XMAPBLOB ;(WASH ISC)/CAP-DISPLAY BLOBs ;04/18/2002 07:22 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ;BLOB display BLOB Q:'$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2005,0)) N %,I,XMA0,XMB0,MAGFILE2,MAGFILE S XMA0=0,XMB0=0 I '$D(XMAPBLOB) S XMAPBLOB=1 B S XMA0=$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2005,XMA0)) G BQ:'XMA0 S %=+^(XMA0,0) S XMB0=XMB0+1,XMA0(XMB0)=%,MAGXX=% I $L($T(IMPORT^MAGBAPI)) S %=$$IMPORT^MAGBAPI("MAIL^"_MAGXX) D ^MAGFILE S XMA0(XMB0)=XMA0(XMB0)_U_MAGFILE1(.01)_"^^^^^^^"_MAGFILE G B BQ S X=$O(XMA0(0)) I X,'$O(XMA0(X)) Q:$G(XMAPBLOB("DISPDONE")) S XMAPBLOB("DISPDONE")=1 I XMB0=1 G CLRQ:$$ASK()="",PRTQ:$G(XMAPBLOB)>99 S (X,XMA0)=+XMA0(1) I 1 E I $S($G(IOT)="IMPC":1,1:0) S X=$$BLIST() G CLRQ:X="" S XMA0=X D ^MAGOBJ(X,"DISPLAY","") I $S(XMB0=1:1,$O(XMA0(XMA0))=""&$O(XMA0(0))="":1,1:0) Q G BQ CLRQ I $G(XMAPBLOB)>99 Q G ERASE^MAGAPI ; BLIST() ;List BLOBS in the message I $G(IOT)="IMPC",$G(XMAPBLOB)>99 Q "" N X,Y,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT I '$G(XMAPBLOB("D")),$Y>(IOSL-4) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR:$G(XMAPBLOB)<100 K DIR,DIRUT I '$G(XMAPBLOB("D")) W !,"=============================================================" I W !!,"There are non-textual parts (BLOBs) included on this message" S XMAPBLOB("D")=1 W !!,"Object Name",?70,"Filename" F I=0:0 S I=$O(XMA0(I)) Q:'I W !,I_". "_$E($P(XMA0(I),U,2),1,68),?70,$E($P(XMA0(I),U,9),1,9) A I $G(XMAPBLOB)>99 Q "" W !!,"Pick a BLOB you wish to display from the above list (1-"_XMB0_"): NONE// " R X:DTIME S X=$TR(X,"none","NONE") I $E("NONE",1,$L(X))=X!("^"[X) Q "" I +X'=X W !!,"Choose the index number of the BLOB you wish to display or accept the default.",! G A I '$D(XMA0(X)) W !!,"Please choose a listed item by typing in its index number." G A Q +XMA0(X) ;Ask if user wants to display single BLOB ASK() I $G(XMAPBLOB)>99 Q 2 N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Execute Other Message Part ("_$P(XMA0(1),U,2)_") Attached ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIRUT I 'Y!$D(DIRUT) Q "" Q 1 NODISP ;If not proper terminal Q:$G(XMAPBLOB("D")) S XMAPBLOB("D")=1 Q:'$D(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2005)) W !!,"=================================================================" W !,"There are non-textual body parts (BLOBs) attached to this" W !,"message. You may not execute them (display...) because you" W !,"are not using the proper terminal." W !!,"Query the message to see the list of BLOBs attached." W !,"=================================================================" Q PRT ;Print BLOB list N MAGOBJ,MAGFILE,MAGFILE1,MAGROU,X,XMAPBLOB S XMAPBLOB=100 D BLOB Q PRTQ S X=$$BLIST() Q