XMUT5 ;ISC-SF/GMB-Check Background Filer (local delivery queues) ;02/12/2003 07:42 ;;8.0;MailMan;**10,2**;Jun 28, 2002 ;(WASH ISC)/CAP ; ; Entry points used by MailMan options (not covered by DBIA): ; CHECK XMMGR-CHECK-BACKGROUND-FILER CHECK ; N XMTEXT ;* Latest Delivery shows last user with message in mailbox. ;Meaningful for new messages, possibly meaningful for (f) forwarded messages. ;Not meaningful and not shown for responses. D BLD^DIALOG(36222,"","","XMTEXT(""*"")","F") D BLD^DIALOG(36219,"","","XMTEXT(""M"")","F") D BLD^DIALOG(36220,"","","XMTEXT(""R"")","F") I $D(ZTQUEUED)!($E($G(IOST),1,2)'="C-") D DISPLAY Q F D DISPLAY D Q:'(Y!$D(DTOUT)) . W ! . N DIR,X,DTIME . S DTIME=5 . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36210) ; Refresh . S DIR("B")=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(39054) ; YES . D BLD^DIALOG(36211,"","","DIR(""?"")") . ;Answer YES if you want the display refreshed. . ;Answer NO if you don't. . ;If you don't answer, the display will be refreshed every five seconds. . D ^DIR Q DISPLAY ; N XMQLIST,M,R,XMTSTAMP,XMPARM W !!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36212,$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,5)),! ; Delivery Queue Status as of S M=$G(^XMBPOST("STATS","M")),R=$G(^("R")) I M+R>0 D . S XMPARM(1)=M+R,XMPARM(2)=M,XMPARM(3)=R . W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36213,.XMPARM) ; Deliveries COMPLETED since last 1/2 hour: _M+R_ (_M_ Msg, _R_ Resp) D GO^XMUT5B D GETQ^XMKPLQ(.XMQLIST) S XMPARM(1)=$S(XMQLIST("M")="":1,1:$L(XMQLIST("M"),",")+1) S XMPARM(2)=$S(XMQLIST("R")="":1,1:$L(XMQLIST("R"),",")+1) W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36214,.XMPARM) ; Number of delivery queues: |1| Message and |2| Response S XMTSTAMP=$O(^XMBPOST("BOX",0)) I XMTSTAMP W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36215,$$WAITIME(XMTSTAMP)) ; Waiting time for items to be put in the delivery queues: E W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36216) ; Nothing waiting to be put in the delivery queues. I M("T")+R("T")<1 W !!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36217) ; Nothing in the delivery queues. E D . W !,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36218,M("T")+R("T")) ; Items currently waiting in delivery queues: . I M("T")>0 D SHOWQ("M",.M,XMQLIST("M")) . I R("T")>0 D SHOWQ("R",.R,XMQLIST("R")) . I M("T") D MSG^DIALOG("SWM","",80,"","XMTEXT(""*"")") D SHOWFILR Q SHOWQ(XMGROUP,Q,XMQLIST) ; D MSG^DIALOG("SWM","",80,"","XMTEXT(XMGROUP)") N I,XMCNT S XMCNT=0 F I=1:1:10 I Q("O",I) D . S XMCNT=XMCNT+1 . W !,$J(I,2)," ",$$QRANGE(XMQLIST,I) . W ?17,$J(+Q("O",I),7),?27,$J($P(Q("O",I),U,3),8),?39,$J($$WAITIME($P(Q("O",I),U,2)),12),$J($P(Q("O",I),U,4),16),$J($P(Q("O",I),U,5),3),$J($P(Q("O",I),U,6),9) I XMCNT>1 W !,?3,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36221),?17,$J(+Q("T"),7),?27,$J($P(Q("T"),U,3),8),?39,$J($$WAITIME($P(Q("T"),U,2)),12) ; Summary Q SHOWFILR ; N XMSTATUS,I D STATUS^XMKPL(.XMSTATUS) W !!,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(36224) ; Background filer status: I $D(XMSTATUS)<10 D . W $$EZBLD^DIALOG(36225) ; ALL Background Delivery jobs are RUNNING. E D . I $P(^XMB(1,1,0),U,16) D . . N XMTEXT ; The Background Filers have been shut down. . . D BLD^DIALOG(36226,"","","XMTEXT","F") . . D MSG^DIALOG("SWM","",80,"","XMTEXT") . W ! . S I="" . F S I=$O(XMSTATUS(I)) Q:I="" W !,XMSTATUS(I) Q QRANGE(XMQLIST,I) ; Queue range I XMQLIST="" Q "(...)" I I=1 Q "<"_+XMQLIST I I>$L(XMQLIST,",") Q $P(XMQLIST,",",I-1)_"+" Q $P(XMQLIST,",",I-1)_"-"_($P(XMQLIST,",",I)-1) WAITIME(X) ; N XMDIFF,XMWAIT S XMDIFF=$$TSTAMP^XMXUTIL1-X S XMWAIT="" S:XMDIFF'<86400 XMWAIT=(XMDIFF\86400)_" " S:XMDIFF#86400 XMWAIT=XMWAIT_(XMDIFF#86400\3600)_":"_$E(XMDIFF#3600\60+100,2,3)_":"_$E(XMDIFF#60+100,2,3) Q XMWAIT