XMCD ;(WASH ISC)/THM-Communications Diagnostics ;04/17/2002 08:27 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Entry points used by MailMan options (not covered by DBIA): ; DIALER XMDXMODEM ; TRAN XMDXSCRIPT ; SMTP XMDXSMTP Q DIALER ; Test the modem autodialer W !!,"This tests the modem autodialer by allowing you to enter a phone number" W !,"which this program will then dial on the selected modem.",!! N XMABORT,XMPHONE,XMHANG,XMSTAT,XMDIAL,DIR,X,Y S (XMABORT,ER)=0 F D ^%ZIS Q:POP D Q:XMABORT . D D1^XMC1B . U IO(0) . I XMC("MODEM")="" W !,$C(7),"This device has no modem defined for it." Q . W !,^%ZIS(2,XMC("MODEM"),0)," is the defined modem for device ",IO . I $L(XMSTAT) W !,"Checking status..." U IO X XMSTAT U IO(0) W " Status: ",Y . I '$L(XMDIAL) W !,"No dialer logic specified for this modem type" Q . I '$L(XMHANG) W !,"No hangup logic specified for this modem type",$C(7) Q . F D Q:XMABORT!'ER . . K DIR,X,Y . . S DIR(0)="F^3:30" . . S DIR("A")="Enter the phone number to dial" . . D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XMABORT=1 Q . . S XMPHONE=Y . . U IO X XMDIAL U IO(0) . . I ER W !,$C(7),"Call failed: ",Y . Q:XMABORT . W !,"Successful. Now hanging up ..." . U IO X XMHANG U IO(0) . I ER W !,$C(7),"Hang up unsuccessful" Q . W !,"Hang up successful." D KILL^XMC Q SMTP ; SMTP Tester W !!,"This procedure will test the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," W !,"allowing you to interactively enter each of the SMTP commands." W !,"The messages will not actually be delivered to the named recipients." W !,"That which you type will be preceded with an 'S: '." W !,"The SMTP responses will be preceded with an 'R: '" W !!,"Terminate the session with a QUIT command",!! D TST^XMR Q TRAN ; Test transmission error rates, speeds N XMSECURE,%X,%Y W !!,"This will test a link by executing the script, then sending 20 lines" W !,"in echo test mode. It will report the number of recoverable and " W !,"unrecoverable errors, as well as the transmission efficiency." D LOADCODE^XMJMCODE S %X="XMSECURE(",%Y="^TMP(""XMS"",$J,""S""," D %XY^%RCR K XMSECURE S XMC("TEST")=1 D PLAY^XMCX K XMC("TEST"),^TMP("XMS",$J,"S") D KILL^XMC Q