XMSFTPUX ;(WASH ISC)/CAP-TCP/IP-FTP Sender ;04/17/2002 11:30 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;XXX/KCMO - Modified for UCX, added a field to the network location ;file called 'maps to reference' that can be used to map the DOS ;locations to Unix/VMS references. ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;TCP/IP-FTP COMMUNICATIONS ;Send file via FTP / File located on another TCP/IP node FTP K TEST N XMIO,OREF,LOC,FILE,IFILE S XMIO=$I ; ;Get unique number for file to send S (XMSFTP,X)=$G(^XMBX(4.2995,"F",0))+1,^(0)=X ; XX S LOC=$P($G(^MAG(2005,+XMSFTP("IMAGE-PTR"),0)),U,3) S OREF=$P($G(^MAG(2005.2,LOC,589001)),U) ; S FILE="XM"_X_".COM",IFILE="XM"_X_".INP" O FILE:NEW O IFILE:NEW U FILE W "$! FTP COM procedure for sending binary files, UCX/XXX",! W "$ set noon",! W "$ ftp:=$ucx$ftp/ultrix",! W "$ ftp /input="_IFILE_" "_XMSFTP(3),! W "$ exit !Need to check status",! C FILE G PUT ; ;Get file from local network S %=$G(XMSFTP(4)) W %,! S %=$G(XMSFTP(5)) I $L(%) W %,! W "bin",! W "get "_$P(XMSFTP(2),U,2)_XMSFTP(2,"F")_" "_XMSFTP(2,"F"),! W "close",! ; ;Put file to remote location W "open "_XMSFTP(3),! G P ; PUT U IFILE S %=$G(XMSFTP(6)) W "user ",%," " P S %=$G(XMSFTP(7)) I $L(%) H 3 W %,! I $L($G(XMSFTP(7.1))) H 3 W XMSFTP(7.1),! W "bin",! W "lcd ",OREF,! ; ;Need to know directory on remote side S %=$G(XMSFTP(8)) I $L(%) W "cd "_%,! S %=$G(XMSFTP(2)) I $L(%) W "cd "_%,! W "delete "_XMSFTP(2,"F")_";*",! W "put ",XMSFTP(2,"F"),! C IFILE ; ;The following code originally spawned off an FTP transaction ;immediately when the XMnnn.COM file was created. It has been ;replaced with code in XMRTCP. ; ;S %=$H*86400+$P($H,",",2)+600,%H=%\86400_","_(%#86400) D YX^%DTC S %=$P($P(Y,",")," ",2)_"-"_$P(Y," ")_"-"_$P($P(Y,"@"),", ",2)_":"_$P(Y,"@",2) ; S X=$$FILE(FILE) K FILE,XMTMPFIL U XMIO Q B36 ;Calculate base 36 number N %,N,O,I,Z S O=X,%=X#36+1 D N S Y=N S %=X\(36)#36+1 D N S Y=N_Y S %=X\(36*36)#36+1 D N S Y=N_Y S %=X\(36*36*36)#36+1 D N S Y=N_Y S X=O Q Q N S N=$E("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",%) Q FILE(X) ;Add record to FTP list N DD,DO,DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S DIC="^XMBX(4.2995,",DIC(0)="LF",DIC("DR")="1///"_($H*86400+$P($H,",",2))_";2///"_$S($G(XMDUZ):XMDUZ,1:DUZ) D FILE^DICN S %=$G(XMSFTP("IMAGE-PTR")) I % S $P(^XMBX(4.2995,+Y,0),U,4)=% Q Y TEST S TEST=1 ;;XMSFTP(1)=get file IP address (EG - sstu) ;;XMSFTP(2)=DOS dir / subdir... Other than default to IMPORT file into ;;XMSFTP(2,"F")=File to get (s:\image\nfibpd2.756) ;;XMSFTP(3)=put to IP address ;;XMSFTP(4)=User ID at origination node ;;XMSFTP(5)=User Password at origination node ;;XMSFTP(6)=User ID at destination node ;;XMSFTP(7)=User Password at destination node ;;XMSFTP(8)=FTP IMPORT PATH [VMS has DIR.SUBD..., see XMSFTP(2) for DOS] Q ; ;To display image on Pete's terminal ;>stage ;>C:\t\test3 file_name ; ;find differences: diff file1 file2 (no display=no differences)