LEXTOLKN ; ISL Parse term into words ; 01-31-97 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**4**;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Returns ^TMP("LEXTKN",$J,#,WORD) containing words ; ; If LEXIDX is set, then the Excluded Words file is used to ; selectively exclude words from the indexing process. If ; LEXLOOK is set, then the Excluded Words file is used to ; selectively exclude words from the look-up process. If ; LEXIDX and LEXLOOK do not exist then all words are parsed ; parsed. ; PT ; Entry point where DA is defined and X is unknown Q:'$D(DA) S X=^LEX(757.01,DA,0) PTX ; Entry point to parse string (X must exist) N LEXOK,LEXTOKS,LEXTOKS2,LEXTOKI,LEXTOKW,LEXTOLKN N LEXOKC,LEXOKN,LEXOKP K ^TMP("LEXTKN",$J) Q:'$L($G(X)) S LEXTOKS=$TR(X,"-"," ") ; Remove leading blanks from string F LEXOKP=1:1:$L(LEXTOKS) Q:$E(LEXTOKS,LEXOKP)'[" " S LEXTOKS=$E(LEXTOKS,LEXOKP,$L(LEXTOKS)) ; Remove trailing blanks from string F LEXOKP=$L(LEXTOKS):-1:1 Q:$E(LEXTOKS,LEXOKP)'[" " S LEXTOKS=$E(LEXTOKS,1,LEXOKP) ; Remove Punctuation (less slashes) S LEXTOKS=$TR(LEXTOKS,"?`~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]\:;,<>"," ") ; Conditionally remove slashes S:$D(LEXIDX) LEXTOKS=$TR(LEXTOKS,"/"," ") S LEXTOKS=$TR(LEXTOKS,".","") S LEXTOKS=$TR(LEXTOKS,"""","") ; Swtich to UPPERCASE (lower case is not specified by LEXLOW) S:'$D(LEXLOW) LEXTOKS=$$UP^XLFSTR(LEXTOKS) ; Store in temporary array (based on space character) S LEXOKC=0 F LEXTOKI=1:1:$L(LEXTOKS," ") D . N LEXTOKW S LEXTOKW=$P(LEXTOKS," ",LEXTOKI) Q:LEXTOKW="" . I LEXTOKW'["/" D . . S LEXOKC=LEXOKC+1,LEXTOLKN(LEXOKC)=LEXTOKW . . S LEXTOLKN(0)=LEXOKC . I LEXTOKW["/"&('$D(^LEX(757.05,"B",LEXTOKW))) D Q ; PCH 4 . . N LEXP S LEXP=0 F S LEXP=LEXP+1 Q:$P(LEXTOKW,"/",LEXP)="" D . . . S LEXOKC=LEXOKC+1,LEXTOLKN(LEXOKC)=$P(LEXTOKW,"/",LEXP) . . . S LEXTOLKN(0)=LEXOKC . I LEXTOKW["/"&($D(^LEX(757.05,"B",LEXTOKW))) D . . N LEXOKR S LEXOKR=$O(^LEX(757.05,"B",LEXTOKW,0)) . . I $P($G(^LEX(757.05,LEXOKR,0)),U,3)="R" D . . . S LEXOKC=LEXOKC+1,LEXTOLKN(LEXOKC)=LEXTOKW . . . S LEXTOLKN(0)=LEXOKC K LEXOKC,LEXOKR I +($G(LEXTOLKN(0)))=0 K LEXTOLKN S ^TMP("LEXTKN",$J,0)=0 G EXIT S LEXTOKW="",LEXOKN=0 F LEXTOKI=1:1:LEXTOLKN(0) D . S LEXTOKW=$G(LEXTOLKN(LEXTOKI)) . ; Remove leading blanks . F LEXOKP=1:1:$L(LEXTOKW) Q:$E(LEXTOKW,LEXOKP)'[" " . S LEXTOKW=$E(LEXTOKW,LEXOKP,$L(LEXTOKW)) . ; Remove trailing blanks . F LEXOKP=$L(LEXTOKW):-1:1 Q:$E(LEXTOKW,LEXOKP)'[" " . S LEXTOKW=$E(LEXTOKW,1,LEXOKP) . ; Leading numerics or Zero . ;I +LEXTOKW>0 S LEXTOKW="" Q . I $A($E(LEXTOKW,1))=48 S LEXTOKW="" Q . ; Apostrophies and spaces . S LEXTOKW=$TR(LEXTOKW,"'",""),LEXTOKW=$TR(LEXTOKW," ","") . ; Numeric only . ;S LEXOK=0 F LEXOKP=1:1:$L(LEXTOKW) S:$E(LEXTOKW,LEXOKP)?1U LEXOK=1 Q:LEXOK=1 . ;I 'LEXOK S LEXTOKW="" Q . I $D(LEXIDX) D . . I LEXTOKW'="" S:$D(^LEX(757.04,"ACTION",LEXTOKW,"I")) LEXTOKW="" . . I LEXTOKW'="" S:$D(^LEX(757.04,"ACTION",LEXTOKW,"B")) LEXTOKW="" . I $D(LEXLOOK) D . . I LEXTOKW'="" S:$D(^LEX(757.04,"ACTION",LEXTOKW,"L")) LEXTOKW="" . . I LEXTOKW'="" S:$D(^LEX(757.04,"ACTION",LEXTOKW,"B")) LEXTOKW="" . I $D(LEXOKN),$D(LEXTOKW),LEXTOKW'="" D . . S LEXOKN=+(LEXOKN)+1,^TMP("LEXTKN",$J,LEXOKN,LEXTOKW)="" . S LEXTOKW="" S ^TMP("LEXTKN",$J,0)=LEXOKN EXIT ; Clean up and quit K LEXOK,LEXTOKI,LEXOKN,LEXOKP,LEXOKR,LEXTOKS,LEXTOKS2,LEXTOKW,LEXTOLKN Q