XMXBULL ;ISC-SF/GMB-Send Bulletin ;04/23/2002 08:46 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 ; Replaces ^XMB (ISC-WASH/THM/RWF/CAP) ; TASKBULL creates and delivers a bulletin in background. ; SENDBULL creates bulletin in foreground; delivers in background ; TASK for use by TaskMan only ; The recipients of the message include any entries in the XMTO ; array that the caller has defined and the members of mail groups ; that are included in the definition of the entry in the Bulletin ; file (#3.6) at the time of delivery. There must be valid ; recipients or the message will not be delivered. ; Inputs: ; XMDUZ Sender DUZ ; XMBNAME The name of a bulletin (an entry in File #3.6) ; XMPARM(parameter#)=The value to be stuffed into the bulletin for each ; required parameter. (eg. XMPARM(1)=data for parameter#1 ; XMBODY (optional) Additional text of the message ; XMTO (optional) Array of recipients of a bulletin ; XMINSTR("FLAGS") (optional) ; ["P" - priority ; XMINSTR("FROM") (optional) String saying from whom (default is sender) ; XMINSTR("LATER") (optional) date/time to send the bulletin (default is now) ; XMINSTR("VAPOR") (optional) date/time to vaporize the bulletin. ; If supplied, it takes precedence over the bulletin's ; RETENTION DAYS field. ; XMATTACH (in) Array of files to attach to message ; ("IMAGE",x) imaging (BLOB) files ; Output: ; XMZ (from entry SENDBULL only) Message number if successful ; XMTASK (from entry TASKBULL only) Task number (ZTSK) if successful TASKBULL(XMDUZ,XMBNAME,XMPARM,XMBODY,XMTO,XMINSTR,XMTASK,XMATTACH) ; Tasks it N XMBIEN K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) I XMDUZ=.6 D ERRSET^XMXUTIL(39321) Q ;SHARED,MAIL may not send a bulletin. S XMBIEN=$O(^XMB(3.6,"B",XMBNAME,"")) D BULLETIN^XMKPO(XMDUZ,XMBNAME,XMBIEN,.XMPARM,.XMBODY,.XMTO,.XMINSTR,.XMTASK,.XMATTACH) Q TASK ; TaskMan uses this entry point, and supplies variables: ; XMDUZ,XMBIEN,XMPARM,XMBODY,XMTO,XMINSTR,XMATTACH N XMZ K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) D SEND(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,.XMPARM,.XMBODY,.XMTO,.XMINSTR,.XMZ,.XMATTACH) S ZTREQ="@" Q SENDBULL(XMDUZ,XMBNAME,XMPARM,XMBODY,XMTO,XMINSTR,XMZ,XMATTACH) ; Does it now N XMBIEN K XMERR,^TMP("XMERR",$J) I XMDUZ=.6 D ERRSET^XMXUTIL(39321) Q ;SHARED,MAIL may not send a bulletin. S XMBIEN=$O(^XMB(3.6,"B",XMBNAME,"")) D SEND(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,.XMPARM,.XMBODY,.XMTO,.XMINSTR,.XMZ,.XMATTACH) Q SEND(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,XMPARM,XMBODY,XMTO,XMINSTR,XMZ,XMATTACH) ; Create and send the bulletin N XMREC,XMSUBJ,XMVDAYS S XMREC=^XMB(3.6,XMBIEN,0) S XMSUBJ=$$SUBJECT($P(XMREC,U,2),.XMPARM) Q:$D(XMERR) S XMVDAYS=$P(XMREC,U,3) I XMVDAYS,'$D(XMINSTR("VAPOR")) D . S XMINSTR("VAPOR")=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,XMVDAYS) E K XMVDAYS D CRE8XMZ^XMXSEND(XMSUBJ,.XMZ) Q:$D(XMERR) D:$G(XMINSTR("ADDR FLAGS"))'["I" INIT^XMXADDR D BULLADDR(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,.XMINSTR) D CHKADDR^XMXADDR(XMDUZ,.XMTO,.XMINSTR) I '$$GOTADDR^XMXADDR D Q . D CLEANUP^XMXADDR . D ERRSET^XMXUTIL(39320) ;No addressees. Bulletin not sent. . D KILLMSG^XMXUTIL(XMZ) . S XMZ=-1 I $P(XMREC,U,4),$G(XMINSTR("FLAGS"))'["P" S XMINSTR("FLAGS")=$G(XMINSTR("FLAGS"))_"P" D:$D(XMATTACH("IMAGE"))>9 ADDBLOB^XMXSEND(XMZ,.XMATTACH) D MOVEPART^XMXSEND(XMDUZ,XMZ,.XMINSTR) D MOVEBODY^XMXSEND(XMZ,"^XMB(3.6,"_XMBIEN_",1)") ; Bulletin text D DOPARMS(XMZ,.XMPARM) I $G(XMBODY)'="",$D(@XMBODY)>9,$O(@XMBODY@(0)) D MOVEBODY^XMXSEND(XMZ,XMBODY,"A") ; Append the text (no parm translation) I $E(XMREC,1,2)="XM" D CHKNONVF(XMZ,$P(XMREC,U)) D SEND^XMKP(XMDUZ,XMZ) I $D(XMVDAYS) K XMINSTR("VAPOR") D CLEANUP^XMXADDR D CHECK^XMKPL Q BULLADDR(XMDUZ,XMBIEN,XMINSTR) ; N XMGIEN,XMGROUP S XMGIEN="" F S XMGIEN=$O(^XMB(3.6,XMBIEN,2,"B",XMGIEN)) Q:XMGIEN="" D . S XMGROUP="G."_$P($G(^XMB(3.8,XMGIEN,0)),U,1) . D:XMGROUP]"G." CHKADDR^XMXADDR(XMDUZ,XMGROUP,.XMINSTR) Q SUBJECT(XMSUBJ,XMPARM) ; D:XMSUBJ["|" FILL(.XMSUBJ,.XMPARM) I $L(XMSUBJ)<3 S XMSUBJ=XMSUBJ_"..." I $L(XMSUBJ)>65 S XMSUBJ=$E(XMSUBJ,1,65) Q $$XMSUBJ^XMXPARM("XMSUBJ",XMSUBJ) DOPARMS(XMZ,XMPARM) ; N I,XMLINE S I=0 F S I=$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I)) Q:I="" D . Q:^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I,0)'["|" . S XMLINE=^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I,0) . D:XMLINE["|" FILL(.XMLINE,.XMPARM) . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I,0)=XMLINE Q FILL(XMLINE,XMPARM) ; ; This gets confused by "\027||1|, your Help Request from, |2|,": ;F D Q:XMLINE'["|" ;. S XMLINE=$P(XMLINE,"|",1)_$G(XMPARM(+$P(XMLINE,"|",2)))_$P(XMLINE,"|",3,999) ; This can handle it: Q:XMLINE'?.E1"|"1.N1"|".E N XML S XML="" F D Q:XMLINE'?.E1"|"1.N1"|".E . I $P(XMLINE,"|",2)?1N.N S XMLINE=$P(XMLINE,"|",1)_$G(XMPARM(+$P(XMLINE,"|",2)))_$P(XMLINE,"|",3,999) Q . S XML=XML_$P(XMLINE,"|",1)_"|",XMLINE=$P(XMLINE,"|",2,999) S XMLINE=XML_XMLINE Q CHKNONVF(XMZ,XMBNAME) ; (CHecK NO eNVelope From) Q:$O(^TMP("XMY",$J,""),-1)'["@" I XMBNAME'="XM SEND ERR RECIPIENT",XMBNAME'="XM SEND ERR MSG" Q ; This is an error bulletin sent by MailMan to someone at a remote site ; indicating that their message could not be delivered for some reason. ; We want to make sure that the 'envelope from' is null, so we pre-set ; it here. It's a little trick. S $P(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,.7),U,1)="<>" Q