YSCEN41 ;ALB/ASF-TEST LOOKUP CONT ;4/3/90 10:31 ; ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**37**;Dec 30, 1994 EN ; W !?5 I '$D(^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,"B")) W " NO PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS OR INTERVIEWS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED",! Q TLST ; D TESTS,N,REC2 K YSDOT,F1,F2,F5,I,J,K,M,N,YSNT,YSTLST,YSTY,X,Y Q N ; S A="" F S A=$O(YSTLST(A)) Q:A'?3ANP.E W:$X+7>IOM ! W $J(A,5)," ",YSTLST(A) K YSTLST W ! Q YSDOT ; W $$FMTE^XLFDT(YSDOT,"5ZD")," " Q DTS ; S YSDOT=0 DT0 ; S YSDOT=$O(^MR(YSDFN,M,"B",YSDOT)) I YSDOT D YSDOT G DT0 Q TESTS ; K YSTLST S ZZ=0 F S ZZ=$O(^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,ZZ)) Q:'ZZ S J=0 F S J=$O(^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,ZZ,1,J)) Q:'J I $D(^(J,1)) S A=$P($G(^YTT(601,ZZ,0)),U) S:A]"" YSTLST(A)=$$FMTE^XLFDT(J,"5ZD") Q ; REC ; S X="T-45" D ^%DT S YSRD=Y F YSTY="YT","YI" D TESTS W !?9,"RECENT TESTS: " S (F2,F1)=0 S F5="" F S F5=$O(YSTLST(F5)) Q:F5'?3ANP.E S F1=0 D REC1 W:'F2 " NONE " D REC2 Q REC1 ; F K=1:1 S X=$P(YSTLST(F5)," ",K) Q:X="" D ^%DT IF YSRD69 !?11 Q REC2 ; I $D(^PTX(YSDFN,"HX"))>1 W "LAST Hx " S YSDOT=$O(^PTX(YSDFN,"HX",0)) I YSDOT S YSDOT=9999999-YSDOT D YSDOT I $D(^MR(YSDFN,"PE","B"))>1 W "PHYSICAL " S M="PE" D DTS I $D(^PTX(YSDFN,"PN"))>1 W "LAST P. NOTE " I $D(^("PN",0))#2 S YSDOT=$O(^PTX(YSDFN,"PN",0)) I YSDOT S YSDOT=9999999-YSDOT D YSDOT Q INS ; W @IOF,! F ZZ=0:1 S X=$T(Z+ZZ) Q:X="" W !,$P(X,";;",2) G CH^YSCEN4 Z ;; INPATIENT TEST LOOK UP OPTIONS ;; ;; This option searches all patients on a ward by team. ;;If ALL TESTS are selected all administrations are displayed. ;;If RECENT TESTS are selected only administrations within the past 45 days ;; are displayed. ;; ;;If either CUSTOM or STANDARD batteries are selected, the names and a running ;;count of these patients are displayed. Test NAMES are printed ;;out (whether there was an actual test administration or not). An XXXXXXXX ;;indicates no completion was found. You may enter as many ;;tests or interviews as you like. Enter test one at a time without ;;punctuation. ;; ;;Administration dates are also displayed. If only the last date is selected ;;(optional) the last administration date is displayed along with a letter. ;;This letter denotes the number of times a particular test was completed ;;by the patient. An 'a' indicates only one test completion was found ;;while an 'e' indicates 5 test completions. ;;If all dates are selected the date of each administration will be shown. ;;