XMRPCTSA ;(KC-VAMC)/XXX-Steal TWIX's from PCTS Host [RCVR] ;04/08/98 10:39 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Create a Mailgroup called PCTS, all messages will be sent to its ; membership. This can be called from a mailman script, it should ; look something like this: ; ; O H=VHA.DMIA,P=SCP <---- Domain name and protocol are meaningless ; C MINI ; L ogin: ; S pcts ; L CODE: ; X W "PCTS RUCHxxx",! <---- This is your local routing indicator ; X S XMRPCTS0=XMCI+1 ; X D ^XMRPCTS <---- Call this routine ; X K XMRPCTS0 ;----------------- ; Mailman Host: VHA.DMIA, Physical Link: MINIOUT ;------------------------------------------------------------- XM N %,DIC,X,XMDF,XMTEXT,XXX,XMY,XMZ,Y S %=$$DSP("<==Locally Mailing AMS Message"),XMRPCTS("R")=XMRPCTS("R")+1 N XM,XMCHAN,ZTSK,ZTQUEUED S ZTSK=1,ZTQUEUED=1,XMCHAN=1 S XMDF=1,U="^",XMTEXT="^TMP($J,",XMDUZ=.5 S XMY("G.PCTS")="",XMY(XMDUZ)="",XXX=XMSUB D ^XMD S XMLMN=XMZ ;--Make it look like a network message so we can track some info S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.001,0)="Received: from PCTS/AMS by "_^XMB("NETNAME")_" via DMI/MM translation with SSP." S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.002,0)="Subject: "_XXX S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.003,0)="Date: "_$$INDT^XMXUTIL1($$NOW^XLFDT()) S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.004,0)="Message-ID:<"_$P(XMMN," ")_"@AMS>" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.005,0)="From: The Austin AMS System" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.006,0)="To: G.PCTS" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.007,0)="X-Another service provided by DHCP" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,.008,0)="" Q REPLY ;Let AMS know we have the message OK and what our local msg number is S %=$$DSP("<==MAK2, Message #"_XMLMN_" Removed from AMS Queue") U IO W "MAK2",!,XMMN,!,"#"_XMLMN,!,XMET,XMCR Q ; INIT ;called from XMRPCTS & XMRPCTS0 S %=$$DSP("==>Initializing<==") I '$G(XMCI) S XMCI=$S($G(XMRPCTS0):XMRPCTS0,1:999999) I XMCI>999 S ER=1,Y="Lost the counter to the script processor (XMCI)." S %=0,XMCR=$C(13),XMLF=$C(10),XMET=$C(4),XMSH=$C(1) D TERMON K ^TMP($J) ;Scratch Space S XMLPC=0 ;Longitudinal Parity Check for SSP S XMDH="0123456789ABCDEF" ; for LPC calculations Q ; TERMON ;Need to change read terminators I ^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM" U IO:TERM=$C(3,4,13,27) Q I ^%ZOSF("OS")["MSM" U IO:(::::::::$C(3,4,13,27)) Q I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM-NT" U $I:("":"+I-T":$C(3,4,13,27)) Q W XMRPCTS("ERROR"),"Terminators not defined for this operating system",! Q ; DSP(XMTRAN) D TRAN^XMC1 Q "" ; ERR D ^%ZTER S %=$$DSP("ERROR captured in error trap !!!") G UNWIND^%ZTER