MCARENV ;WISC/MLH-MEDICINE PACKAGE INSTALLATION-ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE #1 ;10/19/92 09:31 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 ; N AA,DDR,BB,FOUND W:$D(IOF) @IOF ; clear screen W !,"ENVIRONMENT CHECK:" ; ; Look at every file in Medicine (690-701 inclusive) for pointers ; to files 3-6-16. If any exist, stop here and instruct the user ; to repoint these entries to File 200 (NEW PERSON). W !,"Before initialization, this routine will verify whether the" W !,"package file entries have been converted to the NEW PERSON file." W !!,"Checking..." S (FOUND,END)=0 S AA=690 FOR D Q:FOUND!END . W "." ; let user know we're making progress . S BB=0 . FOR S BB=$O(^DD(AA,BB)) Q:'BB D Q:FOUND .. S DDR=^DD(AA,BB,0) ; main data dictionary record .. F II=1:1:4 S DDR(II)=$P(DDR,"^",II) .. ; .. S FIL=$P($P(DDR(3),"DIC(",2),",",1) .. I (FIL=3)!(FIL=6)!(FIL=16) S FOUND=1 .. Q . ;END FOR . IF 'FOUND D .. S AA=$O(^DD(AA)) .. I 'AA!(AA'<705) S END=1 .. Q . ;END IF . Q I FOUND D ; Abort the init with an explanation. . S OKTOGO=0 E D . S OKTOGO=1 . W !!,"OK, there aren't any unconverted pointers." . S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Hit to continue" D ^DIR ; pause before the next round Q