XMGAPI4 ;(WASH ISC)/CAP-Get New Msg Info ;04/17/2002 09:01 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Entry points (DBIA 1201 - Private!): ; $$NU Get new message info NU(XMFORCE,XMMOVE,XMOUT) ;API for new message display ;Usage: S X=$$NU^XMGAPI4(1) = Display on screen ; S X=$$NU^XMGAPI4(0) = Do not display ; S X=$$NU^XMGAPI4(1,1,"ABC") Return displayable array "ABC" ; ;Inputs: DUZ must exist ; XMDUZ will exist if the context is in MailMan ; ;XMFORCE=1 to force new display ; =0 for no display ;XMMOVE =1 will cause an array to be passed back in array XMOUT, ; which should be passed in by value (as a quoted string). N XMARRAY,XMI,XMNEW D CHKMASTR($G(XMDUZ,DUZ),XMFORCE,.XMNEW,.XMARRAY,.XMI) I $G(XMMOVE),$G(XMOUT)?1.AN S XMARRAY=+$G(XMI) M @XMOUT=XMARRAY Q XMNEW ;Return values or write I XMFORCE S XMI=0 F S XMI=$O(XMARRAY(XMI)) Q:'XMI W !,XMARRAY(XMI) Q XMNEW CHK ; Sets Y = number of new messages for the user. S:$G(XMDUZ)'=.6 Y=$$TNMSGCT^XMXUTIL($G(XMDUZ,DUZ)) D CLEANUP^XMXADDR Q CHKMASTR(XMUSER,XMFORCE,XMNEW,XMARRAY,XMI) ; D CHKUSER(XMUSER,XMFORCE,.XMNEW,.XMARRAY,.XMI) D CHKPRI(XMUSER,.XMARRAY,.XMI) Q:XMUSER=.5!'XMFORCE!'$D(^XMB(3.7,"AB",XMUSER,.5)) Q:'$$TNMSGCT^XMXUTIL(.5) S XMI=$G(XMI)+1,XMARRAY(XMI)="" S XMI=XMI+1,XMARRAY(XMI)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38162) ; Checking POSTMASTER mailbox. D CHKUSER(.5,XMFORCE,.XMNEW,.XMARRAY,.XMI) Q CHKUSER(XMUSER,XMFORCE,XMNEW,XMARRAY,XMI) ; I '$D(^XMB(3.7,XMUSER,0)) S XMNEW=0 Q N XMREC,XMPARM S XMREC=$$NEWS^XMXUTIL(XMUSER,$D(DUZ("SAV"))) S XMNEW=$P(XMREC,U,1) ; new messages Q:'XMFORCE!'XMNEW S XMPARM(1)=$P(XMREC,U,1) S:XMUSER=.5 XMPARM(2)=$$NAME^XMXUTIL(.5) S XMI=$G(XMI)+1,XMARRAY(XMI)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG($S(XMUSER=DUZ:38155,1:38156)+$S(XMPARM(1)>1:0,'XMPARM(1):.2,1:.1),.XMPARM) ; You have/|2| has |1|/no new message(s). I $P(XMREC,U,6) D ; new messages in the default read (usually IN) basket. . S XMPARM(1)=$P(XMREC,U,6),XMPARM(2)=$P(XMREC,U,8) . S XMARRAY(XMI)=XMARRAY(XMI)_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38157,.XMPARM) ; (|1| in the '|2|' basket) I $P(XMREC,U,5) D ; if last arrival > latest notification... . S XMI=XMI+1,XMARRAY(XMI)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38158,$$MMDT^XMXUTIL1($P(XMREC,U,4))) ; (Last arrival: |1|)" Q:XMUSER=.5 S XMI=XMI+1,XMARRAY(XMI)="" S XMI=XMI+1,XMARRAY(XMI)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38161) ; Enter '^NML' to read your new messages. Q CHKPRI(XMUSER,XMARRAY,XMI) ; Q:'$D(^XMB(3.7,XMUSER,"N")) I '$D(IORVON) N IORVON,IORVOFF,IOBON,IOBOFF D ZIS^XM S XMI=$G(XMI)+1,XMARRAY(XMI)=$G(IORVON)_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(38159)_$G(IORVOFF) ; You've got PRIORITY mail! Q ; >>>> I don't think anything after here is used. <<<< LST(A,X,Y) ;List NEW message (or any other) array ; A=Array to list ; X=X address of box ; Y=Y address of box N I,S S I="",$P(S," ",IOM+1)="" F S I=$O(A(I)) Q:I="" D . I $G(X) S DX=X,DY=Y X IOXY . E W ! . W $E(A(I)_S,1,IOM-$G(X)) . I $D(Y) S Y=Y+1 Q PRIALRT ; Priority Mail Alert N XQAID S XQAID="XM-PRIOMESS" D ALERT I '$D(XMDUZ) N XMDUZ S XMDUZ=DUZ W !,"Select new PRIORITY messages (one at a time) from the list given." D INIT^XMVVITAE D LISTALL^XMJMLN(XMDUZ,"N") Q NEWALRT ; Alert for NEW Mail N XQAID S XQAID="XM-NEWMESS" D ALERT I '$D(XMDUZ) N XMDUZ S XMDUZ=DUZ W !,"Select NEW messages (one at a time) from the list given." D INIT^XMVVITAE D LISTALL^XMJMLN(XMDUZ,"N0") Q ALERT ; N X,XQAKILL S X=$$NU(1,1,"X") D LST(.X) S XQA($S($G(XMDUZ):XMDUZ,1:DUZ))="",XQAKILL=1 D DELETEA^XQALERT Q