XMB ;ISC-SF/GMB-Send Bulletin APIs ;04/17/2002 07:38 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Was (WASH ISC)/THM/RWF/CAP ; ; Entry points are (DBIA 10069): ; ^XMB Create and deliver a bulletin in the background (task). ; EN^XMB Create a bulletin in the foreground (now) and send it in ; the background (task) ; BULL^XMB Interactive create and send a bulletin ; ; The recipients of the bulletin include any entries in the XMY ; array that the caller has defined and the members of mail group ; that are included in the definition of the entry in the Bulletin ; file (#3.6) at the time of delivery. There must be valid ; recipients or the message will not be delivered. ; ; I/O Variables: ; XMB (in) Bulletin name (an entry in File #3.6) ; XMB(parameter#) (in, optional) Value to be stuffed into the bulletin ; for each required parameter ; eg. XMB(1)=data for parameter#1 ; XMTEXT (in, optional) Name of array containing ; additional bulletin text ; XMY (in, optional) Array of additional recipients of a ; bulletin ; XMDUZ (in, optional) Sender # or string saying who or what ; sent the bulletin (default=DUZ) ; XMDT (in, optional) Date/time to send bulletin (default=now) ; XMYBLOB (in, optional) MIME array ; XMZ (out) Message number (if successful) ; ; Entry ^XMB: ; Needs: XMB ; Accepts: XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDT,XMYBLOB ; Returns: (XMB=-1 if bulletin does not exist in file 3.6) ; Kills: XMTEXT,XMY N XMINSTR,XMATTACH,XMTASK K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) I '$O(^XMB(3.6,"B",XMB,"")) S XMB=-1 Q I '$G(DUZ) N DUZ D DUZ^XUP(.5) I $G(XMDUZ)=""!($G(XMDUZ)=0) S XMDUZ=DUZ I XMDUZ'?.N S %=XMDUZ N XMDUZ S XMDUZ=% K % D:$D(XMYBLOB) SETBLOB(.XMYBLOB,.XMATTACH) D:$D(XMDT) SETLATER(XMDT,.XMINSTR) I XMDUZ'?.N D SETFROM^XMD(.XMDUZ,.XMINSTR) Q:$G(XMMG)["Error =" D INITAPI^XMVVITAE S:$D(XMTEXT) XMTEXT=$$CREF^DILF(XMTEXT) S:$D(XMDF) XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS")="R" ; Ignore addressee restrictions S:$D(XMBTMP) XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS")=$G(XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS"))_"I" ; Don't initialize (kill) the ^TMP addressee global D TASKBULL^XMXBULL(XMDUZ,XMB,.XMB,.XMTEXT,.XMY,.XMINSTR,.XMTASK,.XMATTACH) K:$D(XMERR) XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) K XMTEXT,XMY Q EN ;Interactive Bulletin Entry Point ; Needs: XMB ; Accepts: XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDT,XMYBLOB ; Returns: XMZ,(XMB=-1 if bulletin does not exist in file 3.6) ; Kills: XMB,XMTEXT,XMY N XMBIEN,XMINSTR K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) S XMBIEN=$O(^XMB(3.6,"B",XMB,"")) I XMBIEN="" S XMB=-1 Q I '$G(DUZ) N DUZ D DUZ^XUP(.5) I $G(XMDUZ)=""!($G(XMDUZ)=0) S XMDUZ=DUZ I XMDUZ'?.N S %=XMDUZ N XMDUZ S XMDUZ=% K % D:$D(XMYBLOB) SETBLOB(.XMYBLOB,.XMATTACH) I XMDUZ'?.N D SETFROM^XMD(.XMDUZ,.XMINSTR) Q:$G(XMMG)["Error =" S:$D(XMTEXT) XMTEXT=$$CREF^DILF(XMTEXT) S:$D(XMDF) XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS")="R" ; Ignore addressee restrictions S:$D(XMBTMP) XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS")=$G(XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS"))_"I" ; Don't initialize (kill) the ^TMP addressee global D SEND^XMXBULL(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,.XMB,.XMTEXT,.XMY,.XMINSTR,.XMZ,.XMATTACH) K:$D(XMERR) XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) K XMB,XMTEXT,XMY Q SETBLOB(XMYBLOB,XMATTACH) ; N %X,%Y S %X="XMYBLOB(",%Y="XMATTACH(""IMAGE""," D %XY^%RCR Q SETLATER(XMDT,XMINSTR) ; S XMINSTR("LATER")=$$XMDATE^XMXPARM("XMDT",XMDT) I $D(XMERR) K XMINSTR("LATER"),XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) Q BULL ; Manually post a bulletin D BULLETIN^XMJMBULL Q ZTSK ; Entry point for TaskMan to transmit messages to a site. ; Needed for transition from v7.1 to v8.0. Once site has transitioned, ; this entry point can be deleted. S ZTREQ="@" S XMINST=XMB("XMSCR") Q:$$OBE^XMTDR(XMINST) S XMTREC=$G(^XMBS(4.2999,XMINST,4)) S ^XMBS(4.2999,XMINST,4)=$P(XMTREC,U,1,2)_U_XMB("SCRIPT",0)_U_XMB("TRIES")_U_U_XMB("ITERATIONS")_U_XMB("FIRST SCRIPT")_U_$P(XMB("SCRIPT"),U,6) S ^XMBS(4.2999,XMINST,5)=XMB("SCRIPT") K XMB,XMTREC G TASK^XMTDR Q