XMUDCHR ;ISC-SF/GMB-Christen Site ;04/17/2002 11:48 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Entry points used by MailMan options (not covered by DBIA): ; CHRISTEN XMCHRIS - Edit MailMan Site Parameters CHRISTEN ;Set up/Change MailMan Site Parameters N XMREC,XMABORT S XMABORT=0 S XMREC=$G(^XMB(1,1,0)) I '+XMREC,$O(^XMB(1,0)) G E I XMREC="" D . D INIT E D . D CHANGE Q:XMABORT D PARENT D SCRIPT G Q INIT ; Initial Christening N DIC,DIE,Y,DA,XMFDA S DIC=4.2,DIC(0)="AEMQ" D ^DIC I Y<1 S XMABORT=1 D E1 Q S XMFDA(4.3,"+1,",.01)=+Y D UPDATE^DIE("","XMFDA") K DIC,Y S DR="3//FORUM.VA.GOV;1//EST" S DIE=4.3,DA=1 D ^DIE I $D(Y) S XMABORT=1 D E1 Q CHANGE ; N XMSITE,DIE,DA,DR,DIC,X,Y S XMSITE=$S($D(^XMB("NETNAME")):^XMB("NETNAME"),$D(^XMB("NAME")):^XMB("NAME"),$D(^DIC(4.2,+XMREC,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:XMREC) I '$$SURE(XMSITE) S XMABORT=1 Q ; Are you sure? S DIC=4.2,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("B")=$S($D(^DIC(4.2,+XMREC,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:XMSITE) D ^DIC I Y=-1 S XMABORT=1 Q I XMSITE'=$P(Y,U,2) D . I +Y=^XMB("NUM") D . . ; The domain name in file 4.2 has been changed. . . ; The pointer to file 4.2 has stayed the same. . . ; The filer won't fire the xrefs, so we need to do it manually . . S (^XMB("NETNAME"),^XMB("NAME"))=$P(Y,U,2) . E D . . N XMFDA . . S XMFDA(4.3,"1,",.01)=+Y . . D FILE^DIE("","XMFDA") . W !!,"The domain name for this facility is now: ",^XMB("NETNAME") E D . W !!,"The domain name for this facility remains: ",^XMB("NETNAME") K DIC,Y S DR="3//FORUM.VA.GOV;1//EST" S DIE=4.3,DA=1 D ^DIE Q SURE(XMSITE) ; Function returns 1 if sure; 0 if not N DIR,X,Y W !!!," * * * * WARNING * * * *" W !!,"You are about to change the domain name of this facility" W !,"in the MailMan Site Parameters file." W !!,"Currently, this facility is named: ",XMSITE W !!,"You must be extremely sure before you proceed!",! S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to change the name of this facility" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q:Y 1 ; Sure do! Q 0 ; Nope, I'm not sure! PARENT ; N XMPARENT S XMPARENT=+$G(^XMB("PARENT")) I XMPARENT S XMPARENT=$S($D(^DIC(4.2,XMPARENT,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:0) I XMPARENT'=0 D . W !!,XMPARENT," has been initialized as your 'parent' domain." . W !,"(Forum is usually the parent domain, unless this is a subordinate domain.)" . W !!,"You may edit the MailMan Site Parameter file to change your parent domain." E D . W !!,$C(7),"*** YOUR PARENT DOMAIN HAS NOT BEEN INITIALIZED !!! ***" . W !!,"You MUST edit the MailMan Site Parameter file to ENTER your parent domain." Q SCRIPT ;RESET AUSTIN SCRIPT ;G SCRIPT^XMYPDOM W !!,"We will not initialize your transmission scripts." Q Q W !!,"Use the 'Subroutine editor' option under network management menu to add your" W !,"site passwords to the MINIENGINE script, and the 'Edit a script' option" W !,"to edit any domain scripts that you choose to." ;D ^XMYPDOM Q PMB S Y=Y+1000,^XMB(3.7,.5,2,+Y,1,0)=^TMP("XM",I,1,0),^XMB(3.7,.5,2,"B",$E($P(Y(0),U,1),1,30),+Y)="",^XMB(3.7,.5,2,+Y,0)=$P(Y(0),U) F J=0:0 S J=$O(^TMP("XM",I,1,J)) Q:J'>0 S ^XMB(3.7,.5,2,+Y,1,J,0)=J W "." Q E W $C(7),!!,"There is a FILE INTEGRITY problem in your MailMan Site Parameters file",!,"There should only be one entry and that entry should be entry number 1.",! E1 W $C(7),!,"Your MailMan site parameters MUST be reviewed." EQ W !!,"Then you can finish the INIT by executing POST^XMYPOST.",! Q E2 W $C(7),!,"You do not yet have an entry in your MailMan Site Parameters File",!,"Use FileMan to make an entry." G EQ