LBRYRST ;ISC2/DJM-REMOVE SERIALS TITLE ;[ 05/23/97 12:13 PM ] ;;2.5;Library;**2**;Mar 11, 1996 I $G(LBRYPTR)="" D I $G(LBRYPTR)="" W !!,$C(7),"No Site has been selected" Q . D ^LBRYASK START W @IOF,?5,"VA Library Serials Remove a Title for "_LBRYNAM D NOW^%DTC S Y=X X ^DD("DD") W ?60,Y,! S YDT=Y,DIC="^LBRY(680.5," S DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Please select TITLE to remove: " D ^DIC K DIC("A") G:Y<0 EXIT1 S LBRYCLS=+Y,LBRTDA="" F S LBRTDA=$O(^LBRY(680,"B",LBRYCLS,LBRTDA)) Q:LBRTDA="" D . I $P(^LBRY(680,LBRTDA,0),U,4)=LBRYPTR S LBRYLOC=LBRTDA Q I $G(LBRYLOC)="",$O(^LBRY(680,"B",LBRYCLS,0))'="" D G EXIT . W !!,"** You do not have any holdings on file, but another site does **",!! . R !,"Press return to continue: ",LBRC:DTIME I $O(^LBRY(680,"B",LBRYCLS,0))="" W ! G DIE2 S LA0="TITLE: "_$P(^LBRY(680.5,LBRYCLS,0),U,1) W @IOF,?5,"VA Library Serials Remove a Title",?60,YDT,!!,LA0 WARN W !!,"Removing this journal deletes it completely from the LOCAL SERIALS file." I $G(LBRYLOC)="" Q S LBRYDA=$O(^LBRY(681,"AC",LBRYLOC,0)) W:LBRYDA]"" !,"This will include data in the LBRY DISPOSITION file." S LBRYDAT1=$O(^LBRY(682,"AC",LBRYLOC,0)) W:LBRYDAT1]"" !,"This will include data in the LBRY ISSUE file." DIE W !!,"Do you want to remove this journal" S %=2 D YN^DICN G:%=2 LBRYRST G:%=1 DIE1 G:%=-1 EXIT W !!,"Answer YES to remove this journal from the data base." W !,"Answer NO or to exit." G DIE DIE1 W !! F I=1:1:79 W "*" W !,?9,"***WARNING***",?33,"***WARNING***",?57,"***WARNING***",!! W "All data about this title, i.e., holdings, check-in and copy information will" W !,"be REMOVED from the system upon title deletion. You may wish to set this" W !,"title INACTIVE in Library Title Setup (LTS) instead.",!! DIE2 W $C(7),$C(7),$C(7),$C(7),$C(7),!,"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO REMOVE THIS JOURNAL " S %=2 D YN^DICN G:%=2 LBRYRST G:%=1 DOIT G:%=-1 EXIT W !,"Enter to do nothing or enter Y(es) if you are certain you wish to" W !,"REMOVE all data about this title from the module." G DIE2 DOIT W !!,"Please be patient, this may take a few moments." I $G(LBRYDAT1)="" G DOIT1 S DIK="^LBRY(682,",RMV=0 F S RMV=$O(^LBRY(682,"AC",LBRYLOC,RMV)) Q:RMV="" D . S DA=$O(^LBRY(682,"AC",LBRYLOC,RMV,0)) D ^DIK DOIT1 I $G(LBRYLOC)="" G DOIT2 S DIK="^LBRY(681,",DA=0 F S DA=$O(^LBRY(681,"C",LBRYLOC,DA)) Q:DA="" D:DA'="" ^DIK S DIK="^LBRY(680,",DA=LBRYLOC D ^DIK DOIT2 I $G(LA0)="" S LA0=$P(^LBRY(680.5,LBRYCLS,0),U) S LA0=$E(LA0,1,70) W !!,LA0," Removed.",! I $O(^LBRY(680,"B",LBRYCLS,""))="" D DEL S XZ="EXIT//" D PAUSE^LBRYUTL K XZ EXIT K LA0,LBRYCLS,LBRTDA,LBRC G START EXIT1 K Y,YDT,DIC,I,LA0,LBRYDA,LBRYDAT1,%,DIK,RMV,LBRTDA,LBRYCLS,LBRYLOC Q DEL S DA=LBRYCLS,DIK="^LBRY(680.5," D ^DIK N ZTSK,ZTDTH,ZTUCI,ZTSAVE,ZTIO,ZTDESC,ZTRTN S (ZTSAVE("LA0"),ZTSAVE("LBRYCLS"))="",ZTRTN="REM^LBRYRST" S ZTDTH=$H,ZTIO="",ZTDESC="LIBRARY REMOVE TITLE" D ^%ZTLOAD Q REM S N=0 REM1 S N=$O(^LBRY(680.5,N)) Q:N'>0 I $P($G(^LBRY(680.5,N,3)),U,6)=LBRYCLS S $P(^(3),U,6)=LA0_"*" I $P($G(^LBRY(680.5,N,3)),U,7)=LBRYCLS S $P(^(3),U,7)=LA0_"*" G REM1