MCARENV1 ;WISC/MLH-MEDICINE PACKAGE INSTALLATION-ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE #2 ;5/2/96 10:26 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 ; ; define bells & whistles N MCSCATT I $G(IOST)?1"C-VT".E F I=0:1:7 S MCSCATT(I)=$C(27,91)_I_"m" E F I=0:1:7 S MCSCATT(I)="" ; ; clean up some files before we start S OKTOGO=$$NOTIFY I OKTOGO S OKTOGO=$$NOTIFY1 ; abort the init if user has requested a bailout IF 'OKTOGO D . W !!,"OK, stopping the installation here..nothing changed!" . K DIFQ . Q ;END IF ; QUIT ; NOTIFY(X) ; alert user to cleanup, allow them to bail out W @IOF,"*********************************************************" W !,"* *" W !,"* " W *7,MCSCATT(5),MCSCATT(7),"C A U T I O N !",MCSCATT(0),*7 W " *",*7 W !,"* *" W !,"* This pre-initialization routine will " W MCSCATT(4),"delete",MCSCATT(0)," the *" W !,"* ",MCSCATT(1),"DATA DICTIONARIES",MCSCATT(0) W " (but ",MCSCATT(4),"retain",MCSCATT(0)," the data) for the *" W !,"* following files: *" W !,"* *" W !,"* 690 (MEDICAL PATIENT) *" W !,"* 691.1 (CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION) *" W !,"* 697 (ANATOMY) *" W !,"* 697.5 (MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS/ICD CODES) *" W !,"* 699.6 (DIAG/THERAP INTERVENT) *" W !,"* *" W !,"* You " W MCSCATT(1),"MUST",MCSCATT(0)," save any local modifications to the *" W !,"* data dictionaries for these files before *" W !,"* proceeding with this routine. *" W !,"* (See the Installation Guide for instructions.) *" W !,"* Any changes not saved will be " W MCSCATT(1),"LOST!",MCSCATT(0)," *" W !,"* *" W !,"*********************************************************",! S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press ""^"" to abort the installation here, or RETURN to continue" D ^DIR Q Y ; NOTIFY1(X) ; alert user to cleanup -- part 2 W @IOF,"*********************************************************" W !,"* *" W !,"* " W *7,MCSCATT(5),MCSCATT(7),"C A U T I O N !",MCSCATT(0),*7 W " *",*7 W !,"* *" W !,"* This pre-initialization routine will " W MCSCATT(4),"delete",MCSCATT(0)," the *" W !,"* ",MCSCATT(1),"DATA DICTIONARIES ",MCSCATT(0) W MCSCATT(4),"and",MCSCATT(0),MCSCATT(1)," DATA",MCSCATT(0) W " for the following *" W !,"* file: *" W !,"* *" W !,"* 697.3 (MEDICINE SCREEN) *" W !,"* *" W !,"* You " W MCSCATT(1),"MUST",MCSCATT(0)," save any local modifications to the *" W !,"* data dictionaries and data for this file *" W !,"* before proceeding with this routine. *" W !,"* (See the Installation Guide for instructions.) *" W !,"* Any changes not saved will be " W MCSCATT(1),"LOST!",MCSCATT(0)," *" W !,"* *" W !,"*********************************************************",! S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press ""^"" to abort the installation here, or RETURN to continue" D ^DIR Q Y