XMC ;ISC-SF/GMB-Network Programmer Options Menu ;12/16/2002 09:35 ;;8.0;MailMan;**12**;Jun 28, 2002 ; Was (WASH ISC)/THM ENTER ; I '$G(DUZ) W $C(7),!!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38105) Q ; You do not have a DUZ. N XMDUZ,XMV,XMABORT,XM,XMDISPI,XMDUN D INIT^XMVVITAE I '$D(DT) D DT^DICRW I $D(IO)[0 S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS U IO(0) W !,^XMB("NETNAME") D:$O(^DOPT("XMC","B",""))'?1"ACT".E INIT F D Q:XMABORT . N DIC,X,Y . U IO(0) . W ! . S DIC="^DOPT(""XMC"",",DIC(0)="AEQZ" . D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0 S XMABORT=1 Q . S X=$P(Y(0),U,2,99) . K DIC,Y . S XM="D" . D @X . I $L(IO) U IO X ^%ZOSF("EON") . D ^%ZISC . X ^%ZOSF("EON") . U IO(0) . S XMABORT=0 D KL Q KL ; X ^%ZOSF("EON") D KL1 Q KL1 ; ; XMOS - Operating System of the computer at this site D KILL K %DT,%H,ER,I,X,Y,Y1,Y3,Z K XMCNT K XMD,XMDIAL K XME,XMEC,XMER,XMESC K XMFS K XMLAN,XMLIN,XMLL,XMLT,XMLX K XMOS K XMP,XMPOLL K XMR K XMS0AJ,XMSUB,XMSUM K XMTLER K XMZ Q KILL ; Kill variables used across routines ; XM - Debug: Write all xactions to screen, too? ""=no; "D"=yes ; XMB("SCR IEN") - Script IEN ; XMB("SCR REC") - Script record ; XMC("AUDIT") - Are we auditing? 0=no; n=yes, where n is 1 to 99 ; XMC("BATCH") - Batch mode (to tape or global)? 0=no; 1=yes ; XMC("DIR") - Current direction of transmission? S=sending; R=receiving ; XMC("HELO RECV") - Name of site we are receiving message from ; XMC("HELO SEND") - Name of site we are sending message to ; XMC("C","R") - # chars rcvd this session ; XMC("C","S") - # chars sent this session ; XMC("L") - # lines xmited (rcvd & sent) this session ; XMC("R") - # msgs rcvd this session ; XMC("S") - # msgs sent this session ; XMC("MAILMAN") - MailMan version # of remote site, when communicating ; with another MailMan site, version > 4 ; XMC("SHOW TRAN") - ["S"= Write the 'send' line to the screen ; ["R"= Write the 'receive' line to the screen ; XMC("START") - timestamp at start of xmit session ; XMC("TALKMODE") - Are we in talk mode? 0=no; 1=yes ; XMC("TURN") - Have we turned already? 0=no; 1=yes ; XMCHAN - Before GET^XML: Name of Comm Protocol (file 3.4) channel ; After GET^XML: IEN of Comm Protocol (file 3.4) channel ; XMCLOSE - Xecute this variable to close the channel (file 3.4,field 4) ; XMHOST - IP address ; XMINST - IEN of Domain (file 4.2) being communicated with ; XMLINE - Tracks line number when dumping msgs to/reading from tape ; XMPROT - Name of Communications Protocol (file 3.4) channel ; XMOPEN - Xecute this variable to open the channel (file 3.4,field 3) ; XMREC - Xecute this variable to receive a line (file 3.4,field 2) ; XMRG - The line received ; XMRPORT - Port # used ; XMSEN - Xecute this variable to send a line (file 3.4,field 1) ; XMSG - The line to send ; XMSITE - Name of Domain (file 4.2) being communicated with ; XMTASK - Tracks IEN in 4.281 when dumping msgs to/reading from tape ; XMTRAN - A line to display on the screen by TRAN^XMC1 K XMB K XMC,XMCHAN K XMINST,XMSITE K XMSEN,XMREC,XMOPEN,XMCLOSE ; Kill variables in DIC(3.4 and DIC(4.6 ; (Not used: XMBT,XMLCHAR) K X,ER,TCPCHAN K XM K XMBT K XMDECNET K XMER K XMHANG,XMHOST K XMLCHAR,XMLCT,XMLER,XMLINE,XMLST,XMLTCP K XMNO220 K XMPROT K XMRG,XMRPORT K XMSG,XMSIO,XMSTIME K XMTASK,XMTRAN Q INIT ;INITIALIZE COMMAND TABLE N I,X,DIK K ^DOPT("XMC") S ^DOPT("XMC",0)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(42201)_"^1N^" ; MailMan Network Programmer Option F I=1:1 S X=$P($E($T(Z+I),4,99),";") Q:X="" S ^DOPT("XMC",I,0)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG($P(X,U,1))_U_$P(X,U,2,99) S DIK="^DOPT(""XMC""," D IXALL^DIK Q Z ;; ;;42201.01^^XM;MAILMAN ;;42201.02^PLAY^XMCX;PLAY A SCRIPT ;;42201.03^Q1^XMCX;SCHEDULE TASK FOR ONE DOMAIN WITH QUEUED MESSAGES ;;42201.04^QALL^XMCX;SCHEDULE TASKS FOR ALL DOMAINS WITH QUEUED MESSAGES ;;42201.05^SHOWQ^XMCQ;SHOW A QUEUE ;;42201.06^LIST^XMCXT;LIST TRANSCRIPT ;;42201.07^STATUS^XMCQ;TRANSMIT QUEUE STATUS REPORT ;;42201.08^ACTIVE^XMCQA;ACTIVELY TRANSMITTING QUEUES REPORT ;;42201.09^ALL^XMCQA;QUEUES WITH MESSAGES TO GO OUT REPORT ;;42201.1^ENTER^XMCQH;HISTORICAL QUEUE STATISTICS REPORT ;;42201.11^GLBOUT^XMCB;SEND MESSAGES TO ANOTHER UCI VIA %ZISL GLOBAL ;;42201.12^GLBIN^XMCB;RECEIVE MESSAGES FROM ANOTHER UCI VIA %ZISL GLOBAL ;;42201.13^TAPEOUT^XMCB;SEQUENTIAL MEDIA QUEUE TRANSMISSION ;;42201.14^TAPEIN^XMCB;SEQUENTIAL MEDIA MESSAGE RECEPTION ;;42201.15^VAL^XMCE;VALIDATION NUMBER EDIT ;;42201.16^OUT^XMCE;TOGGLE A SCRIPT OUT OF SERVICE ;;42201.17^EDIT42^XMCE;EDIT A SCRIPT ;;42201.18^EDIT46^XMCE;SUBROUTINE EDITOR ;; ;;**OBSOLETE** ;;BLOB SEND^BLOB^XMA2B ;;DIAL PHONE^DI^XMC1 ;;HANG UP PHONE^H^XMC1 ;;IMMEDIATE SCRIPT MODE^IMM^XMC11 ;;RESUME SCRIPT PROCESSING^RES^XMC1 ;;