XML ;(WASH ISC)/THM/GJL-MailMan Physical link ;06/04/2002 08:26 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Entry points (DBIA 1283): ; GET - Set up variables for communications protocol in file 3.4 ; ; Entry points used by MailMan options (not covered by DBIA): ; C XMDXPROT OPEN ; N Y I $G(XMCHAN)="" S XMCHAN="SCP" D GET Q:ER D OP Q:ER S:'$D(XMESC) XMESC="~" S:'$D(XMFS) XMFS=255 S:'$D(XM) XM="" Q GET ; Set up variables for communications protocol in file 3.4 ; In: ; XMCHAN - Name of the communications protocol ; Out: ; XMCHAN - IEN of the communications protocol ; XMPROT - Name of the communications protocol ; XMSEN - Xecute this variable to send a line ; XMREC - Xecute this variable to receive a line ; XMOPEN - Xecute this variable to open the channel ; XMCLOSE - Xecute this variable to close the channel ; XMOS - Operating System, used in ^XMLTCP N DIC,X S X=XMCHAN,DIC="^DIC(3.4,",DIC(0)="FO" D ^DIC I Y<0 D Q . D ERTRAN^XMC1(42244,XMCHAN) ;Invalid Communications Protocol: '|1|' . S Y=XMTRAN S XMCHAN=+Y,XMPROT=$P(Y,U,2) S XMSEN=$G(^DIC(3.4,XMCHAN,1),"Q"),XMREC=$G(^(2),"Q"),XMOPEN=$G(^(3),"Q"),XMCLOSE=$G(^(4),"Q") S XMOS=^%ZOSF("OS") I XMOS["MSM" D . S XMOS("MSMVER")=$P($ZV," 4.0.",2) . S:+XMOS("MSMVER")=0 XMOS("MSMVER")=8 Q OP ; I "Q"'[$G(XMOPEN) X XMOPEN I 'XMC("BATCH"),'$D(XMQUIET) S X=255 X ^%ZOSF("RM") Q C X ^%ZOSF("EON") I $D(XMCLOSE) X:$L(XMCLOSE) XMCLOSE Q ; The following has nothing to do with the above. ; These are used by the SCP Communications Protocol in file 3.4. SEND ; Sends XMSG, returns ER=0 or 1, and XMLER=number of "soft" errors I $L(XMSG)>255 S XMLER=0,ER=1 G SRQ I XMSG'?.ANP F %=1:1:$L(XMSG) I $E(XMSG,%)?1C,$A(XMSG,%)'=9 S XMSG=$E(XMSG,1,%-1)_$E(XMSG,%+1,999) Q:XMSG?.ANP S %=%-1 D SRINIT S X=XMSG D SUM I $G(XMINST) D XMTSTAT^XMTDR(XMINST,"S",XMSG,0) SL S XMLER=XMLER+1 I (XMLER+1)>XMLMAXER D NEWSTRAT I ER W XMLERR,$C(13) G SRQ D BUFLUSH W XMSG,$C(13) W XMLINE,U,XMSUM,$C(13) R XMLX:XMLTIME G:XMLX=(XMLINE_U_XMLACK) SRQ S XMLY=XMLX=(XMLINE_U_XMLNAK),XMLZ=0 D:'XMLY ENQ G SL:XMLY,SRQ ENQ ; ACK/NAK garbled - try to re-establish contact S XMLZ=XMLZ+1 I XMLZ>XMLMAXER S (ER,XMLY)=1 Q D BUFLUSH W XMLENQ,$C(13) R XMLX:XMLTIME Q:XMLX=(XMLINE_U_XMLACK) I XMLX[XMLACK!(XMLX[XMLNAK),+XMLX=XMLINE!(+XMLX=XMLINE-1) S XMLY=1 Q H 1 G ENQ REC ; Receives XMRG, returns ER=0 or 1, and XMLER=number of "soft" errors D SRINIT S:'$D(XMLAN) XMLAN=XMLINE_U_XMLNAK I $D(XMRG),$G(XMINST) D XMTSTAT^XMTDR(XMINST,"R",XMRG,0) RL S XMLER=XMLER+1 I (XMLER+1)>XMLMAXER D NEWSTRAT I ER=1 G SRQ R XMRG#255:$S($D(XMSTIME):XMSTIME,1:XMLTIME) S XMLZ=$S('$T:-1,XMRG=XMLENQ:0,XMRG=XMLERR:2,1:1) S ER=XMLZ=2 G:XMLZ>1 SRQ I 'XMLZ D BUFLUSH W XMLAN,$C(13) G RL R XMLY:XMLTIME I +XMLY=XMLINE S X=XMRG D SUM S XMLZ=XMSUM=$P(XMLY,U,2) G RL2 S XMLZ=0 I +XMLY=(XMLINE-1),XMLINE'=1 D BUFLUSH W +XMLY,U,XMLACK,$C(13) G RL RL2 S XMLAN=XMLINE_U_$S(XMLZ:XMLACK,1:XMLNAK) D BUFLUSH W XMLAN,$C(13) G SRQ:XMLZ,RL SRINIT ; Initialize variables for Send/Receive S XMLINE=$S('$D(XMLINE):1,1:XMLINE+1),XMLACK="ACK",XMLNAK="NAK" S XMLENQ=$C(9)_"ENQ"_$C(9),XMLERR=$C(9)_"ERROR"_$C(9) S XMLER=-1 ;soft error count S XMLMAXER=5 ;maximum allowable soft errors S XMLTIME=30 ;length of READ time S ER=0 ;non-recoverable error flag Q NEWSTRAT ; Select new strategy, one or both machines may be slow I XMLMAXER=5 S ER=1 Q ;already tried new strategy, give up. S XMTLER=$S('$D(XMTLER):XMLER,1:XMTLER+XMLER),XMLER=0 ;add to total S XMLMAXER=5 ;reduce allowable soft errors S XMLTIME=30 ;increase the READ time Q SRQ ; Exit from Send/Receive S XMTLER=$S('$D(XMTLER):XMLER,1:XMTLER+XMLER) ;Total errors K XMLACK,XMLNAK,XMLENQ,XMLERR,XMLMAXER,XMLTIME,XMLX,XMLY,XMLZ Q BUFLUSH ; Flush buffer Q:'$D(XMBFLUSH) X ^%ZOSF("TRMON") S X=$P($H,",",2) F %=1:1 R %:0 Q:'$T S %=$P($H,",",2) S:%15 X ^%ZOSF("TRMOFF") Q SUM ; Calculate checksum, accounting also for the character's position S XMSUM=0 F %=1:1:$L(X) S XMSUM=XMSUM+($A(X,%)*%) Q