LEXNDX5 ; ISL Set/kill indexes (Part 5) Link ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996;Build 1 ; EXCL ; Is a term used with an "Exclusive" meaning? Q:'$D(LEXREP)!('$D(LEXBY)) S LEXEXCL=1 I $D(^LEX(757.01,"AWRD",LEXREP)) D . W !,LEXREP," is used as follows: ",! . S (LEXCTR,LEXREC)=0 F S LEXREC=$O(^LEX(757.01,"AWRD",LEXREP,LEXREC)) Q:+LEXREC=0 D . . S LEXCTR=LEXCTR+1 W !,$J(LEXCTR,4),": ",^LEX(757.01,LEXREC,0) . . I LEXCTR#16=0 D CONT ASKEX . ; Ask, "is it exclusive?" . W !!,"Based on the reference",$S(LEXCTR>1:"s",1:"")," shown above, does ",LEXREP . W !,"exclusively refer to ",LEXBY ASKEX2 . ; Get response . S %=2 D YN^DICN S LEXEXCL=$S(%=2:0,%=-1:0,1:%) Q:%'=0 . I '% D EXCLHLP G ASKEX2 . G ASKEX Q EXCLHLP ; Help to decide if the term use is "Exclusive" W !!,"If ",LEXREP," exclusively refers to ",LEXBY,", answer" W !,"""Yes"" and ",LEXREP," will always be replaced by",LEXBY,"." W !!,"If ",LEXREP," refers to concepts other than",LEXBY,", answer" W !,"""No"" and begin linking ",LEXREP," to ",LEXBY," (in each" W !,"occurrence where the two terms have the same meaning)" W !!,"Is ",LEXREP," used exclusively" Q CONT ; Continue? W ! N X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR("A")="Press to continue ",DIR("?")="Additional information is available, press to continue ",DIR(0)="EA" D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q ANYWAY ; Term was not found, ask to link the term anyway Q:'$D(LEXREP)!('$D(LEXBY)) Q:$D(^LEX(757.01,"AWRD",LEXREP)) N LEXANYW S LEXEXCL=0 W !!,LEXREP," was not found in the Lexicon" ANY2 ; Get response W !,"Do you wish to link ",LEXREP," to terms",!,"containing ",LEXBY S %=1,LEXEXCL=0 D YN^DICN S:%=-1!(%=2) LEXEXCL=1 Q:%'=0 I '% D ANYHLP G ANY2 W ! G ANY2 ANYHLP ; Help to decide whether to continue with the linkage W !!,"Linking ",LEXREP," to ",LEXREP," will cause the " W !,"look-up to include all linked occurences of ",LEXREP W !,"to be listed when searching for ",LEXREP,! Q