LEXPLIA ; ISL Problem List In-Active ICD Codes ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Fixes ICD pointers in the Problem List to In-Active ICD Codes ; or 6 Digit ICD Codes where the Lexicon pointer is greater ; than 2 (source of pointer is the Lexicon) to a valid ICD and ; active ICD Code. ; ; EN^LEXPLIA Entry point to fix in-active ICD ; ; EN2^LEXPLIA(X) Entry point to fix in-active ICD and ; return the number of in-active codes fixed ; ; EN3^LEXPLIA Entry point to to Task EN^LEXPLIA ; Q EN ; Entry to fix exact match N LEXCNT S LEXCNT=0 D EM S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q EN2(X) ; Entry to fix exact match and return # fixed N LEXCNT S LEXCNT=0 D EM S X=LEXCNT Q X EN3 ; Task EN^LEXPLIA S ZTRTN="EN^LEXPLIA",ZTDESC="In-Active ICD Codes in Prob List # 9000011",ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K Y,ZTSK,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN Q EM ; Exact match N DA,DIC,DIE,DR,DTOUT,LEXAT,LEXICD,LEXIIA,LEXISO,LEXLEX,LEXNIC,LEXNIP S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^AUPNPROB(DA)) Q:+DA=0 D . S LEXICD=+($P($G(^AUPNPROB(DA,0)),"^",1)) Q:LEXICD'>0 S LEXIIA=+($P($G(^ICD9(LEXICD,0)),"^",9)),LEXISO=$P($G(^ICD9(LEXICD,0)),"^",1) Q:'$L(LEXISO) S LEXLEX=+($P($G(^AUPNPROB(DA,1)),"^",1)) Q:LEXLEX'>2 . I $L($P(LEXISO,".",2))>2!(LEXIIA=1) S LEXNIC=$$ICDONE^LEXU(+LEXLEX) Q:LEXNIC="" S LEXNIP=0 S:$L(LEXNIC) LEXNIP=+($O(^ICD9("AB",(LEXNIC_" "),0))) Q:LEXNIP=0 Q:+($P($G(^ICD9(LEXNIP,0)),"^",9))=1 D EDIT Q EDIT ; Edit Problem N LEXAT S LEXAT=0 S DA=+($G(DA)) Q:'$D(^AUPNPROB(DA,0)) S LEXNIP=+($G(LEXNIP)) Q:'$D(^ICD9(LEXNIP,0)) S (DIE,DIC)="^AUPNPROB(",DR=".01////^S X=LEXNIP" ED2 ; Record is Locked L +^AUPNPROB(DA):1 I '$T,LEXAT'>5 S LEXAT=LEXAT+1 H 2 G ED2 G:LEXAT>5 EDQ D ^DIE L -^AUPNPROB(DA) EDQ ; Edit Quit I $P($G(^AUPNPROB(DA,0)),"^",1)=LEXNIP S LEXCNT=+($G(LEXCNT))+1 Q