LEXDDTV ; ISL Display Defaults - Vocabulary ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996;Build 1 ; SUB ; Select between Logical and Physical Subsets ; Required LEXSUB Optional LEXDICS N LEXTCTR,LEXTD,LEXTI,LEXTIC,LEXTL,LEXTN,LEXTSTR,LEXT,LEXTV K LEX S:'$L($G(LEXSUB)) LEX="WRD" S:$L($G(LEXSUB)) LEX=LEXSUB S:'$D(LEXSTLN) LEXSTLN=56 S LEXTI=0,(LEXTIC,LEXTN,LEXTV,LEXTD)="" D INT K:LEXSTLN=56 LEXSTLN Q INT ; Interpret string ; LEXSUB is an Application Subset "AB" I $D(^LEXT(757.2,"AB",LEX)) D . S LEXTIC=$O(^LEXT(757.2,"AB",LEX,0)) . S LEXTN=$P($G(^LEXT(757.2,+LEXTIC,0)),"^",1) . I +LEXTIC'=1 S LEXTN=LEXTN_" Subset" ; LEXSUB is a Compiled Subset "AA" I $D(^LEXT(757.2,"AA",LEX)) D . S LEXTIC=$O(^LEXT(757.2,"AA",LEX,0)) . S LEXTN=$P($G(^LEXT(757.2,+LEXTIC,0)),"^",1) . I +LEXTIC'=1 S LEXTN=LEXTN_" Subset" ; View of a Subset - DIC("S") with LEXSUB I $L($G(LEXDICS)) D . S LEXTD="" . F S LEXTD=$O(^LEXT(757.2,"AB",LEXTD)) Q:LEXTD=""!(LEXTV'="") D . . S LEXTL=$O(^LEXT(757.2,"AB",LEXTD,0)) Q:+LEXTL'>0 . . I $G(^LEXT(757.2,+LEXTL,6))=LEXDICS D . . . S LEXTV=$P($G(^LEXT(757.2,+LEXTL,0)),"^",1) ; Build temporary phrase I LEXTV'="",LEXTN'="" S LEX("V",1)=LEXTV_" view of the "_LEXTN I LEXTV="",LEXTN'="" K LEX("V") ; Process phrase I $D(LEX("V",1)) D . S LEX("V",0)=1,LEXT="V",LEXTCTR=0,LEXTSTR="" . D CONCAT^LEXDDT2 K LEX("V") . I $E(LEXTSTR,$L(LEXTSTR))?1P S LEXTSTR=$E(LEXTSTR,1,($L(LEXTSTR)-1)) . I $E(LEXTSTR,$L(LEXTSTR))?1P S LEXTSTR=$E(LEXTSTR,1,($L(LEXTSTR)-1)) . D EOC^LEXDDT2 Q