MPIFNEW ;BHM/RGY-Create new request for patient demographic change ;FEB 20, 1998 ;;1.0; MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA **11**;;30 Apr 99 ADD(RNO) ; ;This function allows the addition of new CMOR Change requests to be ;added to the 984.9 file ; RNO - is the site making the request, optional ;Returned: is the IEN of the new entry in 984.9 ; OR 0 if no entry is added. ; N DIC,D0,DIE,DA,X,DLAYGO,DR,RGOK,EVN,DINUM S RNO=$G(RNO) F EVN=+$P(^MPIF(984.9,0),"^",3)+1:1 L +^MPIF(984.9,EVN):0 I $T S RGOK=0 D L -^MPIF(984.9,EVN) Q:RGOK .I $D(^MPIF(984.9,EVN)) Q .S DINUM=EVN,DIC="^MPIF(984.9,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=984.9,X=$S(RNO="":$P($$SITE^VASITE(),"^",3)_"-"_EVN,1:RNO) K DD,D0 D FILE^DICN K DIC,DLAYGO,D0 .S DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DR="[MPIF OPEN REQUEST]",DA=EVN D ^DIE .S RGOK=1 .Q Q Q EVN ; EDIT ; edit existing Requests that have a status of OPEN ;select a patient to edit request ; N ERR,PT,Y S DIC="^MPIF(984.9,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Select Patient's Request you would like to edit (Must have a Status of Open): ",DIC("S")="I $D(^MPIF(984.9,""AC"",1,Y))" D ^DIC Q:+Y<0 S PT=$P(^MPIF(984.9,+Y,0),"^",4) I +PT<0 W !,"No Patient associated with this Request." Q S DA=+Y D EDIT^MPIFEDIT K DA,ERR Q