LEXILG ; ISL Env/Post for ^LEX and ^GMP ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996;Build 1 Q PRE ; Pre-Init ; Save User Defaults S U="^" W !,"Saving Lexicon v 1.0 User Defaults",! D:$D(^GMPT) SD^LEXILGU ; Remove Lexicon from MTLU W !,"Removing Lexicon v 1.0 from the Multi-Term Look-up Utility (MTLU)",! D EN^LEXILGX ; Save Lexicon Pointers W !,"Saving Lexicon v 1.0 Pointers",! D SP^LEXILGP ; Rename Lexicon Options W !,"Renaming Lexicon v 1.0 Options",! D:$O(^DIC(19,"B","GMPT "))["GMPT" RE^LEXILGO ; Delete Lexicon v 1.0 DDs W !!,"Deleting Lexicon v 1.0 Data Dictionaries",! D:$D(^DD(757)) DD^LEXILGD Q POST ; Post-Init ; Restore User Defaults W !!,"Restoring Lexicon User Defaults for use with Lexicon v 2.0",! S U="^" D RD^LEXILGU,DF^LEXILGU ; Repoint to ^LEX W !,"Repointing Files/Fields for use with Lexicon v 2.0",! D:$D(^TMP("LEXPT")) PL^LEXILGP,DP^LEXILGP ; Check for GMPT Package file entry W !!,"Checking for GMPT Package file entry (not used in Lexicon v 2.0)",! D:$D(^DIC(9.4,"C","GMPT")) DG^LEXILGO ; Check for ^GMP or ^GMPT W !,"Checking for ^GMP or ^GMPT (not used in Lexicon v 2.0)",! D DG^LEXILGD I $D(IOST),IOST["C-" N LEXPOST W !," Press to continue " R LEXPOST:660 ; Mail D EN2^LEXLGM,EN^LEXPL Q