LEXSC2 ; ISL Shortcuts Add/Delete ; 05/25/1998 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**11**;Sep 23, 1996 ; WRT(LEXSTR) ; W ! N LEXI,LEXLEN S LEXLEN=70 F D Q:$L(LEXSTR)0 W !,?2,$E(LEXSTR,1,(LEXI-1)) S LEXSTR=$E(LEXSTR,(LEXI+1),$L(LEXSTR)) Q . I LEXI=0 W:$L(LEXSTR) !,?2,LEXSTR S LEXSTR="" I $L(LEXSTR) W !,?2,LEXSTR W ! Q DELOK(X) ; Ok to delete? N DIR,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR("A")="Delete current shortcut: ",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="YAO" D ^DIR S:X[U LEXRP=U S:X["^^" LEXRP="^^" W ! S X=$S(+($G(Y))=1:1,1:0) Q X Q ADDOK(X) ; Ok to add? N DIR,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR("A")="Add shortcut: ",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="YAO" D ^DIR S:X[U LEXRP=U S:X["^^" LEXRP="^^" W ! S X=$S(+($G(Y))=1:1,1:0) Q X SC(X) ; Get shortcut S DIR("A")="Enter shortcut keyword(s): " S DIR("?")="Enter one or more words (up to 63 characters) to use as a shortcut for a term" S DIR("??")="^D SCHLP^LEXSC2" N Y S DIR(0)="FAO^2:63" D ^DIR S:X="" LEXRP=U S:X[U LEXRP=U S:X["^^" LEXRP="^^" F Q:$E(X,1)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,$L(X)) W:$D(DTOUT) !,"Try later.",! S:$D(DTOUT) X="",LEXRP=U S:X[U DUOUT=1 K DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT Q X SCHLP ; Look-up help W !!,"Enter one or more words (up to 63 characters) to use as a shortcut to quickly" W !,"locate a single term without conducting a word search. This shortcut should" W !,"be unique to the term as used in the context """,LEXCXN,"""" Q TERM(X) ; Get expression N DIR,Y S DIR("A")="Select a term for the shortcut: " S DIR("?")=" "_$$SQ^LEXHLP ; PCH 11 S DIR("??")="^D TERMHLP^LEXSC2" N Y S DIR(0)="FAO^2:245" D ^DIR S DIC="^LEX(757.01," S:X[U LEXRP=U S:X["^^" LEXRP="^^" Q:LEXRP[U "^" I X=" ",+($G(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)))>0 S X=@(DIC_+($G(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)))_",0)") W " ",X F Q:$E(X,1)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,$L(X)) W:$D(DTOUT) !,"Try later.",! S:$D(DTOUT) X="" S:X[U DUOUT=1 K DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT Q X TERMHLP ; Look-up help PCH 11 N X S X="" S:$L($G(DIR("?"))) X=$G(DIR("?")) S:'$L(X) X=" "_$$SQ^LEXHLP W:$L(X) !!,X,! W !," Best results occur using one to three full or partial words without" W !," a suffix (i.e., ""DIABETES"",""DIAB MELL"",""DIAB MELL INSUL"") or" W !," a classification code (ICD, CPT, HCPCS, etc)" Q