LBRYPG2 ;ISC2/DJM-LIBRARY PURGE PARSING ;[ 05/23/97 12:13 PM ] ;;2.5;Library;**2**;Mar 11, 1996 PARSE F I=1:1 S G=$P(LBRYX,",",I) G:G="" CONT^LBRYPG D:G=+G PURGE D:G["-" PARSE1 Q PARSE1 S G1=$P(G,"-",1),G2=$P(G,"-",2) I G2'0 X ^DD("DD") W !,"PURGING ",Y," ISSUE." D ^DIK Q ASK S LBRYX=X,Q=2 I LBRYX?.N G PARSE ASK3 S G=$P(LBRYX,",",Q) G:G="" ASK1 G:G["-" ASK4 G:G'?.N ASK2 S Q=Q+1 G ASK3 ASK1 G PARSE ASK2 W !!,"Please enter an ID NUM or a range of ID NUMs separated by a hyphen '1-2'" W !,"or a combination of the two separated by a comma '1,2-4' or to EXIT.",! G ASK1^LBRYPG ASK4 G:G'?1N.N1"-"1N.N ASK2 S Q=Q+1 G ASK3