR") . . S:DIC(0)["Z" Y(0)=$G(^LEX(757.01,1,0)),Y(0,0)=$P($G(^LEX(757.01,1,0)),"^",1) . . K:'$L($G(Y(0,0))) Y(0,0) . . D EN^LEXAR(LEX("NAR")),SET^LEXAR4(1) . ; Resolved the pointer if an exact match is found . I $L($G(LEX("NAR"))),$L($G(LEX("EXM"))),$L($G(DIC)),$L($G(DUZ)) D . . S:+($G(LEX("EXM")))>2&($G(DIC(0))["F") ^DISV(DUZ,DIC)=+($G(LEX("EXM"))) . . S:DIC(0)["Z" Y(0)=$G(^LEX(757.01,+(LEX("EXM")),0)),Y(0,0)=$P($G(^LEX(757.01,+(LEX("EXM")),0)),"^",1) . . K:'$L($G(Y(0,0))) Y(0,0) . . D EN^LEXAR(+($G(LEX("EXM")))),SET^LEXAR4(+($G(LEX("EXM")))) Q NNS(X) ; Narrative not selected (LEX>0) W ! N LEXNARR,LEXANY,LEXPMT1,LEXPMT2,%,%Y S LEXANY="",LEXNARR=X D NNSA Q X NNSA ; Use Narrative (anyway) I +($G(LEX("EXM")))=0 D . S LEXPMT1=">>> You have not selected a term from the Lexicon" . S LEXPMT2=$S($L(LEXANY):">>> ",1:" ")_"Use "_LEXNARR_LEXANY I +($G(LEX("EXM")))>0 D . S LEXPMT1=">>> Exact match found" . S LEXPMT2=$S($L(LEXANY):">>> ",1:" ")_"Use "_LEXNARR W:$L(LEXPMT1)&('$L(LEXANY)) !,LEXPMT1 W:$L(LEXANY) ! W:$L(LEXPMT2) !,LEXPMT2 S %=$S(+($G(LEX("EXM")))>2:1,1:2) D YN^DICN S:%Y["^" X="^" S:%Y["^^" X="^^" Q:X["^" I %=-1 S X=0 Q I '%,+($G(LEX("EXM")))>0 D G NNSA . W !!,"An exact match was found in the Lexicon. By answering" . W !,"""Yes"" you will be selecting the exact match found in" . W !,"Lexicon.",! I '%,+($G(LEX("EXM")))'>0 D G NNSA . W !!,"A suitable term was not found in the Lexicon. By answering" . W !,"""Yes"" you will be keeping your exact text as typed rather than" . W !,"a term from the Lexicon" . S LEXANY=" anyway" I %=1 S X=% Q S X=0 Q NNF(X) ; Narrative was not found ; PCH 3 - added W ! N LEXNARR,LEXANY,LEXPMT1,LEXPMT2,LEXPMT3,LEXPMT4,LEXPMT5,%,%Y S LEXANY="",LEXNARR=X D NNFA Q X NNFA ; Use Narrative (anyway) ; PCH 3 - added N LEXC,LEXF,LEXV S LEXC=1,LEXF=$G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"FIL",0)),LEXV=$G(^TMP("LEXSCH",$J,"VOC",0)) S LEXPMT1=">>> A suitable term was not found based on user input" S:LEXF="I 1" LEXF="" S:$L(LEXF)!(LEXV'="WRD") LEXPMT1=LEXPMT1_" and current defaults" S LEXPMT1=LEXPMT1_"." S LEXPMT2="NOTE : "_$S($L($G(LEXNARR)):"'"_LEXNARR_"' m",1:"You m") S LEXPMT2=LEXPMT2_"ay have found too many matches." S LEXPMT3=" You can refine your search by entering more descriptive text" S LEXPMT4=" (Eg. 'DISEASE' instead of 'DIS') ..." S LEXPMT5=$S($L(LEXANY):">>> ",1:" ")_"Use "_LEXNARR_LEXANY W:$L(LEXPMT1)&('$L(LEXANY)) !,LEXPMT1 ; W:$L(LEXANY) ! W !!,LEXPMT2,!,LEXPMT3,!,LEXPMT4 W:$L(LEXPMT5) !!!,LEXPMT5 S %=$S(+($G(LEX("EXM")))>2:1,1:2) D YN^DICN S:%Y["^" X="^" S:%Y["^^" X="^^" Q:X["^" I %=-1 S X=0 Q I '% D G NNFA . W !!,"A suitable term was not found in the Lexicon. By answering" . W !,"""Yes"" you will be keeping the exact text as typed rather than" . W !,"a term from the Lexicon.",! . S LEXANY=" anyway" I %=1 S X=% Q S X=0 Q