XMJMOI1 ;ISC-SF/GMB-Options at Ignore prompt (cont.) ;05/14/2002 15:28 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 INIT(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMSUBJ,XMFROM,XMORIGN8,XMINSTR,XMRESTR,XMIEN,XMRESPSO,XMRESP) ; N XMZREC,XMIM,XMIU S XMZREC=^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0) D INMSG^XMXUTIL2(XMDUZ,0,XMZ,XMZREC,"I",.XMIM,.XMINSTR,.XMIU) S XMSUBJ=XMIM("SUBJ") S XMFROM=XMIM("FROM") S XMRESPSO=XMIM("RESPS") S XMIEN=XMIU("IEN") S XMORIGN8=XMIU("ORIGN8") S XMRESP=XMIU("RESP") D GETRESTR(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMZREC,.XMINSTR,.XMRESTR) Q GETRESTR(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMZREC,XMINSTR,XMRESTR) ; D GETRESTR^XMXSEC1(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMZREC,.XMINSTR,.XMRESTR) ; Get restricts I $D(XMRESTR("FLAGS")) K XMRESTR("FLAGS") ; We'll have these in XMINSTR("FLAGS"), and they may be changed during user edit. Q IMBACK(XMDIALOG) ; W $C(7),!!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(XMDIALOG),!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34075),!! ; Finished. Now back to: D HEADER^XMJMP1(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZ,$$ZREAD^XMXUTIL2(XMDUZ,XMZ),^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0),$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34536,XMSUBJ),$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34537,XMZ)) ; Subj: _XMSUBJ / [#_XMZ_] Q PRIORITY ; For priority msgs, ask user if replies should be priority. ; Don't ask if the user has already issued a priority toggle, ; or if the user has chosen never to be asked. Q:XMDUZ=.5&(XMK>999) Q:$G(XMSETPRI)!$P(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,0),U,12) N DIR,Y,DIRUT ;This message is a priority message. ;Deliver future responses to this message as Priority Mail W ! S DIR(0)="Y" D BLD^DIALOG(34081,"","","DIR(""A"")") S DIR("B")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG($S(XMINSTR("FLAGS")["K":39054,1:39053)) ; Yes / No S DIR("??")="^D QQPRI^XMJMOI1" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I (XMINSTR("FLAGS")["K"&(Y=0))!(XMINSTR("FLAGS")'["K"&(Y=1)) D K^XMJMOI Q QQPRI ; N XMTEXT D BLD^DIALOG(34082,"","","XMTEXT","F") D MSG^DIALOG("WH","","","","XMTEXT") ;Your answer determines, for this message, ;how MailMan delivers responses to you. ;Note: Recipients can determine for themselves, on a message by message ;basis, how responses to priority messages are delivered to them. ;It follows that responses to priority messages are not necessarily ;delivered as Priority Mail to all recipients. Q RESETXMK(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMK,XMKN) ; D BSKT^XMJMP1(XMDUZ,XMZ,.XMK,.XMKN) N XMTEXT,XMPARM S XMPARM(1)=XMKN,XMPARM(2)=XMV("NAME") W ! D BLD^DIALOG(34068,.XMPARM,"","XMTEXT","F") D MSG^DIALOG("WM","","","","XMTEXT") W ! ; This message is now in the '|1|' basket. ; Someone acting for |2| must have moved it. Q READSET(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZ,XMFROM,XMORIGN8,XMINSTR,XMIEN,XMDIR,XMOPT,XMOX) ; N XMIM,XMIU,XMDEF S XMIM("FROM")=XMFROM S XMIU("ORIGN8")=XMORIGN8 S XMIU("IEN")=XMIEN D OPTMSG^XMXSEC2(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,.XMIM,.XMINSTR,.XMIU,.XMOPT,.XMOX,1) K XMOPT("QR"),XMOX("X",XMOX("O","QR")),XMOX("O","QR") D SET^XMXSEC1("Q xxx",37420.1,.XMOPT,.XMOX) ; Query recipient(s) xxx D SET^XMXSEC1("HU",37429,.XMOPT,.XMOX) ; Help:User Information D SET^XMXSEC1("HG",37430,.XMOPT,.XMOX) ; Help:Group Information D SET^XMXSEC1("BR",37446,.XMOPT,.XMOX) ; Print to the Browser I $D(XMOPT("B","?")) S XMOPT("BR","?")=XMOPT("B","?") E I '$$TEST^DDBRT S XMOPT("BR","?")=37446.9 ; The BROWSER device is not selectable from this terminal. S XMDIR("A")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34065,XMKN) ; Enter message action (in _XMKN_ basket): S XMDEF=$S(XMDUZ=.6:"I",XMINSTR("FLAGS")["N":"I",XMK=1:XMV("MSG DEF"),1:"I") S XMDIR("B")=XMOX("O",XMDEF)_":"_XMOPT(XMDEF) S XMDIR("PRE")="I XMX?1(1"""_XMOX("O","Q")_" "",1"""_$$LOW^XLFSTR(XMOX("O","Q"))_" "",1"""_XMOX("O","QD")_" "",1"""_$$LOW^XLFSTR(XMOX("O","QD"))_" "").E S XMNAME=$P(XMX,"" "",2,99),XMX="""_XMOX("O","QD")_"""" Q:XMK="!" ; Super Search (option XM SUPER SEARCH) I XMV("NOSEND") D . N I . F I="A","C","R","W" S XMOPT(I,"?")=37453 ; This session is concurrent with another. You may not do this. E I $G(XMOPT("A","?"))=37401.1 K XMOPT("A","?") ; You must have a Network Signature to Answer a message. D SET^XMXSEC1("RI",37443,.XMOPT,.XMOX) ; Reply and Include responses I $D(XMOPT("R","?")) S XMOPT("RI","?")=XMOPT("R","?") Q