XMXLIST ;ISC-SF/GMB-List message: multiple conditions ;03/01/2001 09:40 ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002 LISTMSGS(XMDUZ,XMK,XMFLDS,XMFLAGS,XMAMT,XMSTART,XMF,XMTROOT) ; ; XMDUZ is the user doing the search ; XMK is the place to look ; =number - Look in this basket of the mailbox of XMDUZ ; =* - Look in all baskets of the mailbox of XMDUZ ; =! - Look in the MESSAGE file for all messages ; that XMDUZ sent or received. If XMFLAGS["U" ; and the user (DUZ) holds the XM SUPER SEARCH ; key, ALL messages are examined, ; regardless of ownership. ; XMFLDS is a list, separated by ';', of fields to retrieve. ; e.g. XMFLDS="SUBJ;DATE" means retrieve subject and date. ; "BSKT" = basket (default: ^) ; optionally followed by ":" and ; "I" for basket IEN only (no 2nd piece) ; "X" adds basket name xref ; (If XMK="!", and msg is not in user's mailbox, will be: ; "0^* N/A *") ; "DATE" = date sent (default: ^
) ; optionally followed by ":" and ; "I" for internal date only (no 2nd piece) ; "F" for FileMan date as the 2nd piece ; "X" adds FileMan date xref ; "FROM" = message from (default: ^) ; optionally followed by ":" and ; "I" for internal from only (no 2nd piece) ; "X" adds external from xref ; "LINE" = number of lines in the message ; "NEW" = is the msg new? (0=no; 1=yes; 2=yes, and priority, too) ; "PRI" = is the message priority? (0=no; 1=yes) ; "READ" = how much of the message has the user read? ; null = has not read the message at all ; 0 = has read the message, but no responses ; number = has read through this response ; "RESP" = how many responses does the message have? ; 0 = none ; number = this many ; "SEQN" = sequence number in basket (If XMK="!", and msg is not ; in user's mailbox, will not be returned at all.) ; "SUBJ" = message subject (always external) ; optionally followed by ":" and ; "X" adds subject xref ; XMFLAGS are used to control processing ; =B Backwards order (Default is traverse forward) ; =U Ignore the file screen on file 3.9 so that all ; messages can be examined. (valid only if user holds ; XM SUPER SEARCH key and XMK="!") ; If XMK="!", the following flags are ignored: ; =C Use basket C-xref (Default is message IEN) ; =N New messages only (C flag ignored) ; =P New Priority messages only (C, N flags ignored) ; XMAMT How many? ; =number - Get this many ; =* - Get all (default) ; XMSTART is used to start the lister going. The lister will keep it ; updated from call to call. (If XMK="!", FileMan handles XMSTART, ; and you should look at FM documentation for an explanation.) ; XMSTART("XMK") Start with this basket IEN (valid only if XMK="*") ; Continues from there, with each successive call, ; to the end. ; (Default is to start with basket .5, the WASTE basket) ; XMSTART("XMZ") Start AFTER this message IEN (valid only if no C flag) ; Continues from there, with each successive call, ; to the end. ; (Default is to start at the beginning (or end) of the ; basket) ; XMSTART("XMKZ") Start AFTER this message C-xref (valid only if C flag) ; Continues from there, with each successive call, ; to the end. ; (Default is to start at the beginning (or end) of the ; basket) ; XMF contains conditions which are 'and'ed together to select only ; those messages which meet the conditions. ; XMF("FROM") Message is from this person ; XMF("FDATE") Message was sent on or after this date ; (If XMK="!", make sure this doesn't conflict w/XMF("PD")) ; XMF("FLINE") Message has this many or more lines ; XMF("PD") Message was sent in this period (FM equiv. of yyy/yyymm) ; (default is current month) (valid only if XMK="!") ; XMF("RFROM") Message has a response from this person ; XMF("SUBJ") Subject contains this string ; XMF("SUBJ","C") =0 - Search is not case-sensitive (default) ; =1 - Search is case-sensitive ; XMF("TDATE") Message was sent on or before this date ; (If XMK="!", make sure this doesn't conflict w/XMF("PD")) ; XMF("TEXT") Message contains this string ; XMF("TEXT","L") =1 - Look in message only (default) ; =2 - Look in both message and responses ; =3 - Look in responses only ; XMF("TEXT","C") =0 - Search is not case-sensitive (default) ; =1 - Search is case-sensitive ; XMF("TLINE") Message has this many or fewer lines ; XMF("TO") Message is to this person ; XMTROOT is the target root to receive the message list. ; (default is ^TMP("XMLIST",$J)) ; ; Variables set and used by the routine: ; XMF("SUBJ","S") Look for this string in the subject ; XMF("TEXT","S") Look for this string in the message ; XMF("PD","S") Look for messages created during this period N XMORDER I XMDUZ'=DUZ,'$$RPRIV^XMXSEC Q D INIT(.XMFLDS,.XMFLAGS,.XMAMT,.XMORDER,.XMF,.XMTROOT) I XMK="!" D ALLMSGS(XMDUZ,$G(XMFLAGS),XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q I XMK="*" D Q . I XMFLAGS["P" D NEWA^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,"N",XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q . I XMFLAGS["N" D NEWA^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,"N0",XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q . I XMFLAGS["C" D REGAC^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q . D REGAZ^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) N XMKN S XMKN=$P(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,0),U,1) I XMFLAGS["P" D NEW1^XMXLIST2(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,"N",XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q I XMFLAGS["N" D NEW1^XMXLIST2(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,"N0",XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q I XMFLAGS["C" D REG1C^XMXLIST2(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q D REG1Z^XMXLIST2(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMORDER,.XMFLDS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,.XMF,XMTROOT) Q INIT(XMFLDS,XMFLAGS,XMAMT,XMORDER,XMF,XMTROOT) ; I $D(XMFLDS),XMFLDS="" K XMFLDS I $D(XMTROOT),XMTROOT'="" D . K @$$CREF^DILF(XMTROOT) . S XMTROOT=$$OREF^DILF(XMTROOT)_"""XMLIST""," E D . K ^TMP("XMLIST",$J) . S XMTROOT="^TMP(""XMLIST"",$J," I $D(XMF) D . I $D(XMF)'>9 K XMF Q . S:$D(XMF("SUBJ")) XMF("SUBJ","S")=$S('$G(XMF("SUBJ","C")):$$UP^XLFSTR(XMF("SUBJ")),1:XMF("SUBJ")) . I $D(XMF("TEXT")) D . . S XMF("TEXT","S")=$S('$G(XMF("TEXT","C")):$$UP^XLFSTR(XMF("TEXT")),1:XMF("TEXT")) . . I '$D(XMF("TEXT","L")) S XMF("TEXT","L")=1 . I $D(XMF("PD")) S XMF("PD","S")=$S($E(XMF("PD"),4,5)="00":$E(XMF("PD"),1,3),1:$E(XMF("PD"),1,5)) . I $D(XMF("FROM")) S XMF("FROM")=$$UP^XLFSTR(XMF("FROM")) . I $D(XMF("RFROM")) S XMF("RFROM")=$$UP^XLFSTR(XMF("RFROM")) . I $D(XMF("TO")),XMF("TO")["@" S XMF("TO")=$$UP^XLFSTR(XMF("TO")) S XMFLAGS=$G(XMFLAGS) S XMORDER=$S(XMFLAGS["B":-1,1:1) I $G(XMAMT)="" S XMAMT="*" Q ALLMSGS(XMDUZ,XMFLAGS,XMORDER,XMFLDS,XMAMT,XMSTART,XMF,XMTROOT) ; Look in the entire MESSAGE file. N XMSCREEN,XMK,XMKN,XMZ,I,XMNA,XMCNT I XMFLAGS["U",'$$SSPRIV^XMXSEC1 Q S XMFLAGS=$TR(XMFLAGS,"CNP") I XMFLAGS["U" D AUDIT^XMJMFC(.XMF) Q:$D(XMERR) S XMSCREEN=$$SCREEN^XMJMFC(XMDUZ) ; File screen ^DD(3.9,0,"SCR") insists that user be author or recipient. ; If FLAGS["U", then file screen is ignored. D LIST^DIC(3.9,"","@",XMFLAGS,XMAMT,.XMSTART,$G(XMF("PD","S"),$E(DT,1,5)),"C",XMSCREEN) S I="",XMCNT=0,XMNA=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(34014) ; * N/A * F S I=$O(^TMP("DILIST",$J,2,I),XMORDER) Q:I'>0 D . S XMZ=^TMP("DILIST",$J,2,I) . S XMCNT=XMCNT+1 . S @(XMTROOT_XMCNT_")")=XMZ . Q:'$D(XMFLDS) . I $S(XMFLDS["BSKT":1,XMFLDS["NEW":1,XMFLDS["SEQN":1,1:0) D . . S XMK=+$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,0)) . . S XMKN=$S(XMK:$P(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,0),U),1:XMNA) . . Q:'XMK . . I '$D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,1,XMZ,0)) D ADDITM^XMUT4A(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) . . I XMFLDS["SEQN" D KSEQN^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,.XMFLDS,XMTROOT,XMCNT) . D FIELDS^XMXLIST1(XMDUZ,.XMK,.XMKN,XMZ,.XMFLDS,XMTROOT,XMCNT) S @(XMTROOT_"0)")=$G(^TMP("DILIST",$J,0)) ; # found^# requested^more? K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) Q