LEXDFSE ; ISL Default Filter - Exclude Semantics ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Called from LEXDFSI (set the EXCLUDE string) ; ; LEXC Counter ; LEXCCOK Semantic Class OK (Y/N) ; LEXCCR Semantic Class Pointer in # 757.11 ; LEXCLS Semantic Class ; LEXCMN Semantic Class Mnemonic ; LEXCT Semantic Type Mnemonic (IEN) ; LEXCTN Semantic Type Counter ; LEXCTOK Semantic Type OK (Y/N) ; LEXCTR Semantic Type Pointer in # 757.12 ; LEXF Flag for user input ; LEXI Incremental counter ; LEXLST Array (list) of examples ; LEXMC Pointer to Major Concept in # 757 ; LEXS Semantic Type Sources from #757.03 ; LEXSPL Sample Term of a Semantic Type ; LEXX String returned to LEXDSTI ; EN(LEXCCR) ; Exclude types N LEXF S LEXF=1 D TYPES(LEXCCR) Q TYPES(LEXCCR) ; Semantic Types N LEXCTOK,LEXCT,LEXCTR,LEXCTN,LEXCMN,LEXCLS S LEXCTOK="",LEXCT=0,LEXCMN=$$MNEMONIC(LEXCCR) F S (LEXCT,LEXCTR)=$O(^LEX(757.12,"C",LEXCMN,LEXCT)) Q:+LEXCT=0!(LEXCTOK[U) D Q:LEXCTOK[U . Q:'$D(^LEX(757.12,LEXCTR,1,"B")) . Q:'$D(^LEX(757.12,LEXCTR,0)) S LEXCTN=$S('$D(LEXCTN):1,1:LEXCTN+1) . W !!,"Semantic Type: ",$P(^LEX(757.12,LEXCTR,0),U,2) . D STYPE(LEXCTR),EXAMPLE(LEXCTR) D:+($G(LEXF)) EXCLUDE Q STYPE(LEXCTR) ; Sources of Semantic Type I '$D(^LEX(757.12,LEXCTR,1,"B")) D Q . W !!,?5,"There are no terms with this Semantic Type in " . W "the Lexicon" W !!,?5,"This Semantic Type contains terms from, or mapped to," W !,?5,"the following classification systems: ",! N LEXS,LEXC S LEXS="",LEXC=0 F S LEXS=$O(^LEX(757.12,LEXCTR,1,"B",LEXS)) Q:LEXS="" D . S LEXC=LEXC+1 W:LEXC=1 !,?9,LEXS W:LEXC=2 ?33,LEXS . W:LEXC=3 ?57,LEXS S:LEXC=3 LEXC=0 Q EXAMPLE(LEXX) ; List examples W !!,?5,"Examples of Semantic Type: ",$$NAME(LEXX),! I '$D(^LEX(757.1,"ASTT",LEXX)) D Q . W !,?8,"No examples found" N LEXI,LEXSPL,LEXMC,LEXC S LEXMC="",LEXC=0 F LEXI=1:1:10 D Q:+LEXC>2 . S LEXMC=$O(^LEX(757.1,"ASTT",LEXX,LEXMC)) Q:+LEXMC'>0 . S LEXSPL=$$SAMPLE(LEXMC) . I '$D(LEXLST($$UP^XLFSTR(LEXSPL))) D . . S LEXC=LEXC+1 W !,?5,$J(LEXC,2),": ",LEXSPL . S LEXLST($$UP^XLFSTR(LEXSPL))="" K LEXLST Q MNEMONIC(LEXX) ; Semantic Class Mnemonic Q $P(^LEX(757.11,LEXX,0),U,1) CLSNAME(LEXX) ; Semantic Class Name Q $P(^LEX(757.11,LEXX,0),U,2) NAME(LEXX) ; Semantic Type Name Q $P($G(^LEX(757.12,LEXX,0)),"^",2) SAMPLE(LEXX) ; Sample term of a Semantic Type N LEXS S LEXS=$E(^LEX(757.01,+(^LEX(757,LEXX,0)),0),1,70) S:LEXS[" (" LEXS=$P(LEXS," (",1) S:LEXS[" <" LEXS=$P(LEXS," <",1) S LEXX=LEXS Q LEXX EXCLUDE ; Exclude Semantic Type? (Y/N) N DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT W ! S DIR("A")="Exclude this type: " S DIR("B")="NO",(DIR("?"),DIR("??"))="^D EXH^LEXDFSE" S DIR(0)="YAO" D ^DIR K DIR S:Y["^" LEXCTOK=U S:Y["^^" (LEXCCOK,LEXCTOK)="^^" Q:Y["^^" Q:LEXCTOK[U D:+Y>0 REM D:+Y'>0 SAV Q EXH ; Exclude help W !!,?4,"Include semantic class: " W $$MNEMONIC(LEXCCR)," - ",$$CLSNAME(LEXCCR) W !,?4,"Excluding the semantic type: ",$$NAME(LEXCTR) Q REM ; Remove Semantic Type from the list (excluded) Q:+($G(LEXA(0)))=0 S LEXCTOK=0 N LEXC S LEXC=+($G(LEXA(0))) S LEXA(LEXC,2,0)=$S('$D(LEXA(LEXC,2,0)):1,1:LEXA(LEXC,2,0)+1) S LEXA(LEXC,2,LEXA(LEXC,2,0),0)=LEXCTR Q SAV ; Save the Semantic Type (included) Q:+($G(LEXA(0)))=0 S LEXCTOK=1 D N LEXC S LEXC=+($G(LEXA(0))) S LEXA(LEXC,1,0)=$S('$D(LEXA(LEXC,1,0)):1,1:LEXA(LEXC,1,0)+1) S LEXA(LEXC,1,LEXA(LEXC,1,0),0)=LEXCTR Q