XMKPLQ ;ISC-SF/GMB-Post local msgs to correct queues ;07/28/2000 14:34 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Replaces ^XMADJF0, ZTSK^XMADGO (ISC-WASH/CAP) GO ; ; Variables provided through TASKMAN: XMHANG N XMACTIVE,XMUID,XMQLIST,XMTSTAMP,XMGROUP,XMCNT,XMQUEUE,XMREC I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" L +^XMBPOST("POST_Mover"):1 E Q I $D(ZTQUEUED) S %=$$PSET^%ZTLOAD(ZTSK) S XMACTIVE=$$TSTAMP^XMXUTIL1 F D Q:$P($G(^XMB(1,1,0)),U,16) . D GETQ(.XMQLIST) ; Get new parameters for grouping . S XMTSTAMP="" . F S XMTSTAMP=$O(^XMBPOST("BOX",XMTSTAMP)) Q:XMTSTAMP="" D Q:$$TSTAMP^XMXUTIL1-XMACTIVE>30 . . S XMGROUP="" . . F S XMGROUP=$O(^XMBPOST("BOX",XMTSTAMP,XMGROUP)) Q:XMGROUP="" D . . . S XMUID=0 . . . F S XMUID=$O(^XMBPOST("BOX",XMTSTAMP,XMGROUP,XMUID)) Q:XMUID="" S XMREC=^(XMUID) D . . . . S XMCNT=+XMREC . . . . S XMQUEUE=$$WHICHQ(XMQLIST(XMGROUP),XMCNT) . . . . I XMGROUP="M" D . . . . . D MQUEUE(XMTSTAMP,XMUID,XMQUEUE,XMREC) . . . . E D . . . . . D RQUEUE(XMTSTAMP,XMUID,XMQUEUE,XMREC) . . . . D STATS(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE,XMCNT) . . . . K ^XMBPOST("BOX",XMTSTAMP,XMGROUP,XMUID) . I $$TSTAMP^XMXUTIL1-XMACTIVE>30 D Q . . D ZTSK . . S XMACTIVE=$$TSTAMP^XMXUTIL1 . H XMHANG L -^XMBPOST("POST_Mover") I $D(ZTQUEUED) D PCLEAR^%ZTLOAD(ZTSK) Q GETQ(XMQLIST) ; N X S X=$G(^XMB(1,1,6)) S XMQLIST("M")=$P(X,U),XMQLIST("R")=$P(X,U,2) Q WHICHQ(XMQLIST,XMCNT) ; N XMQUEUE,XMQLEN I XMQLIST'["," Q 1 S XMQLEN=$L(XMQLIST,",") F XMQUEUE=1:1:$L(XMQLIST,",") Q:XMCNT<$P(XMQLIST,",",XMQUEUE) Q $S(XMCNT<$P(XMQLIST,",",XMQUEUE):XMQUEUE,1:XMQUEUE+1) RQUEUE(XMTSTAMP,XMUID,XMQUEUE,XMREC) ; Put replies into queue N XMZ,XMTSQ ;If the response is already in the queue, find out its Timestamp ;and file the new response right next to it. S XMZ=$P(XMUID,U,1) S XMTSQ=$O(^XMBPOST("R",XMQUEUE,"B",XMZ,0)) I XMTSQ S XMTSTAMP=XMTSQ E S ^XMBPOST("R",XMQUEUE,"B",XMZ,XMTSTAMP)="" S ^XMBPOST("R",XMQUEUE,XMTSTAMP,XMZ,$P(XMUID,U,2))=XMREC Q MQUEUE(XMTSTAMP,XMUID,XMQUEUE,XMREC) ; Put new & forwarded messages into queue S ^XMBPOST("M",XMQUEUE,XMTSTAMP,XMUID)=XMREC Q STATS(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE,XMCNT) ; N XMSTATS L +^XMBPOST("QSTATS",XMGROUP,XMQUEUE) S XMSTATS=$G(^XMBPOST(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE)),^(XMQUEUE)=($P(XMSTATS,U,1)+1)_U_($P(XMSTATS,U,2)+XMCNT) L -^XMBPOST("QSTATS",XMGROUP,XMQUEUE) Q ZTSK ; START Delivery Background Processes Q:$P(^XMB(1,1,0),U,16) ;Quit if Background Filer Stop Flag N XMGROUP,XMQUEUE,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC F XMGROUP="M","R" D ; Check each queue for messages . S XMQUEUE="" . F S XMQUEUE=$O(^XMBPOST(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE)) Q:XMQUEUE'>0 D . . Q:$D(^XMBPOST(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE))<10 ; Quit if nothing in queue . . L +^XMBPOST(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE):1 E Q ; If node locked, there is already one running . . S (ZTSAVE("XMGROUP"),ZTSAVE("XMQUEUE"),ZTSAVE("XMHANG"))="" . . S ZTDESC=$$EZBLD^DIALOG($S(XMGROUP="M":36230,1:36231),XMQUEUE) ; MailMan: Message/Response Delivery Queue |1| . . S ZTRTN="GO^XMTDL" . . D TASKIT(ZTRTN,ZTDESC,.ZTSAVE) H 0 ; Start a job, Give TaskMan a chance to start it (hang) . . L -^XMBPOST(XMGROUP,XMQUEUE) Q TASKIT(ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE) ; N X,ZTSK,ZTQUEUED,ZTCPU,ZTDTH,ZTIO I '$D(ZTCPU),$D(^XMB(1,1,0)) S X=$P(^(0),U,12) I X'="" S ZTCPU=$P(X,",",2) S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD Q JOB ;Start background filer when TaskMan can't JOBGO S IO="",IO(0)="" D DT^DICRW G GO^XMTDL Q CHKQ ; Input transform for file 4.3, fields 241 and 242 K:$L(X)>120!($L(X)<1) X Q:'$D(X) K:X'?1.N.9(1","1.N) X Q:'$D(X) N I F I=1:1:$L(X,",")-1 I $P(X,",",I)'<$P(X,",",I+1) K X Q Q HELPQ ; Executable help for file 4.3, fields 241 and 242 ;You determine the number of delivery queues (10 max.) ... N XMTEXT D BLD^DIALOG(36232,"","","XMTEXT","F") D MSG^DIALOG("WM","",79,"","XMTEXT") Q