XMDIRRCV ;(WASH ISC)/CWU-Receive Email Directory ;04/18/2002 07:32 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Entry points used by MailMan options (not covered by DBIA): ; RECEIVE XMMGR-DIRECTORY-RECV RECEIVE ; S XMA=0 ; ;Get pointer to domain data is coming from S %=$P($P($P(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0),U,2),"@",2),">") S XMDIR1A("CODE")=$S(%="":^XMB("NETNAME"),1:%) N DIK S DA=0,DIK="^XMD(4.2997," F S DA=$O(^XMD(4.2997,"E",XMDIR1A("CODE"),DA)) Q:+DA'=DA D ^DIK ; ;Begin main loop ; A ;X XMREC ;I $D(XMER) G Q:XMER<0 ;S XMA=XMA+1 ;S XMTXT(XMA)=XMRG ;G A Q ; SET UP FOR RECEIVING EMAIL DIRECTORY N %,%1,%5,%6 S XMDIR1=$E(DT,1,5)-200 S %=.999999 F S %=$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,%)) Q:%="" S %1=$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,%,0)) D . Q:%1="" . S X("LN")=$P(%1,U),X("FN")=$P(%1,U,2),X("RN")=$P(%1,U,3),X("MC")=$P(%1,U,4),X("EMC")=$P(%1,U,5),X("L")=$P(%1,U,6),X("NET")=$P(%1,U,7) . Q:X("LN")="" . I $D(^XMD(4.2997,"B",X("LN"))) S %5="" F S %5=$O(^XMD(4.2997,"B",X("LN"),%5)) Q:%5="" I $D(^XMD(4.2997,%5,0)) S %6=^XMD(4.2997,%5,0) Q:X("NET")=$P(%6,U,7) . D FILE^XMDIR1A(.X) ; ;FINISH UP ; ;Set up for call to MailMan programmer interface S XMTEXT="XMTXT(",^TMP("XMY",$J,.5)="" S XMTXT(XMA+1)=" " S XMTXT(XMA+2)="This message arrived through a server routine." ; ;Call MailMan programmer interface D ^XMD D ZAPSERV^XMXMSGS1("S."_XQSOP,XQMSG) Q