MPIFRCMP ;BPCIO/CMC-PUSHING CMOR TO ANOTHER SITE REMOTELY ;JUNE 23, 2004 ;;1.0; MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA ;**36**;30 Apr 99 ; ; Integration Agreements Utilized: ; ; ^DGCN(391.91 IA #2751 ; AVAFC^VAFCDD01 IA #3493 ; ; Create a new request to change CMOR when your site is the CMOR VIA ; Remote RPC from the MPI ; EN(RETURN,ICN,NCMOR) ; ; RETURN - Array to return the value 1 if successfully created request ; or -1^error message ; ICN - ICN for the patient that the CMOR is being changed for ; NCMOR - Which site should be the new CMOR - Station # ; N DFN S DFN=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(+ICN) I +DFN<1 S RETURN="-1^No such ICN at site" Q I $$GETVCCI^MPIF001(DFN)<0 S RETURN="-1^Patient doesn't have a CMOR" Q I $$GETVCCI^MPIF001(DFN)'=$P($$SITE^VASITE(),"^",3) S RETURN="-1^This site is NOT the CMOR, can't push the CMOR somewhere else." Q N TMP,TCNT,TF S TF=0 S TMP=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"APAT",DFN,"")) I $O(^DGCN(391.91,"APAT",DFN,TMP))="" S RETURN="-1^Patient isn't SHARED - CAN'T change CMOR" Q ;Pt is shared, but are they shared with another VAMC? S TMP="",TCNT=0 F S TMP=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"APAT",DFN,TMP)) Q:TMP="" D .N TP S TP=$$GET1^DIQ(4,TMP_",",13) .Q:TP'="VAMC"&(TP'="OC")&(TP'="M&ROC")&(TP'="RO-OC") .; ^ only valid types of TFs that can be a CMOR .S TCNT=TCNT+1 .I $$STA^XUAF4(TMP)=NCMOR S TF=1 I TCNT<2 S RETURN="-1^Patient isn't SHARED with another VAMC - CAN'T change CMOR" Q I TF=0 S RETURN="-1^Site to be new CMOR is NOT a TF - Can't change CMOR" Q ; CHECK IF ALREADY OPEN/PENDING REQUEST N ENT,STOP,MPIFNM,REQNM S ENT=0,STOP=0 F S ENT=$O(^MPIF(984.9,"C",DFN,ENT)) Q:ENT=""!(STOP) D .I $P($G(^MPIF(984.9,ENT,0)),"^",6)<4 S STOP=1 I STOP S RETURN="-1^There is already an open CMOR request for this patient" Q N DA,DIE,DR,DIK,Y,DIRUT,REQ,TDA,XX,WHO,PHONE S DA=$$ADD^MPIFNEW(),TDA=DA,PHONE="" S DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DR=".04///`"_DFN D ^DIE S REQ=$P($G(^MPIF(984.9,DA,0)),"^") S XX="CMOR Push by MPI Data Quality Team",WHO=.5,PHONE="MPI DQ Team" S DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DR="1.02///"_XX_";.02///`"_WHO_";.05///"_PHONE D ^DIE N TSITE S TSITE=$$IEN^XUAF4(NCMOR) S DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DR=".07///`"_TSITE_";1.03///3;.09///`"_TSITE D ^DIE ;update site, type of action and cmor after approval ; I $$CHK^MPIFEDIT(DA) S RETURN="-1^This request is missing required data." Q ; S DR=".08////^S X=2;.06////^S X=2",DIE="^MPIF(984.9," D ^DIE S RETURN=1 ; removed event queue due to delivery issues - this msg must be sent first followed by the actual change cmor msg. N ERR,MPIFHL7 S ERR="ERRS",MPIFHL7="" D EN^MPIFREQ("CMOR CHANGE REQUEST",DA,.ERR,MPIFHL7) ; ;NOW CHANGE CMOR AND SEND CHANGE CMOR MESSAGE N TEXT,DIR,DR,CMOR,TMP,ERROR S TEXT="Auto change - pushed CMOR",ERROR=0 S DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DA=TDA,DR=".06///^S X=4;3.01///^S X=TEXT" D ^DIE S CMOR=$P($G(^MPIF(984.9,TDA,0)),"^",7) I CMOR="" D Q .S RETURN="-1^New CMOR Not Defined, PROBLEM WITH REQUEST" S TMP=$$CHANGE^MPIF001(DFN,CMOR) I +TMP<0 S ^DIE="^MPIF(984.9,",DA=TDA,DR=".06///^S X=1" D ^DIE Q D BROAD^MPIFCMOR(DA,.ERROR) Q SYNC(RETURN,ICN) ; N DFN S DFN=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(ICN) I +DFN<0 S RETURN(1)="-1^ICN doesn't exist at this site" Q D AVAFC^VAFCDD01(DFN) ; trigger A08 msg S RETURN(1)=1 Q