MCNMDUP ;WISC/RMP,DAD-Duplicate "NM" node routine for Medicine ;4/22/96 12:19 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 CHECK(COUNT) ; N X,XX,FILE,FIELD,ROOT,FROOT,HOLD,TEMP S COUNT=0 F FILE=691.6,691.8,691.9,692,694,699,700 D . S X=$P(^DD(FILE,0),U) . I X'="FIELD" Q . S ROOT=$J(FILE,1,2),FROOT=FILE . F FIELD=0:0 S FIELD=$O(^DD(FILE,FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D FIELD . Q I COUNT>0 D . F TEMP=1:1 S HOLD=$P($T(NOTE+TEMP),";;",2) Q:HOLD="" W !,HOLD,! . Q Q ;COUNT FIELD S XX=+$P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),U,2) I XX D . D NMCHK(XX) . N FIELD,FILE,SFILE S (FILE,SFILE)=XX . F FIELD=0:0 S FIELD=$O(^DD(SFILE,FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D FIELD . Q Q NMCHK(NMFILE) ; N SUBNAME,XTRANAME S SUBNAME="",SUBNAME=$O(^DD(NMFILE,0,"NM",SUBNAME)) Q:SUBNAME="" S XTRANAME=$O(^DD(NMFILE,0,"NM",SUBNAME)) I $L(XTRANAME)>0 D . W !,"Duplicate NM Node in file: ",NMFILE,$$MAINF(NMFILE) . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . Q Q MAINF(SFILE) ; Q $S(SFILE=FILE:"",1:" subfile of: "_FILE) NOTE ; ;;The finding of duplicate "NM" nodes within the subfiles of ;;the above listed main files is a direct result of the some of ;;the reorganization which has occurred between versions of the ;;Medicine Package. ;;1) It is necessary at this time for you to record the main files ;; listed above for FM Data Dictionary repairs. ;;2) From programmer mode enter FM and select DATA DICTIONARY UTILITIES. ;;3) Select the CHECK/FIX DD STRUCTURE option and submit each of the ;;4)Then restart the Medicine Installation from the ^MCARINS step. ;;