1 | MCPOS01A ;HIRMFO/WAA - Kill all cross reference in a file - ;8/6/96 07:23
2 | ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996
3 | ;;
4 | ;
5 | ; These routines will loop through a list of file number
6 | ; and delete all the cross references for that file.
7 | ; Then these routines will use file manager to reindex all
8 | ; the cross references in that same file.
9 | ;
10 | ; This program is the master control program. It
11 | ; will loop through a list of file number and pass that
12 | ; number to the kill routine then it will pass to the reindex
13 | ; routine
14 | ;
15 | EN1 ; Main Entry point
16 | F690 ; FILE 690
17 | K ^MCAR(690,"B") ; "B" Cross
18 | K ^MCAR(690,"AC") ; Procedures
19 | D
20 | .N MCI
21 | .S MCI=0
22 | .F S MCI=$O(^MCAR(690,MCI)) Q:MCI<1 D
23 | ..K ^MCAR(690,MCI,"P","B") ; "B" Cross
24 | ..K ^MCAR(690,MCI,"P1","B") ; "B" Cross
25 | ..K ^MCAR(690,MCI,"P4","B") ; "B" Cross
26 | ..Q
27 | .Q
28 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690)
29 | F690P1 ; FILE 690.1
30 | K ^MCAR(690.1,"B") ; "B" Cross
31 | D
32 | .N MCI
33 | .S MCI=0
34 | .F S MCI=$O(^MCAR(690.1,MCI)) Q:MCI<1 D
35 | ..K ^MCAR(690.1,MCI,1,"B") ; "B" Cross
36 | ..K ^MCAR(690.1,MCI,2,"B") ; "B" Cross
37 | ..Q
38 | .Q
39 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690.1)
40 | F690P2 ; FILE 690.2
41 | K ^MCAR(690.2,"B") ; "B" Cross
42 | K ^MCAR(690.2,"C") ; File number cross
43 | K ^MCAR(690.2,"D") ; Procedure
44 | D
45 | .N MCI
46 | .S MCI=0
47 | .F S MCI=$O(^MCAR(690.2,MCI)) Q:MCI<1 D
48 | ..K ^MCAR(690.2,MCI,1,"B") ; "B" Cross
49 | ..K ^MCAR(690.2,MCI,2,"B") ; "B" Cross
50 | ..D
51 | ...N MCII
52 | ...S MCII=0
53 | ...F S MCII=$O(^MCAR(690.2,MCI,2,MCII)) Q:MCII<1 D
54 | ....K ^MCAR(690.2,MCI,2,MCII,1,"B") ; "B" Cross
55 | ....Q
56 | ...Q
57 | ..K ^MCAR(690.1,MCI,3,"B") ; "B" Cross
58 | ..Q
59 | .Q
60 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690.2)
61 | F690P5 ; FILE 690.5
62 | K ^MCAR(690.5,"B") ; "B" Cross
63 | K ^MCAR(690.5,"C") ; ASTM cross
64 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690.5)
65 | F690P97 ; FILE 690.97
66 | K ^MCAR(690.97,"B") ; "B" Cross
67 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690.97)
68 | F690P99 ; FILE 690.99
69 | K ^MCAR(690.99,"B") ; "B" Cross
70 | K ^MCAR(690.99,"AA") ; IEN
71 | K ^MCAR(690.99,"AB") ; SUB-IEN
72 | D EN1^MCPOS01(690.99)
73 | G F691^MCPOS01B