LEXDFST ; ISL Default Filter - Semantic Types ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Entry: S X=$$EN^LEXDFST ; ; LEXFIL Filter (executable) ; LEXNAM Filter Name ; LEXPRO Y/N response to proceed with building filter ; LEXSTR Filter parameters (string) ; LEXX Filter returned ; EN(LEXX) ; Entry point S X=$$EN^LEXDFST N LEXFIL,LEXPRO S LEXFIL=0 D INTRO S LEXPRO=$$PRO Q:LEXPRO["^" LEXPRO Q:LEXPRO'=1 "^No filter selected" S LEXX=$$EN^LEXDFSB Q:LEXX["^^" "^^" Q:$P(LEXX,"^",1)="" "^No filter selected" D:$P(LEXX,"^",1)'="" ASSEM Q LEXX INTRO ; Introduction/Proceed W @IOF W !!,"You will be provided with ",($P(^LEX(757.11,0),U,4))-1," semantic classes. By selecting a semantic" W !,"class, each term which is found during a search of the Lexicon, and belongs" W !,"to that class will be displayed for your selection. Additionally, each" W !,"semantic class contains semantic types (or sub-category) which may be excluded" W !,"during the search. Terms belonging to an ""included"" semantic class will be" W !,"displayed unless they also belong to an ""excluded"" semantic type." Q PRO(LEXX) ; OK to proceed Y/N N DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT W !! S DIR("A")="Do you wish to continue: ",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Answer Yes or No",DIR("??")="^D PROH^LEXDFST" S DIR(0)="YAO" D ^DIR S LEXX=Y Q LEXX PROH ; Proceed help W !!,?2,"Answer" W !!,?4,"Yes Continue to build a filter based on Semantic Types" W !,?4,"No Exit without building a filter",! Q ASSEM ; Assemble the return value FILTER^NAME N LEXNAM,LEXFIL S (LEXNAM,LEXFIL)="",LEXFIL=$P(LEXX,"^",1) I $L($G(LEXFIL)) S LEXFIL="I $$SC^LEXU(Y,"_""""_LEXFIL_""""_")" I LEXFIL[U S LEXNAM=$$NAME^LEXDM3 I LEXNAM="^^" S LEXX="^^" S:LEXX["^^" LEXFIL="",LEXNAM="^" S LEXX=LEXFIL_"^"_LEXNAM Q