MPIFQUE4 ;SF/TNV-Process the CMOR COMPARISON request ;FEB 25, 1998 ;;1.0; MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA ;**1,3,11,24,27**;30 Apr 99 ; ; Integration Agreements Utilized: ; ; EXC^RGHLLOG IA #2796 ; START^RGHLLOG IA #2796 ; STOP^RGHLLOG IA #2796 ; CALC^RGVCCMR2 IA #2710 ; $$EN^VAFCPID IA #3015 ; ^DGCN(391.91 IA #2751 ; FILE^VAFCTFU IA #2988 ; ; This routine will process the batch message from the sending CMOR ; who wished to change the patient CMOR from you to their own. ; PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROCESS WILL NOT BE TRACKED AS CMOR REQUEST ; EVENT. SO NOTHING WILL BE RECORDED IN THAT FILE. (PER SRS 9-18-97) ; Approving process: ; The sender will give the CMOR score and the date for a patient ; The receiver will look into the CMOR score on the system and compare ; the date if the date is less than 90 days. Go and use the Current ; CMOR score and compare. If the incoming CMOR score is 80% or more than ; the system CMOR score. CMOR site will be changed to the requesting CMOR ; site. An approved HL7 message will be send to ALL SITES in the ; subscriber list and notify them the new CMOR site. MPI is included. ; If the score is equal or greater than 90 days. CMOR score will be ; recalulated for this patient and compare. Same process as above. ; If the incoming CMOR score is not higher than 80% nothing will happen. BEGIN ; Entry point for CMOR COMPARISON request to process. ; NO input or output variables N IEN,RGLOG K RGL D NOW^%DTC S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=%,ZTRTN="EN^MPIFQUE4" S ZTDESC="BACKGROUND CMOR COMPARISON" S ZTSAVE("HL*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD,CLEAN K COUNT,RGL,%,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE Q ; EN ; Background job to run for cmor comparison K ERROR,MPICNT N MPII,U,LINE,PARENT,COUNT,NDATE,IKI,MPIFFS,MPIFSFS,MPIFREAP,RGLOG S MPIFFS=HL("FS"),MPIFSFS=$E(HL("ECH"),1),MPIFREAP=$E(HL("ECH"),2) D START^RGHLLOG() S U="^",(COUNT,MPICNT)=0 F MPII=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:HLQUIT'>0!($D(ERROR)) G:$$S^%ZTLOAD CLEAN D . S LINE=HLNODE . I $P(LINE,MPIFFS)["MSH" D MSH . I $P(LINE,MPIFFS)["NTE" D NTE . I $P(LINE,MPIFFS)["PID" D PID . I $P(LINE,MPIFFS)["EVN" D EVN . I COUNT=4,'$D(ERROR) D PROCES K SERVER,CLIENT,ERROR D STOP^RGHLLOG() S ZTREQ="@" Q ; MSH ; Process MSH segment S COUNT=COUNT+1 Q ; NTE ; Process NTE segment S COUNT=COUNT+1 S SITE=$P(LINE,MPIFFS,3) I SITE="" S ERROR="HL7 Msg# "_$G(HL("MID"))_" is missing CMOR for ICN# "_$G(ICN) D EXC^RGHLLOG(221,ERROR) Q S REASON=$P(LINE,MPIFFS,2) I REASON'="COMPARISON" S ERROR="HL7 Msg# "_$G(HL("MID"))_" contained a unknown request reason for ICN# "_$G(ICN) D EXC^RGHLLOG(222,ERROR) Q ; PID ; Process PID segment N NODE S COUNT=COUNT+1 S ICN=+$P(LINE,MPIFFS,3) ; get ICN out. I ICN="" S ERROR="HL7 Msg# "_$G(HL("MID"))_" contains a null ICN in a PID segment." D EXC^RGHLLOG(219,ERROR) Q S DFN=$$IEN^MPIFNQ(ICN) ; get DFN of this patient I DFN="" S ERROR="Can't Process CMOR Compare for Patient with ICN "_ICN_". ICN not at this site. HL7 Message#: "_HLMTIEN D EXC^RGHLLOG(219,ERROR) Q S NODE=$$MPINODE^MPIFAPI(+DFN) S CMOR=$P(NODE,"^",3) ; get the CMOR of this patient S SCORE=$P(NODE,"^",6),NDATE=$P(NODE,"^",7) ; if no score or score date recalc score and reset variables I SCORE=""!(NDATE="") N RGDFN S RGDFN=DFN D CALC^RGVCCMR2 S NODE=$$MPINODE^MPIFAPI(+DFN),SCORE=$P(NODE,"^",6),NDATE=$P(NODE,"^",7) Q ; EVN ; Process EVN segment S COUNT=COUNT+1 S X=$P(LINE,MPIFFS,3) D ^%DT S INDATE=Y I INDATE=-1 S ERROR="CMOR score Date was missing for DFN "_DFN_" in CMOR Compare Inbound Message" Q S INSCORE=$P($G(LINE),MPIFFS,4) I INSCORE="" S INSCORE=0 Q ; PROCES ; Process one complete message (MSH,PID,EVN,NTE) N LIMIT I $G(ERROR)]"" D CLEAN Q ; Don't do anything if there is an error S X="T-90" D ^%DT ; get the target date I NDATE>Y D Q ; RECORDED DATE is less than 90 days . S LIMIT=$$PERCENT(INSCORE,SCORE) ; Incoming CMOR score is above 80% . I (LIMIT>80.5)&(INSCORE>SCORE) D CHANGE ; Incoming CMOR score is greater . D CLEAN ; Incoming CMOR score is LESS N RGDFN S RGDFN=DFN D CALC^RGVCCMR2 ; Last calculation was greater than 90 days S SCORE=$P($$MPINODE^MPIFAPI(DFN),"^",6) ; Get the latest score S LIMIT=$$PERCENT(INSCORE,SCORE) ; Incoming CMOR score is above 80% I (LIMIT>80.5)&(INSCORE>SCORE) D CHANGE ; Incoming CMOR score is greater D CLEAN ; Incoming CMOR score is LESS than the latest score Q ; PERCENT(NUM1,NUM2) ; Calculate the percent difference 80% or more need for change ; of CMOR number N DIF I NUM1="" S NUM1=0 I NUM2="" S NUM2=0 Q:$$MAX^XLFMTH(NUM1,NUM2)=0 0 S DIF=(100-(($$MIN^XLFMTH(NUM1,NUM2))/($$MAX^XLFMTH(NUM1,NUM2))*100)) Q DIF ; CHANGE ; Process the change CMOR request to the new CMOR site and Send out ; notification to the Subscriber list and MPI. N CHANGE,MPIFSITE S MPIFSITE=$$LKUP^XUAF4(SITE) ;get INSTITUTION (#4) IEN I MPIFSITE=-1 S ERROR="HL7 Msg#"_$G(HL("MID"))_" contained an invalid STATION#"_$G(SITE)_" for ICN#"_$G(ICN) D EXC^RGHLLOG(211,ERROR,+DFN) Q S CHANGE=$$CHANGE^MPIF001(+DFN,MPIFSITE) I +CHANGE<1 S ERROR="Unable to change CMOR in HL7 Msg#"_$G(HL("MID"))_" from "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_" To "_$G(SITE)_" due to "_$P(CHANGE,"^",2) D EXC^RGHLLOG(211,ERROR,DFN) Q S SERVER="MPIF CMOR RESULT SERVER",CLIENT="MPIF CMOR RESULT CLIENT" D INIT^HLFNC2(SERVER,.HL) I $G(HL) S ERROR=HL D EXC^RGHLLOG(220,ERROR,DFN) Q D LINK I $G(RESULT)=0 K RESULT Q S HLA("HLS",1)=$$EN^VAFCPID(+DFN,"2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10") S HLA("HLS",2)="EVN"_HL("FS")_"A31"_HL("FS")_INDATE_HL("FS")_INSCORE_HL("FS")_"POSTMASTER" ;actually change the cmor S HLA("HLS",3)="PV1"_HL("FS")_HL("FS")_HL("FS")_SITE_HL("FS")_HL("FS")_HL("FS")_$P($$NNT^XUAF4(CMOR),"^",2) N RESLT D GENERATE^HLMA(SERVER,"LM",1,.RESLT) I $P(RESLT,U,2)'="" D EXC^RGHLLOG(220,"Error returned in GENERATE^HLMA "_$P(RESLT,U,2),DFN) K RESULT S MPICNT=MPICNT+1 ;counting changes in CMOR Q ; LINK ; Give back the TF list in HLL(LINKS") array for this patient N CMOR,SUB,IEN,MPILINK,MPITF,PID,CST K RGL S RGL(0)="" S PID=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(ICN) S CMOR=$$GETVCCI^MPIF001(PID),CST=$$IEN^XUAF4(CMOR) I '$D(^DGCN(391.91,"APAT",PID,CST)) D FILE^VAFCTFU(PID,CST,1) S X=$$QUERYTF^VAFCTFU1($G(ICN),"MPITF") ;LOOP THOUGH TF LIST AND GET LINK FOR EACH N LP,CNT,STN,MPIFHL S CNT=1,LP=0 K ERROR F S LP=$O(MPITF(LP)) Q:LP="" D .S STN=$$STA^XUAF4($G(MPITF(LP))) .Q:$P($$SITE^VASITE(),"^",3)=STN .K MPIFHL D LINK^HLUTIL3(+$G(MPITF(LP)),.MPIFHL) .I '$O(MPIFHL(0)) S ERROR="-1^Unknown Logical Link for Station # "_STN_" Unable to notify of Change of CMOR for patient "_DFN .I $D(ERROR) D EXC^RGHLLOG(224,ERROR,DFN) K ERROR Q .S HLL("LINKS",CNT)=CLIENT_"^"_$P(MPIFHL($O(MPIFHL(0))),"^"),CNT=CNT+1 S MPILINK=$$MPILINK^MPIFAPI() I +MPILINK=-1 D EXC^RGHLLOG(224,"No MPI Link defined",DFN) Q S HLL("LINKS",9999)=CLIENT_U_MPILINK Q CLEAN ; Clean up the partition and ready for the next message D STOP^RGHLLOG() K RGL,EVENT,SITE,REASON,ICN,DFN,CMOR,SCORE,X,Y,INDATE,INSCORE S COUNT=0 Q CHKSUB(DFN,FAC) ;check for an existing subscription if one does not exist add it Q ;;^ NO LONGER TO BE USED N MPIFSCN,MPIF,MPIFLL,MPIFLLI,MPIFLLN,FLAG,LOOP,HLER Q:FAC="" Q:DFN="" Q:FAC=+$$SITE^VASITE ;don't add subscription for yourself S MPIFSCN=$$GETSCN(DFN) D GET^HLSUB(MPIFSCN,0,"MPIF CMOR RESULT CLIENT",.MPIFLL) D LINK^HLUTIL3("`"_FAC,.MPIF,"I") S MPIFLLI=$O(MPIF(0)) S MPIFLLN=MPIF(MPIFLLI) S FLAG=0,LOOP=0 F S LOOP=$O(MPIFLL("LINKS",LOOP)) Q:'LOOP I $P(MPIFLL("LINKS",LOOP),"^",2)=MPIFLLN S FLAG=1 I FLAG=0 D UPD^HLSUB(MPIFSCN,MPIFLLN,0,$$NOW^XLFDT,,,.HLER) I $D(HLER) D EXC^RGHLLOG(224,"Msg#"_$G(HL("MID"))_" Unable to add/update SC for facility IEN "_FAC_", Link "_$G(MPIFLLN)_", for patient "_DFN_" SUB#"_$G(MPIFSCN),DFN) D STOP^RGHLLOG(1) Q ; log exception Q GETSCN(DFN) ;Return existing SCN or Activate a new subscription ;DFN - PATIENT (#2) file ien N MPIFAR,MPIFAN ;get subscription control # S MPIFSCN=+$P($$MPINODE^MPIFAPI(DFN),"^",5) ;if no SCN, create new and update 991.05, then return result I 'MPIFSCN S MPIFSCN=$$ACT^HLSUB S MPIFAR(991.05)=MPIFSCN S MPIFAN=$$UPDATE^MPIFAPI(DFN,"MPIFAR") I MPIFAN=-1 S MPIFSCN="" Q MPIFSCN