XMR0BLOB ;(WASH ISC)/CAP-BLOB Receive ;09/15/97 09:28 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; ;This routine receives BLOBS (Basic Large OBjects), also known in the ;messaging world as 'Other Body Parts' of messages. ;It can do this only with Mailman systems after (not including) ;version 7.0. ; ;A later capability is planned to receive TCP/IP-SMTP messaes that ;conform to MIME (MEE-MEE), an extension to RFC-822 that MailMan will ;conform to. ; ;Message Protocol Data Unit (MPDU) received in X (from XMR0A) contains: ; ;file_name^BLOB_name^BLOB_type^Origin Date ;(Eg. X="XIMAGE.756^XRAY2-ulna^STLL IMAGE^2930430 ;API entry requires Path, Netmail entry automatically defaults it ; ;Returns: 250 Okay file_path ; BLOB(X) ;Receive BLOB ; ;Reject BLOBs I '$D(^DD(2005)) S XMSG="555 Reject - Imaging not installed at "_^XMB("NETNAME"),ER=1 X XMSEN G Q ;Cannot recieve BLOB without REGISTERED SUBDIRECTORY in DOMAIN file F Q:$E(X)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,999) ; S %=$G(^DIC(4.2,XMINST,"FTP/DIR")) ;FTP DIRECTORY (File 4.2, Field 6.7) -- Sub-directory for a domain ; ;Receive message into Kernel Site Parameter DISK/VOL (7.7) entry S Y=$G(^XMB(1,1,"DISK/VOL")) I %_Y="",'$L($P($G(^XMB(1,1,"FTPRCVDISK")),U)) S XMSG="550 Reject - No DISK/VOL or DOMAIN Directory defined in Kernel Site Parameters at "_^XMB("NETNAME") X XMSEN G Q S XMR0BLOB("DISK")=Y_$S(%="":"",1:$S($L(Y,"\")>1:"",1:"\"))_% ; S XMR0BLOB("FILE")=$P(X,U),XMR0BLOB("NAME")=$P(X,U,2),XMR0BLOB("TYPE")=$P(X,U,3),XMR0BLOB("FTP")=Y,XMR0BLOB("DATE")=$P(X,U,4) ; ; FILE K DIC ;First make sure pointer fields exist in pointed at files ;Network Location ;Is it there ? S X=$P($G(^XMB(1,1,"FTPNETLOC")),U),X=$S($L(X):X,1:"MAG1"),DIC=2005.2,DIC(0)="XF" D ^DIC ;If not there set it up I Y<0 D FILE^DICN S XMR0BLOB("DISK")=Y ; ;(TYPE) ;Is it there ? K DIC S DIC=2005.02,DIC(0)="FX",X=XMR0BLOB("TYPE") D ^DIC ;If not there set it up I Y<0 D FILE^DICN S XMRBLOB("TYPE")=+Y ; ;Is it already in the file ? S X=XMR0BLOB("NAME"),DIC="^MAG(2005,",DIC(0)="FO" D ^DIC I +Y>0 S XMSG="442 File previously exists",X=$$2005(Y) X XMSEN G Q ; ;Finally it's time to stuff the entry in the master file ;Sends: FTP Address^ ^ ^ ^ Path ^ Username ^ Password ^ Physical Disk ;EG. 250 Okay^^^^image\subdir^USERNAME^PASSWORD^_nfa0: S XMSG="250 Okay ^"_$G(^XMB(1,1,"FTP-RCV"))_"^^^"_$G(^("DISK/VOL"))_U_$G(^("FTPUSER"))_U_$G(^("FTPPWD"))_U_$P($G(^("FTPRCVDISK")),U) X XMSEN G Q:ER S DIC="^MAG(2005,",DIC(0)="FI",X=XMR0BLOB("NAME") D FILE^DICN S DIE="^MAG(2005,",DR="2///"_+XMR0BLOB("DISK")_";1///"_XMR0BLOB("FILE")_";3///"_XMR0BLOB("TYPE")_$S($L(XMR0BLOB("DATE")):";14///"_XMR0BLOB("DATE"),1:""),DA=+Y D ^DIE S X=$$2005(DA) Q K DO,DD,DIC,DO,DD,DA,XMR0BLOB Q 2005(X) ;Add to Message BLOB list N XMFDA S XMFDA(3.92005,"?+1,"_$G(XMZIENS,XMZ_","),.01)=X D UPDATE^DIE("","XMFDA") Q 1 API(X) ;BLOB (XMD,XMB) N %,I,XMMG,XMR0BLOB,XMSEN,XMSG,XMREC F %=1:1:5 S XMR0BLOB($P("FILE^TYPE^NAME^DATE^DISK",U,I))=$P(X,U,I) D FILE Q $S(+XMSG=250:1,+XMSG=440:1,1:0)