LEXDM ; ISL Default Misc - Mod/Del Sel/Create ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Entry: S X=$$MOD^LEXDM(X) ; Input X 1=Filter, 2=Display, 3=Vocabulary or 4=Context ; Returns "^^" Double up-arrow, 0 no action taken, 1 Modify ; default entry or "@" delete default entry ; MOD(LEXX) ; Modify or Delete ; S LEXX=+($G(LEXX)) Q:LEXX<0 0 S LEXX=LEXX\1 Q:LEXX>4 0 N DIR,X,Y,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT S:LEXX=1 DIR("A",1)="search filter" S:LEXX=2 DIR("A",1)="display format" S:LEXX=3 DIR("A",1)="vocabulary" S:LEXX=4 DIR("A",1)="shortcut context" S:$L($G(DIR("A",1))) DIR("A",1)="User default "_DIR("A",1) S DIR("A",3)=" 1 Modify",DIR("A",4)=" 2 Delete" S (DIR("A",2),DIR("A",5))=" " S:LEXX=1 DIR(0)="SAO^1:Modify Default Filter;2:Delete Default Filter" S:LEXX=2 DIR(0)="SAO^1:Modify Default Display;2:Delete Default Display" S:LEXX=3 DIR(0)="SAO^1:Modify Default Vocabulary;2:Delete Default Vocabulary" S:LEXX=4 DIR(0)="SAO^1:Modify Default Shortcut Context;2:Delete Default Shortcut Context" S DIR("A")="Select: ",DIR("B")="1" D ^DIR S LEXX=$S(X=1:1,X=2:"@",X="@":"@",1:0) S:Y="^^" LEXX=Y Q LEXX ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Entry: S X=$$MTH^LEXDM(X) ; Input X 1=Filter, 2=Display ; Returns "^^" Timeout or Double-uparrow, "^" Method not ; selected, 1 Select default from a predefined list ; or 2 Create a user defined default ; ; LEXM Method of building string ; LEXF Flag, indicates the default type ; MTH(LEXX) ; Method - Select a predefined or Create new Q:'$L($G(LEXX)) "" Q:+LEXX'>0 "" Q:+LEXX'<3 "" N LEXF,LEXM S LEXF=+LEXX,LEXM=$$METH W:+LEXM=1!(+LEXM=2) !! S LEXX=LEXM S:"12"[LEXM LEXX=LEXM S:'$L($G(LEXM))!(LEXM="^") LEXX="^" S:LEXM="^^" LEXX="^^" Q LEXX METH(LEXX) ; Select method N DIR,X,Y,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT I +LEXF=1 D . S DIR("A",1)="Search filters (screens) to limit the response" . S DIR("A",3)=" 1 Select from predefined filters" . S DIR("A",4)=" 2 Create your own filter" . S DIR("??")="^D HF^LEXDM" I +LEXF=2 D . S DIR("A",1)="Display format to used during look-up" . S DIR("A",3)=" 1 Select from predefined display formats" . S DIR("A",4)=" 2 Create your own display format" . S DIR("??")="^D HD^LEXDM" S (DIR("A",2),DIR("A",5))=" " S DIR(0)="SAO^1:Predefined Set;2:Create your own set" S DIR("A")="Select: ",DIR("B")="1" D ^DIR S LEXX=$S(+Y>0:+Y,1:Y) S:$D(DTOUT) LEXX="^^" Q LEXX HF ; Help for filters - DIC("S") W !!,"When conducting searches in the Lexicon, you may find that many of the" W !,"expressions found are not reasonable in the context of intended use." W !,"Many of these ""unreasonable"" expressions can be filtered out during the" W !,"search, providing a much smaller and more meaningful list of expressions" W !,"to select from. Several of these filters have been predefined and made " W !,"available. You may select from this list of predefined filters or create" W !,"your own." Q HD ; Help for display - LEXSHOW W !!,"When conducting searches in the Lexicon, you may alter the display format" W !,"of the selection list. There are several commonly used displays which" W !,"have been predefined and made available. You may select from this list or" W !,"create your own." Q