LEXDCCC ; ISL Default Display - Create ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996;Build 1 ; ; Entry: S X=$$EN^LEXDCCC ; ; Function returns a two piece string ; ; $P 1 String of classifications coding ; system mnemonics, i.e., "ICD/CPT", ; and a legitimate value for LEXSHOW. ; This will be null if input is "^" ; ; $P 2 Name of display string selected i.e., ; "ICD/CPT only" This will be null only ; when user input is "^^" ; ; LEXA Answer to prompt (Yes 1 No 0) ; LEXC Counter ; LEXI Incremental Counter ; LEXS Source, i.e., ICD94, NAN90, CPT89 ; LEXSO Source abbreviation, i.e., ICD, CPT, DSM ; LEXR Internal Entry (Record) Number in #757.31 ; ; LEXFIL Flag, indicates that the ; classification codes selected are ; for building a filter - DIC("S") ; T S X=$$EN W !!,X Q EN(LEXX) ; Entry point S X=$$EN^LEXDCCC BUILD ; Build the list to select from K ^TMP("LEXX",$J) W @IOF W:$D(LEXFIL) !,"Include terms linked to the following classification systems:",!! W:'$D(LEXFIL) !,"Display codes belonging to the following classification systems:",!! N LEXA,LEXC,LEXI,LEXSO,LEXR,LEXS S LEXS="" F S LEXS=$O(^LEX(757.03,"B",LEXS)) Q:LEXS="" D . Q:'$D(^LEX(757.02,"ASRC",$E(LEXS,1,3))) . S LEXSO=$E(LEXS,1,3) I LEXSO="UND" Q . S LEXR=$O(^LEX(757.03,"B",LEXS,0)) . S LEXC=$S($D(^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO)):LEXC+1,1:1) . S ^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO,0)=LEXC . S ^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO,LEXC)=$P(^LEX(757.03,LEXR,0),U,2,299) LIST ; Display the list to select from S (LEXX,LEXA,LEXSO)="" F S LEXSO=$O(^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO)) Q:LEXSO=""!(LEXA[U) D . W !,LEXSO F LEXI=1:1:^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO,0) D . . W ?5,$P(^TMP("LEXX",$J,LEXSO,LEXI),U,2),! ANS . ; Ask for user selection . W:'$D(LEXFIL) "Display these codes during look-up" . W:$D(LEXFIL) "Include terms linked to these codes during look-up" . S %=2 D YN^DICN S LEXA=%Y I %=2 W ! Q . I '%,'$D(LEXFIL) W !,"The codes from the selected coding systems may be displayed with the term.",! G ANS . I '%,$D(LEXFIL) W !,"Searches will display terms linked to the selected coding systems",! G ANS . I +($G(%))<0 S:%Y["^" LEXA="^" S:%Y["^^" LEXA="^^" W ! Q . S LEXX=LEXX_"/"_LEXSO W ! Q I $E(LEXX,1)="/" S LEXX=$E(LEXX,2,$L(LEXX)) S:$D(LEXFIL) LEXX=LEXX_"^" I '$D(LEXFIL) D . N LEXNAM S LEXNAM="" . S:$P(LEXX,U,1)'="" LEXNAM=$$NAME^LEXDM3 . S LEXX=LEXX_"^"_$S($L(LEXX):LEXNAM,1:"No display selected") S:LEXA["^^" LEXX="^^" K ^TMP("LEXX",$J),%,LEXA,LEXC,LEXI,LEXSO,LEXS,LEXR Q LEXX