LEXDM3 ; ISL Default Misc - Name Default ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; LEXFIL Flag for Filter v.s. Display ; LEXX Value returned ; LEXY Local Value of Y ; NAME(LEXX) ; Filter/Display name - S X=$$NAME^LEXDM3 N DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT W !! S LEXX=$S($D(LEXFIL):"User defined filter",1:"User defined display") S DIR("A")=$S($D(LEXFIL):"Filter name: ",1:"Display name: ") S (DIR("?"),DIR("??"))="^D NH^LEXDM3" S DIR(0)="FAO^2:30" D ^DIR,NR Q LEXX NH ; Name Help W !!,"You may give a name to the ",$S($D(LEXFIL):"filter",1:"display")," you have created. This name is" W !,"informational and will only be used if you elect to display your" W !,"current defaults. This name should represent the purpose of the" W !,$S($D(LEXFIL):"filter",1:"display"),", and must be 2-30 characters in length." Q NR ; Name Reformat N LEXY S LEXY=Y S:Y["^^" LEXX=LEXY Q:LEXY[U I $$UP^XLFSTR(Y)'[$$UP^XLFSTR(LEXX) D . S LEXY=$$UP^XLFSTR($E(Y,1))_$$LOW^XLFSTR($E(Y,2,$L(Y))) . S:LEXY'="" LEXX=LEXX_"/"_LEXY Q