XMC11 ;(WASH ISC)/THM-DECNET Communications Protocol Tools ;04/17/2002 07:51 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 Q ;ENS and ENR are used by DECNET Communications Protocol in file 3.4 ENS ;Send I $G(XMINST) D XMTSTAT^XMTDR(XMINST,"S",XMSG) Q ENR ;Receive I $G(XMINST) D XMTSTAT^XMTDR(XMINST,"R",XMRG) Q ; *** THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT USED *** IMM ;Immediate mode interpreter S XMC("SHOW TRAN")="RS" I $G(XMC("AUDIT")) K ^TMP("XMC",XMC("AUDIT")),XMC("AUDIT","I") F R !!,"Script command: ",X:DTIME Q:X="" D INT^XMC1(X,"you entered") U IO(0) W " ",$S(ER:"Failed",1:"OK") Q CHRS ;Christening operation N XMINST,XMSITE,DIC,X,Y,DIR I '$D(^XMB("NETNAME")) D Q . W !!,$C(7),"This domain is not yet christened. It cannot christen others" . W !,"until initialized and christened by a parent domain." W !!,"This process will create a new subordinate domain to this domain" W !,"and update network relationships both there and here, as well as" W !,"inform this domain's parent." W !!,"Do you really want to do this? NO// " R X:DTIME Q:"Yy"'[$S($L(X):$E(X),1:1) C W !!!,"Enter the name of the subordinate domain which you wish to christen" S DIC=4.2,DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S XMINST=+Y,XMSITE=$P(Y,U,2) S XMC("CHRISTEN")=^XMB("NETNAME")_","_XMSITE S XM="D" D ENT^XMC1 K XMC("CHRISTEN") Q