XMXMSGS2 ;ISC-SF/GMB-Message APIs (cont.) ;03/25/2003 15:04 ;;8.0;MailMan;**16**;Jun 28, 2002 DEL(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMCNT) ; For many messages, pass in XMCNT; for 1, don't XDEL ; I '$G(XMK) S XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) Q:'XMK I XMDUZ'=DUZ,'$$DELETE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) Q S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 D ZAPIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,.XMCNT) D WASTEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) Q FLTR(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZ,XMCNT,XMKTO,XMKNTO) ; Filter message XFLTR ; ; XMK (in) the basket # the message is currently in. (May be 0 if ; the message isn't currently in a basket.) ; XMKN (in) the name of basket XMK ; XMKTO (out) the basket # this routine decides to put the message in ; XMKNTO (out) the name of basket XMKTO ; This routine decides which basket the message belongs in. ; If this is the same basket it is currently in, it sets XMKTO and ; XMKNTO to the current basket. ; Otherwise, it moves the message (from the current basket) to the ; decided-upon basket and sets XMKTO and XMKNTO to that basket. ; If the message is in the WASTE basket, and no filters are defined, ; it will be moved to the IN basket. I '$G(XMK) D . S XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) . S:XMK XMKN=$P(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,0),U,1) I XMDUZ=.6,XMK'=.5,'$$MOVE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMZ) Q S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 I $D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,15,"AF")) D . N XMZREC . S XMZREC=$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0)) . D FILTER^XMTDF(XMDUZ,XMZ,$P(XMZREC,U,1),$P(XMZREC,U,2),.XMKTO,.XMKNTO) . I XMKTO=1,XMK>1 S XMKTO=XMK,XMKNTO=XMKN E I XMK>1 S XMKTO=XMK,XMKNTO=XMKN E S XMKTO=1,XMKNTO=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(37005) ; "IN" Q:XMK=XMKTO I XMK D MOVEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,.XMCNT) Q D PUTMSG(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMKNTO,XMZ) Q LATER(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMWHEN,XMCNT) ; XLATER ; S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 D LTRADD^XMJMD(XMDUZ,XMZ,XMWHEN) Q MOVE(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,XMCNT) ; XMOVE ; I XMDUZ=.6,'$$MOVE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMZ) Q ; If 2 users are reading the same msg at the same time, one may get an ; abort if tries to save msg to another bskt, if the msg has already ; been moved by the other user. So this next line makes sure no abort. I '$D(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,+$G(XMK))) S XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) Q:XMK=XMKTO I XMKTO=.5,'$$DELETE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,"",XMZ) Q ; Can't save confidential to WASTE bskt. D MOVEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,.XMCNT) S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 Q MOVEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,XMCNT) ; I XMK D . D COPYIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,.XMCNT) . D ZAPIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,.XMCNT) ; The message is not in the user's mailbox E D PUTMSG(XMDUZ,XMKTO,$P(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMKTO,0),U),XMZ) Q NTOGL(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZ,XMCNT,XMKTO,XMKNTO) ; XNTOGL ; ; If XMK>.5, then it's simple. Just toggle the 'new' flag. ; If XMK<1, we know the message is not new, and we need to make it new. ; Filter it, but if it filters to the WASTE basket put it in the IN. ; Then make it new. I '$G(XMK) D . S XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) . S:XMK XMKN=$P(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,0),U,1) I XMK<1 D . I $D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,15,"AF")) D . . N XMZREC . . S XMZREC=$G(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0)) . . D FILTER^XMTDF(XMDUZ,XMZ,$P(XMZREC,U,1),$P(XMZREC,U,2),.XMKTO,.XMKNTO) . . I XMKTO=1,XMK>1 S XMKTO=XMK,XMKNTO=XMKN Q . . I XMKTO<1 S XMKTO=1,XMKNTO=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(37005) ; "IN" . E I XMK>1 S XMKTO=XMK,XMKNTO=XMKN . E S XMKTO=1,XMKNTO=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(37005) ; "IN" . Q:XMK=XMKTO . I XMK D MOVEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,.XMCNT) Q . D PUTMSG(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMKNTO,XMZ) E S XMKTO=XMK,XMKNTO=XMKN I $D(XMCNT) D Q . N XMFDA . I $$NEW^XMXUTIL2(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMZ) D . . S XMFDA(3.702,XMZ_","_XMKTO_","_XMDUZ_",",3)="@" ; no longer new . . S XMCNT(XMKTO,"DECR")=$G(XMCNT(XMKTO,"DECR"))+1 . E D . . S XMFDA(3.702,XMZ_","_XMKTO_","_XMDUZ_",",3)="1" ; new . . S XMCNT(XMKTO,"INCR")=$G(XMCNT(XMKTO,"INCR"))+1 . D FILE^DIE("","XMFDA") . S XMCNT=XMCNT+1 I $$NEW^XMXUTIL2(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMZ) D NONEW^XMXUTIL(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMZ) Q D MAKENEW^XMXUTIL(XMDUZ,XMKTO,XMZ) Q TERM(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMCNT) ; XTERM ; N XMIEN S:'$G(XMK) XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) I XMDUZ'=DUZ,'$$DELETE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) Q I XMK D . D ZAPIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,.XMCNT) . D WASTEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) S XMIEN=+$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,1,"C",XMDUZ,0)) S:XMIEN ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,1,XMIEN,"D")=DT S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 Q VAPOR(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMWHEN,XMCNT) ; XVAPOR ; I '$G(XMK) S XMK=$O(^XMB(3.7,"M",XMZ,XMDUZ,"")) Q:'XMK I XMDUZ'=DUZ,'$$DELETE^XMXSEC(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) Q S:$D(XMCNT) XMCNT=XMCNT+1 D KVAPOR^XMXUTIL(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMWHEN) Q PUTMSG(XMDUZ,XMK,XMKN,XMZ) ; For internal MM use only. ; Replaces SETSB^XMA1C, SET^XMS1, & part of MAIL^XMR0B ; Put a msg in the Postmaster's (or anyone else's) basket. ; The msg is NOT made new. ; The basket has a specific name and number. ; If the basket doesn't exist, create it. ; XMK Basket number ; XMKN Basket name ; XMZ Msg number N XMFDA,XMIEN,XMTRIES Q:$D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,1,XMZ,0)) I XMDUZ'=.5 D RESURECT(XMDUZ,XMZ) I $D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK)) D . S XMFDA(3.702,"+1,"_XMK_","_XMDUZ_",",.01)=XMZ . S XMIEN(1)=XMZ E D . S XMFDA(3.701,"+1,"_XMDUZ_",",.01)=XMKN . S XMFDA(3.702,"+2,+1,"_XMDUZ_",",.01)=XMZ . S XMIEN(1)=XMK . S XMIEN(2)=XMZ PTRY D UPDATE^DIE("S","XMFDA","XMIEN") Q:'$D(DIERR) S XMTRIES=$G(XMTRIES)+1 I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J,"E",110)) H 1 G PTRY ; Try again if can't lock Q COPYIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMKTO,XMCNT) ; Q:$D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMKTO,1,XMZ)) ; Message already exists at destination N XMFDA,XMKREC,XMIENS,XMIEN,XMTRIES S XMKREC=^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,XMK,1,XMZ,0) S XMIENS="+1,"_XMKTO_","_XMDUZ_"," S XMIEN(1)=XMZ S XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,.01)=XMZ I XMKTO'=.5 D . I $P(XMKREC,U,3) S XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,3)=$P(XMKREC,U,3) ; new flag . I '$P(XMKREC,U,7),$P(XMKREC,U,5) S XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,5)=$P(XMKREC,U,5) ; vapor date S:$P(XMKREC,U,4) XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,4)=$P(XMKREC,U,4) ; date last accessed S:$P(XMKREC,U,6) XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,6)=$P(XMKREC,U,6) ; ntwk msg flag CTRY D UPDATE^DIE("S","XMFDA","XMIEN") I '$D(DIERR) D Q . I XMK=.5 D RESURECT(XMDUZ,XMZ) Q . Q:'$G(XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,3)) ; quit if not new . I $D(XMCNT) S XMCNT(XMKTO,"INCR")=$G(XMCNT(XMKTO,"INCR"))+1 Q . D INCRNEW^XMXUTIL(XMDUZ,XMKTO) ; Increment new counts S XMTRIES=$G(XMTRIES)+1 I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J,"E",110)) H 1 G CTRY ; Try again if can't lock Q RESURECT(XMDUZ,XMZ) ; If msg was terminated, "unterminate" it. N XMIEN S XMIEN=+$O(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,1,"C",XMDUZ,0)) K:$D(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,1,XMIEN,"D")) ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,1,XMIEN,"D") Q ZAPIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,XMCNT) ; I $D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,"N0",XMK,XMZ)) D . I $D(XMCNT) S XMCNT(XMK,"DECR")=$G(XMCNT(XMK,"DECR"))+1 Q . D DECRNEW^XMXUTIL(XMDUZ,XMK) N DA,DIK S DA(2)=XMDUZ,DA(1)=XMK,DA=XMZ S DIK="^XMB(3.7,"_XMDUZ_",2,"_XMK_",1," D ^DIK Q WASTEIT(XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ) ; Q:XMK=.5 Q:$D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,.5,1,XMZ)) ; Already in wastebasket N XMFDA,XMIENS,XMIEN,XMTRIES S XMK=.5 D:'$D(^XMB(3.7,XMDUZ,2,.5,0)) MAKEBSKT^XMXBSKT(XMDUZ,.5,$$EZBLD^DIALOG(37004)) ; WASTE S XMIENS="+1,"_XMK_","_XMDUZ_"," S XMIEN(1)=XMZ S XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,.01)=XMZ S XMFDA(3.702,XMIENS,4)=$$NOW^XLFDT ; date/time last accessed WTRY D UPDATE^DIE("S","XMFDA","XMIEN") Q:'$D(DIERR) S XMTRIES=$G(XMTRIES)+1 I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J,"E",110)) H 1 G WTRY ; Try again if can't lock Q