MCAREH ;WISC/MLH-ENTER/EDIT CARDIAC PROCEDURES-HELP ;5/2/96 10:26 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 DATE ; provide guidance for the date prompt N HEADING W @$G(IOF) S HEADING=MCARDE_" PROCEDURES" I $G(IOST)?1"C-VT100".E F I=3,4 W *27,"#",I,$$CENTER(HEADING,40),! E W $$CENTER(HEADING,80),! W !,"TO ENTER A NEW PROCEDURE:" W !!?5,"Enter the date and time when the procedure was performed." W !!,"TO EDIT AN EXISTING PROCEDURE:" W !!?5,"Enter the patient's name, last name first, or 1st initial of the" W !,?5,"last name and the last 4 digits of the social security number.",! W !?5,"A partial name may be entered"_$S($G(MCESON)=1:" or a release status",1:"")_"." W !?5,"This will bring up all entries matching that part of the name." W !!?5,"Or you may enter the date and time when the procedure was" W !?5,"performed. This must be an exact match." W !!?5,"Or enter a ? to choose from a list of procedures." W !!?5,"Release Control is "_$S($G(MCESON)=1:"available",1:"not available")_". " I $G(MCESON)=1 D .W "You can ",$S($G(MCESSEC)=1:"",1:"not "),"release the reports." .W !?5,"You currently "_$S($G(MCESSEC)=1:"have",1:"don't have")_" the " .W:$G(MCESKEY)'="" "'"_MCESKEY_"' " .W "Key." W ! Q ; CENTER(TEXT,MGN) ; W $J("",MGN-$L(TEXT)/2),TEXT Q ""