MCARAM4 ;WASH ISC/JKL-MUSE TRANSFER LAB DATA TO LOCAL ;5/20/94 15:35 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 ; ; ;Checks format and/or reformats data AR(MCA,MCAA,MCD,MCFP,MCLP,MCCK) ;Sets l/t stripped data field into an array ; USAGE: S X=$$AR^MCARAM4(.A,B,C,D,E) ; WHERE: .A = array where data is placed ; B = array argument for data field ; C = data field value ; D = first position of data field ; E = last position of data field ; F = 1 to check numeric data field value for positive int value ; 2 to check "" for both positive and negative int value ; 3 to check "" for pos,neg,int, and decimal values N MCI,MCERR I '$D(MCCK) S MCCK="" S MCA(MCAA)=$E(MCD,MCFP,MCLP),MCI=MCA(MCAA),MCERR=$$SLTS^MCARAM4(.MCI),MCA(MCAA)=MCI I +MCERR>0 Q MCERR I MCCK=1 S MCERR=$$DFCK^MCARAM4(MCA(MCAA),MCCK) I +MCERR>0 Q MCERR I MCCK=2 S MCERR=$$DFCK^MCARAM4(MCA(MCAA),MCCK) I +MCERR>0 Q MCERR I MCCK=3 S MCERR=$$DFCK^MCARAM4(MCA(MCAA),MCCK) I +MCERR>0 Q MCERR Q 0 ; DFCK(MCV,MCCK) ; Checks numeric,negative,positive,integer,decimal value ; USAGE: S X=$$DFCK^MCARAM4(A,B) ; WHERE: A=data field value ; B=1 for positive value numeric (integer) check ; B=2 for positive and negative value numeric (integer) check ; B=3 for positive, negative, decimal, or integer numeric check ; if successful, returns function value of 0 ; if unsuccessful, returns error message for incorrect field format N MCERR I MCV="" S MCERR="2-Null data field" Q MCERR I MCV=0 Q 0 I $G(MCCK)=1 I MCV?1N.N Q 0 I $G(MCCK)=2 I MCV?."-"1N.N,$P(MCV,"-",2,99)'["-",-MCV+-MCV'=0 Q 0 I $G(MCCK)=3 I MCV?."-"."."1N.N.".".N,$P(MCV,".",2,99)'[".",$P(MCV,"-",2,99)'["-",-MCV+-MCV'=0 Q 0 S MCERR="1-Data field not numeric" Q MCERR ; SLTS(MCV) ; Strips leading and trailing spaces from data fields ; USAGE: S X=$$SLTS^MCARAM4(.A) ; WHERE: MCV=data field value ; .A = value where data is placed ; if successful, returns function value of 0 and data field value ; if unsuccessful, returns error message for incorrect field format N MCERR,MCI,MCJ I MCV="" S MCERR="2-Null data field" Q MCERR F MCI=1:1 I $E(MCV,MCI,MCI)'=" " Q F MCJ=$L(MCV):-1 I $E(MCV,MCJ,MCJ)'=" " Q S MCV=$E(MCV,MCI,MCJ) I MCV="" S MCERR="2-Null data field" Q MCERR Q 0 ; DGCK(MCA) ;Removes null lines and resets numbering of diagnosis array ; USAGE: S X=$$DGCK^MCARAM4(.A) ; WHERE: MCA=diagnosis array ; .A=diagnosis array renumbered without null lines ; A("DX,0")=total number of non-null diagnosis lines ; if successful, returns function value of 0 and diagnosis array ; if unsuccessful, returns error message and A("DX,0")=0 N MCI,MCJ,MCK,MCERR S MCI=0,MCJ="DX,0" F S MCJ=$O(MCA(MCJ)) Q:MCJ=""!($E(MCJ)'=$E("DX,0")) S:MCA(MCJ)'="" MCI=MCI+1 I MCA(MCJ)="" K MCA(MCJ) S MCK=MCJ F S MCK=$O(MCA(MCK)) Q:MCK=""!($E(MCK)'=$E("DX,0")) I MCA(MCK)'="" S MCA(MCJ)=MCA(MCK),MCI=MCI+1,MCA(MCK)="" Q S MCA("DX,0")=MCI I MCI>0 Q 0 S MCERR="62-Diagnosis is a null data field" Q MCERR ; RXCK(MCA) ;Removes null lines and resets numbering of medication array ; USAGE: S X=$$RXCK^MCARAM4(.A) ; WHERE: MCA=medication array ; .A=medication array renumbered without null lines ; A("RX,0")=total number of non-null medication lines ; if successful, returns function value of 0 and medication array ; if unsuccessful, returns error message and A("RX,0")=0 N MCI,MCJ,MCK,MCERR I MCA("RX,0")="" S MCA("RX,0")=0,MCERR="4-Medication is a null data field" Q MCERR F MCJ=1:1 S MCK="RX,"_MCJ,MCA(MCK)=$P(MCA("RX,0"),", ",MCJ) Q:MCA(MCK)="" S MCI=$P(MCA(MCK)," ") I MCI'="",$D(^PSDRUG("B",MCI)) S MCA(MCK)=$O(^(MCI,0))_U_$P(MCA(MCK)," ",2)_U_$P(MCA(MCK)," ",3) K MCA(MCK) S MCA("RX,0")=MCJ-1 I MCJ-1=0 S MCERR="4-Medication is a null data field" Q MCERR Q 0 ; DGCT(MCA,MCD,MCL) ;Fill diagnosis array from continuation record ; USAGE: S X=$$DGCT^MCARAM4(.A,B,C) ; WHERE: MCA=diagnosis array ; .A=diagnosis array renumbered without null lines ; B=data field value, C=line number of data ; A("DX,0")=total number of non-null diagnosis lines ; "DX,L"=12th line of diagnosis, "DX,V"=22nd line ; if successful, returns function value of 0 and diagnosis array ; if unsuccessful, returns error message and A("DX,0")=0 N MCI,MCERR S MCI="DX,"_MCA("CONT") I MCL=13!(MCL=25) S MCERR=$$AR^MCARAM4(.MCA,MCI,MCD,32,78) Q:+MCERR>0 MCERR Q 0 S MCERR=$$AR^MCARAM4(.MCA,MCI,MCD,32,134) Q:+MCERR>0 MCERR Q 0 ; ERR ;Error return Q MCERR