MCARAM7 ;WASH ISC/JKL-MUSE SUMMARY LOOKUP AND FILE IN DHCP ;6/26/96 12:27 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 ; ; ;Lookup for last transmission in Summary file 700.5 ;USAGE: S X=$$LSUM^MCARAM7(A,B,.C) ;WHERE: A=Date/time of record in FileMan format ; B=Name of patient equivalent to name in Patient file (#2) ; .C=Array into which data is placed ; if unsuccessful, returns an error message ; if successful, returns a function value of 0 and a value array: ; C("SUM") = IEN of existing Summary record ; C("PID") = PID of patient ; C("NAME") = name of patient ; ;variables ;MCERR = error message ; LSUM(MCDT,MCNM,MCS) ; ; Where MCDT is Date/time of record in FileMan format ; MCNM is Name of patient equivalent to name in Patient file (#2) ; MCS is array into which data is placed ; ; Retrieves PID from Name X-ref of Patient file (#2) N MCI,DIC,D,X,Y,MCERR S MCS("SUM")="" S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="XZ",D="B",X=MCNM D IX^DIC I +Y'>0 S MCERR="21-Name for Summary not in Patient file" Q $$LOG^MCARAM7(MCERR) S MCS("PID")=+Y,MCS("NAME")=$P(Y(0),U) I '$D(^MCAR(700.5,"B",MCDT)) S MCERR="22-Date/Time not in Summary file" Q $$LOG^MCARAM7(MCERR) S MCI=0 F S MCI=$O(^MCAR(700.5,"B",MCDT,MCI)) Q:MCI="" I $D(^MCAR(700.5,"PT",MCS("NAME"),MCI)) S MCS("SUM")=MCI I MCS("SUM")="" S MCERR="23-Name does not exist for Date/Time in Summary file" Q $$LOG^MCARAM7(MCERR) Q 0 ; KPERR(MCA,MCS) ;Transfer local array data into new 700.5 Summary record in DHCP ; occurs for every data transfer attempt whether or not successful ;USAGE: S X=$$KPERR^MCARAM7(.A,.B) ;WHERE: A=Array of local data arranged for EKG file ; B=DHCP data stored in Summary file including ; B("SUM")=IEN of Summary file ; if unsuccessful, returns an error message ; if successful, returns a function value of 0 ; MCS("FLDT")=Creation date in 700.5, file date/time ; ; Number of attempts of same data record, field 5 ; Obsolete with transaction processing, still needed for MCARAP* report N MCI,%,DIC,X,Y,MCERR S MCS(5)=1 ; Date/Time Initial, creation of entry in Summary file, field .05 D NOW^%DTC S (MCS("FLDT"),MCS(.05),MCS(.06))=% ; Date/Time Latest, latest transmission attempt, field .06 ; Transaction processing makes latest transmission date/time ; same as initial date/time except for those with imaging updates ; Auto instrument name, defined in MCARAM, field 1 S MCS(1)=MCINST ; Reason for failure to pass DHCP validity checks, field 4 S MCS(4)=$$RFFL(.MCA,.MCS) ; Social Security Number, field 2 S MCS(2)=MCA(.02) ; Name, field 3 S MCS(3)=MCA("NAME") ; Type of transmission, field 7 S MCS(7)=MCTYPE S MCI=.05,DIC("DR")=".05///"_MCS(.05) F S MCI=$O(MCS(MCI)) Q:MCI=""!(MCI?1A.A) S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";"_MCI_"///"_MCS(MCI) K DD,DO N DLAYGO S DLAYGO=700.5,DIC="^MCAR(700.5,",DIC(0)="LXZ",X=MCA("DT") D FILE^DICN I +Y>0 S MCS("SUM")=+Y Q 0 S MCERR="9-Summary record not filed" Q $$LOG^MCARAM7(MCERR) ; RFFL(MCA,MCS) ; Convert processing errors to 700.5 file fields ;USAGE: S X=$$RFFL^MCARAM7(.A,.B) ;WHERE: A=Array of local data ; B=DHCP data for Summary file including ; B("SUM")=internal record number of Summary file ; returns field 4 of 700.5 file, reason for failure ; field 4 : "D"ate/Time error, "L"oad into DHCP error ; "N"ame error, "S"ocial Security Number error ; Integers for specific errors listed in the Summary Print, ; MCARAP2 - Errors numbered >50 have not been filed as EKG records ; returns field 6 of 700.5 file, error code for last transmission ; field 6 : "S"uccessful or "U"nsuccessful ; MCA("ERR") = # of processing errors ;successful transfer attempt S MCS(6)="S" I $$GRERR(.MCA)=0 Q "" ;unsuccessful transfer attempt S MCS(6)="U",MCERR=+MCA("ERR",0) I +MCERR=51!(+MCERR=52)!(+MCERR=53) S:$G(MCA("DT"))="" MCA("DT")=MCS("FLDT") Q $S(+MCERR>62:"P",+MCERR>60:"M",+MCERR>57:"L",+MCERR>55:"N",+MCERR>53:"S",+MCERR>50:"D",1:+MCERR) ; GRERR(MCA) ;Find first fatal error ;USAGE: S X=$$GRERR(A) ;WHERE: A=array of local data ; if successful, returns 1 and A("ERR",0)=first fatal error >50 ; if unsuccessful, returns 0 ;variables MCERR,MCI,MCJ N MCERR,MCI,MCJ I MCA("ERR")=0 Q 0 S MCI=MCA("ERR") F MCJ=1:1:MCI I +MCA("ERR",MCJ)>50 S MCERR=MCA("ERR",MCJ) Q I $D(MCERR) S MCA("ERR",0)=MCERR Q 1 Q 0 ; LOG(MCERR) ;Logs type of error in local array ;USAGE: S X=$$LOG^MCARAM7(A) ;WHERE: A=Free text error ; returns the error message and updates the error array S MCA("ERR")=MCA("ERR")+1,MCA("ERR",MCA("ERR"))=MCERR Q MCERR