LBRYCSE ;ISC2/DJM-COPY SPECIFIC EDITING ;[ 11/26/97 4:35 PM ] ;;2.5;Library;**2,9**;Mar 11, 1996 I $G(LBRYPTR)="" D I $G(LBRYPTR)="" W !!,$C(7),"No Site has been selected" Q . D ^LBRYASK START W @IOF,?5,"VA Library Copy Specific Edit for "_LBRYNAM S Y=DT X ^DD("DD") W ?60,Y,! S YDT=Y S DIC="^LBRY(680,",DIC(0)="AEQZ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,4)=LBRYPTR&($P(^(0),U,2)="""")" D ^DIC K DIC("S") G:Y<0 CHOICE S (DA,LBRYLOC)=$P(Y,U),LBRYCLS=$P(Y,U,2) S (E,E0,E1)=1 D CON S LBUDT=0,XXZ=$P(^LBRY(680,LBRYLOC,0),U,2) G:XXZ]"" INCOM I '$D(A(1)) G INCOM CONT W @IOF,?5,"VA Library Copy Specific Edit",?60,YDT W !,"TITLE: ",$P(^LBRY(680.5,LBRYCLS,0),U),! K LA S LA(1)="ID",LA(2)="COPY",LA(3)="START",LA(4)="STOP",LA(5)="NUM",LA(6)="DATE" W !,LA(1),?10,LA(2),?30,LA(3),?55,LA(4) W !,LA(5),?10,LA(5),?30,LA(6),?55,LA(6) G:'$D(A(1)) INACT S E1=E0 D FWD1^LBRYCK0 F I=E0:1:E1 S AA=^LBRY(681,A(I),1),CN=$P(AA,U),START=$P(AA,U,10),STOP=$P(AA,U,11) D FIXIT W !,?1,I,?11,CN,?27,START,?52,STOP G ^LBRYCSE0 REMOVE S E=0 G:$L(X)>0 KILL0 KILL W !,"Select a number from 'ID NUM' column to REMOVE that COPY from this title: " S DTOUT=0 R X:DTIME E W $C(7) S DTOUT=1 G START I X="" Q KILL0 I X="^" Q I X="?" W !,"Choose the 'ID NUM' of the COPY you want to REMOVE." G KILL I '$D(A(X)) W !,"There is no COPY by this number." G KILL S CN=$P(^LBRY(681,A(X),1),U),X1=0,L1="" F S L1=$O(^LBRY(682,"C",LBRYLOC,L1)) G:L1="" KILL1 S L2=$O(^LBRY(682,L1,4,"B",CN,0)) I L2'="" W !,"This COPY # may not be REMOVED only EDITED." G KILL KILL1 S DIK="^LBRY(681,",DA=A(X) D ^DIK K DIK Q QUERY S E=0 G:$L(X)>0 EDIT0 EDIT W !,"Select a number from 'ID NUM' column to EDIT that COPY: " S DTOUT=0 R X:DTIME E W $C(7) S DTOUT=1 G CONT I X="" Q I X="^" Q EDIT0 I X="?" W !,"Choose the 'ID NUM' of the COPY you want to EDIT." G EDIT I '$D(A(X)) W !,"There is no COPY by this number." G EDIT S LBRYX0=$G(^LBRY(680,LBRYLOC,7)),DA=A(X),DIE="^LBRY(681," S DR=$S($D(LBRYPTR)&($P($G(^LBRY(680.6,LBRYPTR,0)),U,10)):"[LBRY D4]",1:"[LBRY D2]"),DIC=DIE D LOCK^LBRYEDR G:LBRYL=0 EXIT D ^DIE L I $D(Y)!($D(DTOUT)) Q Q ENTER S LBRYX0=$G(^LBRY(680,LBRYLOC,7)) ENTER1 I $L(X)>0,X="?" W !,"Use INSERT to add a new COPY to this title." S XZ="CONTINUE// " D PAUSE^LBRYUTL K XZ S X=$P(LBRYX0,U) I X="" D Q . W !!,"This title has no INITIAL COPIES ORDERED information." . W !,"Go to Library Title Setup to correct this." . S XZ="Exit// " D PAUSE^LBRYUTL K XZ L ^LBRY(681,0) S X=^LBRY(681,0),X=$P(X,U,3) F S X=X+1 I '$D(^LBRY(681,X,0)) L Q K DO S DIC="^LBRY(681,",DIC(0)="LZ" D FILE^DICN L S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,DR=$S($D(LBRYPTR)&($P($G(^LBRY(680.6,LBRYPTR,0)),U,10)):"[LBRY D4]",1:"[LBRY D2]") D LOCK^LBRYEDR G:LBRYL=0 EXIT D ^DIE L I $D(Y)!($D(DTOUT)) Q Q INCOM W !,"This title is "_$S(XXZ="C":"cancelled",XXZ="D":"a dead title",XXZ="R":"a renamed title",1:"not completely set up")_"." W:XXZ="" !,"Go to Library Title Setup (LTS) to finish setting up this title." S XZ="Continue// " D PAUSE^LBRYUTL K XZ G START CON K A S (LX,A)=0 F S LX=$O(^LBRY(681,"AC",LBRYLOC,LX)) Q:LX="" S NC="" D . F S NC=$O(^LBRY(681,"AC",LBRYLOC,LX,NC)) Q:NC="" S A=A+1,A(A)=NC Q FIXIT S:START="" START="-----------" I START=+START S Y=START X ^DD("DD") S START=Y S:STOP="" STOP="-----------" I STOP=+STOP S Y=STOP X ^DD("DD") S STOP=Y Q CHOICE I $D(LBRYNEW) I LBRYNEW=1 D EXIT G ^LBRYLST G EXIT INACT S $P(^LBRY(680,LBRYLOC,0),U,2)="C",$P(^LBRY(680.5,LBRYLOC,0),U,2)=2 W !!!,"Since you just removed the last copy for this title I am making this",!,"a CANCELLED TITLE.",! NOT1 S XZ="EXIT//" D PAUSE^LBRYUTL K XZ EXIT K YDT,E,E0,E1,A,I,X,Z,LX,LS,LBUDT,XXZ,LA,AA,CN,START,STOP,X1,X2,L1,L2 K LBRYX0,LBRYNEW,DR,LBRYL,XZ,DIC,DIE,DIK,LBRYLOC,LBRYCLS Q