LEXERI ; ISL Exc/Rep Word Input Transformations ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 Q ; EXC ; Input transformation for ^LEX(757.04, - .01 Q:'$D(X) S LEXX=X I LEXX[" " D K X Q . W !,$C(34),X,$C(34)," contains a space" S LEXX=$$CVT(LEXX) I $D(^LEX(757.04,"AB",$E(LEXX,1,40))) D Q . N LEXDA S LEXDA=$G(DA) I +LEXDA>0,$D(^LEX(757.04,"AB",$E(LEXX,1,40),LEXDA)) Q . W !,$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," is already defined as an excluded word" K X I $D(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(LEXX,1,40))) D Q . W !,$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," has been defined as a replacement word (file #757.05)" . W !!,"You can not exclude a word from a search which is to be replaced" . W !,"by another expression prior to performing the search" I $D(^LEX(757.05,"C",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(LEXX),1,40))) D K X Q . W !,$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," has been defined as a replacement word (file #757.05)" . W !!,"You can not exclude a word from a search which is to be inserted" . W !,"as replacement text prior to performing the search" S X=LEXX Q REP ; Input Transformation for ^LEX(757.05, - .01 Q:'$D(X) S LEXX=X N LEXOK,LEXPSN S LEXOK=1 F LEXPSN=1:1:$L(LEXX) D . I $E(LEXX,LEXPSN)'?1A&($E(LEXX,LEXPSN)'="/") S LEXOK=0 I 'LEXOK D K X Q . W !,"Alpha-numeric expression. The only punctuation allowed is the slash ""/""" S LEXX=$$CVT(LEXX) I $D(^LEX(757.04,"AB",$E(X,1,40))) N LEX S LEX=0 D I 'LEX K X Q . W !!,$C(7),$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," already exist in the Excluded Words file." . W !,"Do you want to delete it from the Excluded Words file" . W !,"and continue to add it as a replacement word? No// " REP2 . R LEX:300 I '$T!(LEX="")!(LEX[U) S LEX=0 Q . I LEX["?" D G REP2 . . W !!,"Yes",!,"Add ",LEXX," to the Replacement Words file and delete it",!,"from the Excluded Words file" . . W !!,"No",!,"Do not add ",LEXX," to the Replacement Words file and ",!,"retain it in the Excluded Words file" . . W !!,"",!,"Delete? No// " . I $E(LEX,1)'="Y"&($E(LEX,1)'="N")&($E(LEX,1)'="y")&($E(LEX,1)'="n") W !!,"",!,"Delete? No// " G REP2 . I $E(LEX,1)="Y"!($E(LEX,1)="y") S LEX=1 D Q . . S ZTSAVE("X")="",ZTRTN="DEXC^LEXERI",ZTDESC="Deleting "_X_" from Excluded Words file #757.04" . . S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS W:$D(ZTSK) !!,"Deleting "_X_" from Excluded Words file #757.04" K Y,ZTSK,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN . S LEX=0 I $D(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(X,1,40))) D K:+($G(LEX)) LEX,LEXR Q . I $O(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(X,1,40),0))=+DA Q . S (LEX,LEXR)=0 F S LEXR=$O(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(X,1,40),LEXR)) D Q:+LEXR=0 . . I +LEXR>0,$D(^LEX(757.05,LEXR,0)),$P(^LEX(757.05,LEXR,0),"^",3)="R" D S LEXR=0 . . . W !!,$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," already exist in the Replacement Words file (#757.05)" . . . W !,"as a (R)eplaced word. You may alter the original entry to be a" . . . W !,"(L)inked word, but you can not (R)eplace ",$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," with multiple" . . . W !,"expressions/concepts",!! . . . S LEX=1 S X=LEXX Q DEXC ; Delete entry from Excluded Words file #757.04 Q:'$D(X) Q:'$D(^LEX(757.04,"AB",$E(X,1,40))) S DA=$O(^LEX(757.04,"AB",$E(X,1,40),0)),DIK="^LEX(757.04," D ^DIK K DA,DIK S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q REPBY ; Input Transformation for ^LEX(757.05, - 1 Q:'$D(X) N LEXX S LEXX=$$CVT(X) Q:$D(^LEX(757.05,"C",$E(LEXX,1,40),DA)) I '+($$EXIST^LEXERF(LEXX)) D K X,LEXX Q . W !!,$C(34),LEXX,$C(34)," does not exist in the Lexicon. You" . W !,"may not replace a word with text not found in the Lexicon," . W !,"resulting in unsuccessful searches." N LEXOK,LEXJ,LEXI S (LEXOK,LEXJ)=1,LEXI="" F S LEXI=$P(LEXX," ",LEXJ) D S LEXJ=LEXJ+1 I 'LEXOK!($P(LEXX," ",LEXJ)="") Q . I $D(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(LEXI,1,40))) D . . N LEXR S LEXR=0 W !,LEXI . . F S LEXR=$O(^LEX(757.05,"AB",$E(LEXI,1,40),LEXR)) D Q:+LEXR=0 . . . I +LEXR'=0,$D(^LEX(757.05,LEXR,0)),$P(^LEX(757.05,LEXR,0),"^",3)="R" D S LEXR=0 . . . . W !!,"WARNING: Your input contains the word ",$C(34),LEXI,$C(34)," which is" . . . . W !,"already defined in the Replacement Words file (#757.05) as a (R)eplaced" . . . . W !,"word. This may cause problems (i.e., circular definition of a word) " . . . . W !,"resulting in an unsuccessful search in the Lexicon." . . . . W !!," Example of a circular definition:" . . . . W !!," Replace: CA with CANCER and" . . . . W !," Replace: CALCIUM with CA ",!! . . . . W !!," Searching for ",$C(34),"CALCIUM",$C(34)," may result in a listing of CANCER's," . . . . W !," depending on the order of replacement." . . . . S LEXOK=0 S X=LEXX K:'LEXOK X K LEXOK,LEXI,LEXJ,LEXR,LEXX Q CVT(LEXX) ; Convert Text S LEXX=$$UP^XLFSTR(LEXX) N LEXI,LEXJ S LEXJ="" F LEXI=1:1:$L(LEXX) D . I $A($E(LEXX,LEXI))=47!($A($E(LEXX,LEXI))>64&($A($E(LEXX,LEXI))<91)) S LEXJ=LEXJ_$E(LEXX,LEXI) . E S LEXJ=LEXJ_" " S LEXX=LEXJ K LEXI,LEXJ Q LEXX