XMJMR1 ;ISC-SF/GMB-Interactive Reply (cont.) ;08/24/2001 08:29 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 INIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZO,XMZOSUBJ,XMZOFROM,XMINSTR,XMINCL,XMZI,XMWHICH,XMABORT) ; N DIR,Y,DIRUT,XMRESPS I XMDUZ=.6,DUZ=.6 D Q . ; This is already handled in OPTMSG^XMXSEC2, but, just in case... . S XMABORT=1 . W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(37422.6) ; SHARED,MAIL may not Reply to a message. . G H^XUS D CHKLOCK^XMJMS(XMDUZ,.XMABORT) Q:XMABORT I XMINSTR("FLAGS")["P" D Q:XMABORT . N XMTEXT . W !,$C(7) . D BLD^DIALOG(34200,"","","XMTEXT","F") ; Responses to priority messages are not ... (need priority? send a new msg) . D MSG^DIALOG("WH","","","","XMTEXT") . W ! . D PAGE^XMXUTIL(.XMABORT) I XMZOFROM["POSTMASTER",XMZOFROM["@" D Q:XMABORT . N XMTEXT . W !,$C(7) . D BLD^DIALOG(34201,"","","XMTEXT","F") ; Because this message is from a remote ... (reply stays local) . D MSG^DIALOG("WH","","","","XMTEXT") . W ! . D PAGE^XMXUTIL(.XMABORT) D CHKBSKT^XMJMOI(XMDUZ,XMZO,.XMK,.XMKN) I +XMK<1 D . W ! . D SAVEMSG^XMJMOI(XMDUZ,.XMK,.XMKN,XMZO,XMZOSUBJ,XMZOFROM,$G(XMINSTR("RCPT BSKT"))) S XMRESPS=+$P($G(^XMB(3.9,XMZO,3,0)),U,4) D WHICH(XMDUZ,XMZO,XMINCL,.XMZI,.XMWHICH,.XMABORT) Q WHICH(XMDUZ,XMZO,XMINCL,XMZI,XMWHICH,XMABORT) ; ; XMINCL =0 Do not include previous responses. Just reply. ; =1 Include previous response(s) from this message ; or include response(s) from another message in reply. ; =2 Include response(s) from another message in a new message. Q:XMINCL=0 D WHICHMSG(XMDUZ,XMZO,XMINCL,.XMZI,.XMABORT) Q:XMABORT D WHICH^XMJMC(XMZI,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34209),.XMWHICH,.XMABORT) ; include Q WHICHMSG(XMDUZ,XMZO,XMINCL,XMZI,XMABORT) ; Include responses from which (different) message N DIR,X,Y,XMIN,XMAX,XMPARM S (XMPARM(1),XMIN)=$O(^XMB(3.9,0)),(XMPARM(2),XMAX)=$O(^XMB(3.9,":"),-1) W ! S DIR("A")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34270) ; Include responses from which message I XMINCL=1 D . S DIR("B")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34271) ; This message . S DIR(0)="FO^"_$$MIN^XLFMTH($L(XMIN),$L(DIR("B")))_":"_$$MAX^XLFMTH($L(XMAX),$L(DIR("B")))_"^D CHKMSG^XMJMR1(.Y)" . D BLD^DIALOG(34272,.XMPARM,"","DIR(""?"")") . ;Press Enter to include previous responses from this message . ;or enter the internal entry number of a different message . ;(_XMIN_-_XMAX_) to include any of its responses. E D . S DIR(0)="NO^"_XMIN_":"_XMAX_":0^D CHKMSG^XMJMR1(.Y)" . D BLD^DIALOG(34273,.XMPARM,"","DIR(""?"")") . ;Enter the internal entry number of a different message . ;(_XMIN_-_XMAX_) to include any of its responses. D ^DIR I 'Y S XMABORT=1 Q S XMZI=+Y Q:XMINCL=1 ; Do you want to review this message first? Q CHKMSG(XMZI) ; I XMINCL=1,XMZI=DIR("B") S XMZI=XMZO Q ; Include previous responses from this message. I XMINCL=1,$S(XMZI'?.N:1,XMZIXMAX:1,1:0) K X W $C(7)," ?" Q I XMINCL=2,XMZI=XMZO D Q . K X . W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34274) ; You can't include the message you're editing. N XMZIREC ; Include responses from another message. S XMZIREC=$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZI,0)) I XMZIREC="" K X Q I '$$INCLUDE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMZI) D Q . K X . D SHOW^XMJERR W " ",$P(XMZIREC,U,1) Q COPYTEXT(XMZI,XMZ,XMWHICH,XMHDR) ; N I,XMRESP,XMRANGE,XMC I $G(XMHDR) S XMHDR("XMZ")=XMZI,XMHDR("REC")=^XMB(3.9,XMZI,0) W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34202) ; Copying... S XMC=+$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,""),-1) F I=1:1:$L(XMWHICH,",") D . S XMRANGE=$P(XMWHICH,",",I) . Q:XMRANGE="" ; (XMWHICH can end with a ",", giving us a null piece.) . F XMRESP=$P(XMRANGE,"-",1):1:$S(XMRANGE["-":$P(XMRANGE,"-",2),1:XMRANGE) D . . I XMRESP=0 D COPYRESP(XMRESP,XMZI,XMZ,.XMC,.XMHDR) Q . . D COPYRESP(XMRESP,+$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZI,3,XMRESP,0)),XMZ,.XMC,.XMHDR) S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92A^"_XMC_U_XMC_U_DT Q COPYRESP(XMRESP,XMZI,XMZ,XMC,XMHDR) ; N XMF,XMFROM,XMDT,XMZREC,XMPARM S XMC=XMC+1 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)="" S XMZREC=$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZI,0)) S XMFROM=$$NAME^XMXUTIL($P(XMZREC,U,2)) S XMDT=$P(XMZREC,U,3) I $G(XMHDR) D . S XMC=XMC+1 . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)="In the message:" . S XMC=XMC+1 . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)=">"_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34536,$$SUBJ^XMXUTIL2(XMHDR("REC")))_" "_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34537,XMHDR("XMZ")) ; Subj: / [#] . S XMC=XMC+1 . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)=">"_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34538,$$FROM^XMXUTIL2(XMHDR("REC")))_$S($P(XMHDR("REC"),U,4)="":"",1:" "_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34533,$$NAME^XMXUTIL($P(XMHDR("REC"),U,4)))) ; From: |1| (Sender: |1|) . S XMC=XMC+1 . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)=">"_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34585,$$MMDT^XMXUTIL1($P(XMHDR("REC"),U,3))) ; Sent: |1| S XMC=XMC+1 S XMPARM(1)=$$MMDT^XMXUTIL1(XMDT) S XMPARM(2)=$S(XMRESP:$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34204,XMRESP),1:$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34205)) ; Response #|1| / Original message S XMPARM(3)=XMFROM S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34203,.XMPARM) ; On |1| (|2|) |3| wrote: S XMF=.999999 F S XMF=$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZI,2,XMF)) Q:XMF="" D . S XMC=XMC+1 . W:XMC#50=0 "." . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,XMC,0)=$E(">"_^XMB(3.9,XMZI,2,XMF,0),1,254) Q